The law is evil
The Final Red pill
the real redpill is that the law was RIGHT
This is a good mentality to be honest
Did the nazis actually pass any laws regarding harbouring Jews? Or was it all done on extra-judicial authority?
Can any kikes or jerrys help me out? Did nazi Germany actually have laws specifying the things in OP?
Only an idiot would follow a law just because it's the law.
I thought the final red pill had to do with the bog and some surgery.
In most of those cases the the law was correct.
Make sure you tweet about breaking the law.
If possible include evidence of your crimes.
That'll really stick it to the racists.
>comparing US immigration laws and enforcement to Nazi Germany and the Jews
The law is just rules agreed to. When people started writing their own to fulfill agendas rather than to maintain order, rules were created that were not agreed to, they are not the law. If rules are forced by individuals rather than consensus, then the law becomes open to interpretation. Law open to interpretation is false, so there is no law, there is unpunished abduction and torture by the state.
See, I agree with a lot of the rhetoric that the left is throwing down. It's all reasonable and offers great insight into how one should interact with authority, regardless of your beliefs.
However, it isn't being used as guiding pinecuples to help the individual make their own decisions. It's being used to validate the predetermined mindset of hating the current adiminustration and their ideological opponents. The reasoning is intended to absolve them of responsibility for their actions and assure them that they are justified in their actions.
There is a Culture of victimization developing in the West which I consider to be rather insidious. It's a hate filled idealogy that brews over time, and tells it's believers that all of their immorality is justified because their opponents are evil. It ignores the current situation, the reality of the circumstances, in favor of a self fulfilling prophecy of persecution.
Jews were killed, Mexicans are deported. BIG. FUCKING. DIFFERENCE.
>kicking out beaners = holocaust
Someone tweet and jewbook this to the ADL and any other shekel grabbers you can think of.
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."
-Thomas Jefferson
>criminal illegal immigrants with prior run-ins with the law
They can't be this stupid. They really can't be they must be joking.
the delusion here is fucking amazing. They broke the law to help the Jews because the Jews were being actively murdered. In this case the illegal immigrants are just being sent back to their home country and are free to pursue legal citizenship by following due process. Fuck liberals are stupid. It's mesmerizing.
Holy fuck leftist melodrama is astounding
Even six trillion backs can't prop up these shitty arguments forever
Cool, you're still going back Juan.
"If a law is unjust, start LARPing"
-Thomas Jefferson
I agree.
Trump should arrest the seditious judges like Lincoln did.
Yes it's a good mindset but it's completely disingenuous in the end. These people would be calling for our heads if we were breaking some Liberal laws like this. They don't believe it out of principle but out spite and desperation.
It's just like the question of violence. They're the first people to justify violence with slogans like we should tolerate this and that and so on and they're also the first to cry like bitches when the right says the same and starts breaking leftists skulls.
Suddenly leftists wuz gud bois who dindu nuffin and violence is some kind of backwards feature of rightism that is an argument itself for why we are wrong.
all those people should have been prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law, morally they might have been right but breaking the law is breaking the law, STRING 'EM UP AND STRING THEM HIGH, I AM THE LAW!!!!!!!!!
Law is relative. Human law at least.
You know what else is against the law Mr. Moral Highground OP?
When the jews threatened to starve 1/3's of the nation of Germany. Fucking cuckass.
The Law is a set of rules enforced by a small group of people upon everyone else. Whether or not those laws are right or wrong doesn't matter, what matters is whether or not the people follow said laws, because if so only then can those laws have any worth, and only then can peace can be maintained between the people and the government.
What people really should be debating about is whether or not it is right to put your personal beliefs ahead of national stability.
If no one cared about the law, cuck traitors like you would be lynched before you could pull off your self-righteous treachery. Just putting things into perspective for you.
Law exists to protect the white race against the uncivilized hoards.
Support it. Uphold it.
>using 4 examples over 200 years
>ignoring the thousands of times that the law is broken each year to rob some hardworking dude or rape some bitch
Fucker probably lives in a gated community or low crime suburb.