>muh government tread on reeeeeee!
>I just created $5 worth of chicken McNuggets, why am I not being paid $5 for all this value I generated?
Looks like that symbol from Star Whores.
Because in this image there's a hidden value that is the ratio between value produced and how easily you can be replaced, or alternatively the value of your labor. If someone can generate a million dollars of value by pushing a button that person doesn't have much value themselves since they can be replaced by effectively anyone and thus have low value labor despite the high value produced by it. If you have a complicated job that produces comparatively little value but is effectively impossible to replace then you have highly valuable labor despite the low value you produce. What you're paid is relatively to both of these values and expecting high pay because of high value production is fallacious and ignoring a key component of the labor sale system.
The working class die poor after spending their entire lives making others rich.
Because as an employee, or business owner, you are either serving your employer or you are serving customers. Business doesn't work if you keep all value for yourself.
If I'm producing so much value, why do you still need to take something from me? Haven't I already contributed enough at that point?
Taxes and inflation related to the national debt is the problem. Your picture is the result of the system. Where the value of the dollar is destroyed by inflation but you still get paid the same amount.Then the taxes takes the money to pay for the government spending which is leveraged against the national bank causing the national debt. So this bank inflates the money and then collects interest on the money. So what it is doing is siphoning off value from the dollar via inflation and causing a permanent life line of interest based income through the federal reserve for the private owners. So taxes are based around the inflation and stealing the value of the money, they are both cogs in the same machine.
Consumer spending fuels the economy. With poor wealth distribution, the economy is defective.
crab buckets
That extra value you don't get back is the product, not the profit, you mong.
The sizes and proportions are all wrong.
This guy saved the thread
Did you pay for the tools, raw materials, or land which you used in your labour? If no, then your employer has not "taken" anything from you by not paying you the full value of your labour.
Because "total value I produce" is some absurd unquantifiable abstract, since "value" in the economic sense is an entirely subjective term, while what I can trade for with my own property at any given time t is pretty damned concrete - just like the money you put a gun to my head and demand I give you (or else) ^_^
because im just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire
Gray is negotiable and more in ones control. Government takes what it wants.
I'm a "bartender" in a hotel bar that makes most of its money off of VLTs. Its the slackest job ever and I really feel no guilt of other's stupidity. After tips I'm making over $40 an hour and am probably a complete leech on society, but fuck you if' you;re stupid enough to pump money into a random number generator.
if laborers are ultimately more and more replaceable then how does the free market intend to guarantee an acceptable standard of living for ordinary citizens.
This. Labor is different than the final product. You're basically another tool or material used in the product. Commies like to think that just because you put together a car you're entitled to the entire car.
It doesn't, but that's a different problem from the one of what amount of produced value you receive as wages. A labor surplus driving down wages is the system working as intended even if it isn't a desirable effect.
Even the richest person in the world be in the same situation.
They dont.
We will have people efficiently die off in a reduction of population.
The free market is brutally efficient.
If you can create the ONE and only social network, acquire wealth.
National bolshevism is truly the way to go
Because (theoretically) you can change your government's policies (taxes), but if you hate you job you can just quit and work somewhere else.
The reality is that your government is controlled by non-democratic forces and you have no say in how much it steals from you. This makes people mad.
If America had national referendums (like Switzerland) do you think we would spend TRILLIONS of dollars on military bullshit?
Jokes on you, I produce no value at all.
In fact I probably have a negative productive value.
>us in 10-20 years
Those circles are not proportionate. Taxes actually take more than half of income and the total value is actually smaller than income.
Because the labour theory of value doesn't adequately encompass A) technological growth or B) subjectivity and thus Marxist economics leads to stagnation and totalitarianism.