Other urls found in this thread:
>be at family dinner
>boyfriends poos on the floor
Poo poo pottery
poo in loo's got the bantz. good on you. reminds me of the one time when dumbledore and the nose-less guy, well, they....
>january 2011
Fuck off paki dirty sandnigger
We need to spam this at every liberal loving JK Rowling fan on social media.
Meme magic!!!!!!!
Good lord!
>that cartoon
Don't you have to actually sign official documents with your officially designated dominant hand? As in, I'm officially right-handed, yet I do a lot of things like shooting guns and shooting billiards left handed thanks to my left-eye dominance, but I'm pretty sure that if I'm signing some loan or other legal document, I have to sign it with my right hand, unless it is well documented that my right hand was broken or some shit.
Or maybe I've been lied to by the Jews, I dunno.
Sad. Reminds me of that girl who was shot by her father in Baltimore or some place, for not being a muslim.
Who knew that the wave to counter the unstoppable tide of islam would in fact be a wave of diarrhea?
Build the wall, Pablo.
That's the average muslim family for you.
Religion of peace, Yes!
That's sad desu.
i bet i know some /k/ommandos that would gladly take her in and go full Rorke's Drift during family reunions.
Someone tweet this at J. K. "lol at least im not a virgin hiding behind a frog :-)" Rowling.
no, thats islam. any woman that is willingly muslim is no different than a women that marries her own rapist.
No he aint gonna rape a sloppy second curtain-beefed no-longer-halal pussy. It's not really sharia dont you read?
Yeah but you not paying for abortions is literally the same as being in the schutzstaffel.
well he's right, she shouldn't race mix
>In Saudi Arabia, a woman’s life is controlled by a man from birth until death. Every Saudi woman must have a male guardian, normally a father or husband, but in some cases a brother or even a son, who has the power to make a range of critical decisions on her behalf.
>As dozens of Saudi women told Human Rights Watch, the male guardianship system is the most significant impediment to realizing women’s rights in the country, effectively rendering adult women legal minors who cannot make key decisions for themselves.
>Rania, a 34-year-old Saudi woman, said, “We are entrusted with raising the next generation but you can’t trust us with ourselves. It doesn’t make any sense.”
>Every Saudi woman, regardless of her economic or social class, is adversely affected by guardianship policies.
Muslim isn't a race and she's clearly an Indian too.
This is just like when Dumbledore bla bla bla
Wasnt their a saudi princess slitting it up in England with some big British cock recently? The same one who made an interior designer kiss her feet.
youve been lied to
>Afshan Azad, 22, was attacked and branded a 'slag'
Well she should have used all of that money to get the FUCK OUT. If she got that chance and didn't take it her brother didn't go far enough.
Where the fuck do these people get buckets of acid?
The liberal media is in quite the pickle with this... on one hand, they have a story about being victimized by the evil patriarchy that they can get a bunch of idiots riled up about, but on the other hand it really works against their "muslims are good" rhetoric.
Going forward, I'm signing all legal documents with my left hand, just to make sure.
Definitely. I feel bad for the poor girl. Such a sick family.
Which one? the saudi king has an harem, most of his daughters are irrelevant anyway.
Related article: washingtonpost.com
This would be a nice thing to throw in the face of J.K. Rowling.
>not having a bucket of acid laying around to keep your women in line
It's like you don't know how to treat a woman
3rd world countries are generally highly unregulated and you can get pretty much anything.
Hmm...really makes you think...
So did she get BLEACHED or BLACKED that triggered the family so badly
im on it lmao
They say acid but it could be from any easily available chemical that causes burns. Like lye.
top lad
Post the story with this headline:
>New Harry Potter news: Harry Potter star threatened with death for her culturally diverse romance
She got pood
Home / automotive / hardware store.
>Saudi Arabian princess forced an interior decorator who took a photo of her flat in Paris to "kiss her feet" and told her bodyguard to "kill" him, according to French reports.
>"You must kill him, this dog. He doesn't deserve to live,"
Holy kek it's just like a female antagonists in some anime, what a fucking joke.
So tolerant
Muslim indian is called a paki.
Really stretches my legs
>january 2011
>'530 replies and 249 images omitted. Click here to view.'
This is really old news. She's 29 now.
haha, can't wait to see JK Rowling's reaction to this.
Buy car battery acid and set it on a hotplate outside to boil the water out of it.
>Daily Mail
Fake news.
>JK Rowling's reaction
will possibly say HP was transgender all along
That's what she gets for being in a dull franchise
huge if true
>Harry Potter
Oh the libshits aren't gonna want to hear that
>Rania, a 34-year-old Saudi woman, said, “We are entrusted with raising the next generation but you can’t trust us with ourselves. It doesn’t make any sense.”
Why can't they raise their sons into gentlemen who will allow them more freedoms then?
This really stimulates my thinking parts of the brain
>be a Sup Forums meme catholic
>parents are hardcore catholic
>grill I'm seeing is a palestinian mudslime
>her family doesn't want her to have relationship with a kafir
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Please, God. Strike my penis down.
Don't even need acid. Sugar + boiling water is fucking terrifying. It basically becomes napalm.
Her father/brother will do that for you
>60 replies
>not a single POO IN THE LOO joke
The Indian is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell him to shit in a toilet and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Let's think carefully now. What would Ron Weasly do?
Correct, Hermione. He always knew the poo would be trouble, so he dumbed Patil years ago at that tri-wizard tournament ball.
In real life they use a machine to a sign the documents, so Bannon just presses a button.
Karma for Muslim scum being cast as a noble Aryan Indian witch.
They're widely available, they're cheap, they're easy to make, they're easy to make harmful by concentrating them, materials currently in your house could probably be used, etc.
I'm sure this is all patriarchy's fault and being a Muslim has absolutely nothing to do with this.
time to fire snowflakes with their own cold burns.
Spread that shit around everywhere. It speaks volumes.
That too is what I want to know.
They have a steady abundance of that shit
It's called Freedom. You wouldn't know anything about that. In Pakistan you can buy artillery and AA systems, because Muslim countries are Free.
I bet she wont answer, just be persistent.
Hey, we did it! The system works!
No that's dumb. The signature just proves you were there. Usually for legal documents you're in the presence of witnesses and a notary, renderimg it moot if which hand youbused was a concern, which it is not.
ITT: Sup Forums reacts to a 7 year old news story
Ban assault buckets
the work of london mayor sadiq khan
There's a dickbutt in this image !