Would you like to be interviewed?

I am a researcher for a mainstream news channel. I am trying to find some people on /pol as we are doing a story about Sup Forums. It should be a short little segment and you can stay anonymous and talk about what you would like.

Fuck off fake news

yes interview me my answers will get you a promotion i promise.

interview me

interview me, i've been here for years and know the history of the alt right


Lets talk about the jews

Thank you for responding we have the racists we need :] good luck with your self inflicted poverty and autism. You can catch the segment on Snapchat in 6 days.

Sure, email me PaulMememan at gmail

I'd love to speak to the mayne streem meatier

Tits or gtfo

>pol browser gets interviewed
>masses get redpilled about the holocaust


sure f5f5f5xyz at gmail is my surrogate email account. non alt-right user though. shoot me a message

Only if you can beat me and my pals in CSGO.
My steam ID is DiggerNick1488.

go fuck yourself you chi-nigger first-world commie-capitalist white nigger

I would but jewmand $2M and paid accommodation plus first class air tickets fuck off


Press credential with date stamp or GTFO.

I'm willing to be interviewed. My email is [email protected]

You would be wise to choose me for your interview. I'm the infamous hacker known as 'Sup Forums'.


Holy fuck youre a fucking faggot.

Meet me at timmies right now and Ill fucking fuck you up

How will the interview be conducted?


Interview Milo or Richard Spencer, who are our leaders. :^)