Is this tweet indicative of a racialized society?

Is this tweet indicative of a racialized society?


No, they're just having fun with a current normie meme. Nothing wrong with that.

it's just a fucking meme cunt

stop making every little thing about race

So why did I get a ticket for speeding?

everything IS about race

you have to go back

>tfw black twitter is shitting itself in anger right now over this

Read the comments on that.

It's a meme you dip.

seems like a not-so-subtle jab at the black community. For shame.

Your PM is a white supremacist

Because you're speeding which is a traffic violation.

but I didn't run a red light

the meme was lying

Is it an old meme or a new meme or somthing else entierly?

>black twitter debates

Kek, its funny because we know they are low-IQ

Like watching children

New meme I think, its the black guy one

Is Eddie Murphy the newest black meme now?

Or watching cats and dogs... Shit it all makes sense now.

it's a meme ya dip

>Eddie Murphy



Kill yourself

No, he's right. My post was best post.

>sees this tweet
>speeds though town
>stops at all redlights
>proceeds to speed again
>gets ticketed
>i didndu nuffin
>its anuda shoah

>go to court
>use polices own statement as evidence
>tfw ticket gets dropped on technicality
>cant get ticketed if you stop at the redlights

Probably CREW trying to contaminate us with their junk

I don't get it