Ban flags on pol

I'm sick and and tired of all the bullying we brits are getting here. It's unbearable I can't handle this anymore. This goes to Germans, Austrians, Romanians and Indians as well. In case if you haven't notice there are less and less posters form those countries, because of cyberbullies from USA, Canada and Australia.

Cyberbullying is real. This should stop. Or we will leave.

I'll fukkin bully you in the boipucci if u dont shut ya gob m8

you think you have it bad ahmed?

>literally cannot handle the bantz

Jesus bit me.

>cyberbullying anyone

Canada can barely cyberbully itself, they had to pull in a ringer from Cuba to give them something interesting enough to ridicule

get an Aussie proxy and become the bully you beta fag

National pride is the new nationalism. Deal with it SJW. Flags are one of the the cornerstones of Sup Forums
>tfw there are 3 other cornerstones

I want a Finn to explain this

hahaa bye

try my flag on for size and come shitpost into pizzatards threads, feel the hate

I'm waiting in this thread for a fucking leaf...

Mahmoud Ahmadine-Messi gets it

so leave your god forsaken country before it's too late. isis is about to nuke london

and you also wouldn't get shit for being a bong

2 birds with one stone

pls bully my boipucci

Keep the flags or else other leafs will forget there place

It's ok my white friend.

No wonder Nige is so ashamed of you fucks

I dont fuck niggers

Nigel close your eyes. Like walk away from the screen, Nigel.

Get out of white countries

Harden up dad. It's just bants. And don't be such a faggot when I have your flag on mine - people might start to think the rest of us are soft cunts too.

serious thought but am I the only person who thinks strait brits are the same as homos in any other part of the world

Just fucking leave the EU and we'll leave you be, dad.

Lol! Fucking britbong has feels.

>Cyberbullying is real. This should stop. Or we will leave.
If you think you're going to permanently leave Sup Forums just because of "muh bullying" then you're kidding yourself. You'll be back within a week

If youre getting cyberbullied why dont you just like... step away from your computer for like 5 minutes? Or are you a NEET who doesnt know how to do anything BUT look at his computer?

>isis is about to nuke london
why would they nuke a muslim city?
oh, right, muslims love killing each other

Good point. USA stole Farage. Why even live? They have nothing now.

how bout you stand up for your country like nigga walk away from the screen lmao


I'd bully the shit out of you you dirty whore post your discord NOW

God, that grass would take forever to mow.

You guys always leave when you don't get what you want.


would you at least whip me?

Stop complaining you faggotcunt, germans get far worse banter than brits and I can take it.

I remember the times where you could choose your flag and it fucking sucked.

You should leave, the muslims need more room on that rainy little socialist nightmare island.


Why does Messi always get fucking weird at nights?

Stop being such cucks and maybe you won't get bullied as much.


>being this butthurt

>Or we will leave
Pic related.

Flags are not for fags. They are awesome, so I guess you wouldn't understand.


Dont you have to be over 18 to post here?

he might be lonely user

>Or we will leave.
Good for the rest of Sup Forums; you're a faggot anyway

We know the real reason.

one day a week
"flag-less Friday"

Those big fat legs. So hot.

Brits and romaninas are a-ok.
Poos are poos.
austrians and germans should be ridiculed even more.

Chin up dad

Degenerado. Where is Videla when you need him?


Pay us money, you retard. Else We'll shit on your flag

Achmed, you have to go back.

The drugs he takes to be able to at least play kick in

Like you fucking know what it's like to be bullied because of your flag.

Oh, straya..

>Romanians and Indians
Well, there's a reason for that.

Also if you think you have it bad, then imagine how Swedes and Canadians deal with this shit.


That really was a nice post, user. Unfortunately, I can’t be bothered to dignify it. Why, you may ask? Well, I must inform you that in the span of glancing at your post, I have ejaculated about five times to a rather enthralling hentai called ‘Emergence’. The way the hentai depicts the gradual process of a virgin becoming a cum dumpster really made me erect. Hell, I haven’t gotten that aroused since Anton Yelchin’s death. Anyways, this girl gets raped by her drunk father and has sex with all the boys at school. Now, these parts were perfectly fappable, but the real fun starts when she gets bullied and ostracised from her class. Her downward spiral of drugs and prostitution eventually leads to her becoming a mere shadow of a human being. In her last dying moments as a pregnant prostitute, she dreams of a future with her (would be) daughter. Instead of getting to live that future, she dies alone in a cold room. I swear that last scene will always bring me to ecstasy. Now, if you really want to get my attention, you must commit yourself to reading such refined works as I do. Only then can I consider you my intellectual equal.

Germans should be nuked ASAP.

Leave then, faggot. Flags add bantz.

fuck you anglo



All of your kids hate you.


My sister has nostrils like that as well. We wuz kikes n'shiet?


>all the pakis looking at him with fearful, knowing eyes
This is how I imagine it must feel to be an elf among humans in a fantasy universe. A beautiful, albeit nearly extinct, race.

why does she have a barcode on her?


Do it faggot. Leave. You think we want your Europiss opinions? You aren't any better than niggers or kikes.

I want a kiwi to explain why you think you get a say

Are you telling me you get upset because some nobody on the internet disagreed with you or called you a name on an anonymous forum?

No you aren't, you're taking the piss.

As if anyone would give a fuck about what Estonia thinks.

The bullying we get is the usual burger calling us gypsies when they get btfo


There is your problem, Hans.

Fuck off m8! We're full


I give a fuck and i agree germans should be nuked

cold winds blowing in sunlight. Brings memories
Time should have frozen in 1997

Flags should be optional but you shouldn't be able to choose a flag. I feel sorry for Canadians desu. The only time flag bullying was funny was when Trump announced the wall and every Mexican got bombarded with

Her non matching socks is triggering my autism

Please stop posting that pic op.

It's funny because we'd still be able to tell Canadian posts apart because of the content.

Also feel sorry for Indians and Argentinians. poo XD nigger XD

As an American living in Canada until the Trump situation blows over, I completely agree.



Nice tagiyya, Achmed Chong.

romaniacunt here. i seriously do not give a fuck. are you sure you are not a crypto-leaf?

A fucking union jack!

Welcome to Sup Forums, simple solution to your problem.

>pushes off button
>pulls trigger

>Norway flag
>Sister has Finnish nostrils
I got sum bad news user
And no, Finnish nostrils aren't Jewish. They are elongated upturing nostrils. No hooknose, nasal bridge stays narrow. It's a unique Finnish phenotype.

>brit can't handle banter
Get the fuck out proxyfag

>Cyberbullying is real. This should stop. Or we will leave.

Tyler The Creator said it best.

Well, her nose is not that long.

I want ID and flags on all boards. This is the best option. Single thread ID allows you to be user on the board but not "pretend" to be others. I've started plenty of troll threads where I started them with a straw man then took them down hard on boards that don't have id's. Also on boards that do have Id's I just switch to my cellphone to get a second ID. So if it stops absolute casuals from trolling why not?

>fish and chips get triggered
it's weird because i don't think UK really gets bullied that much here. now, if you were to say sweden or germany or canada, you'd have a point.