What does /pol think India is doing wrong atm? How can India be the best of its version?
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Large scale eugenics.
shaking hands with netanyahu
Existing. Fuck off you nasty bastards. You're the most disgusting race
Burgers are here.
Retard, Trump wants to lick Modi's boots.
convert to christianity and stop eating so much curry
>implying Christianity > Sanatan Dharma
Go cuck yourself from Mudslim nigger
To be brutally honest your culture is so old and complex that everyone can feel something wrong with it but no one can quite put their finger on it. It's literally not a problem even an expert anthropologist (as opposed to the armchairs here) can talk about.
To put it bluntly, the fucking headshake thing.
1) Not being ruled by the British
2) Being so fucking lazy you won't even build toilets so you don't have to shit in the street
>How can India be the best of its version?
>can India be the best of its version?
>best of its version?
oh poo; you're so adorable
please do the needful and stop shitting on the street
you need to learn how to use soap, how to bathe, how to use deodorant, you need to take pride in your appearance and the appearance of your community
you need to poo in the loo
you need to not dump granny into the ganges along with any other garbage, I suggest massive biofuel facilities that turn that garbage into fuel
It's supposed to be Poo in the loo. Jesus.
Reduce your population by at least 50%. The 50% that should go are the darkest ones.
t. meme expert
Any thoughts on dating female Indians OP? They seem quite forward!
Are they as based as Eastern Europeans?
superpower when?
You need to all speak the same language ffs
Color defines who is worthy to live or not?
What did the UN mean by this?
Jesus Himmler. Isn't that the FINAL SOLUTION?
!. Stop shitting in the streets
2. Animals are not sacred, slaughter the cattle.. exterminate the rats.
3. Bury/burn dead bodies, don't toss them in the same rivers you drink from and bathe in.
4. Stop drinking from and bathing in the rivers.
5. The nepotism of the Gandis and their derivatives has to go.
6. Nuke Pakistan. No one will give a shit, trust me.
Fix your roads, attract more business.
Female Indians
>Fucking arrongant shits. I'd talk to Jap girl instead of Indian.
It's not, 50% of india is 650M poos
The #1 problem is simply your overpopulation, and getting rid of the lowest castes that shit on the streets is a way to get the most value out of it. I think most white Indians would agree.
It is the only road my people have ever known.
Ethnic or caste cleansing. How many people are there? 1.7bn? Needs to be exactly cut by 75%. Also tell all the poos to come back to their mother loo land
>we burn bodies and throw ashes into river. Muh culture.
you asked for advice on how to fix india, thats advice.
the problem is none of you want to hear it, you get offended at the fact that we point out that you all are living like animals
no but also yes.
realistically the color of ones skin doesnt specifically mean that X is predisposed to Y
however, statistically speaking there is very good empirical evidence that supports sweeping generalizations; despite the fact that the actual color has no inherent correlation
for instance; overwhelmingly black-skinned individuals are categorically dumber and more violent than say their white counterparts.
sure both can and do commit the same types of negative acts; but strangely and overwhelmingly one skin color does statistically worse and commits more of those hypothetical negative acts than another skin color.
if statistical / mathematical data is racist then i guess that's probably why
Mandatory hepatitus vaccination.
By pooing in the loo.
In all seriousness though. wait never mind your country needs to make these retarded villages actually use the shitter instead of worshiping it
Indians more or less believe in humanism so at one point they don't wanna hurt someone but there still a lot of autistic peeps that will do anything to remain in power. Like many politician opened way for illegal Bangladeshi immigrants and now they're fucking up our culture. I'm starting to lose every hope in India. But I still believe we can stand with Unity in diversity. And atleast we're not cucks yet.
India is doing right. It will probably have the first large-scale functioning LENR/"Cold Fusion" generators, since the field is being hampered in western countries
tell me whats going on with your currency are you still have a bad time
you dont have streets to shit? fuck off.
Learn how to use a toilet
Also more public infrastructure, when you have that many people it is needed, it's semi-ok here in the States but there is really bad
Not really, we faced problems for a small interval and it's all pretty smooth now. Modi can change India for good if he gets support. But Mudslim niggers cry out Modi will cut muh dick. Fucking autist they're.
aren't you a state
Stop sending your people here, fix your own damn country.
1. End the stupid ban on eating cows
2. Eliminate all rat temples
3. Force people to use toilets or they get the death penalty
4. Arm women with firearms so designated rape gangs cant rape them
5. End the caste system
6. Stop the stupid song and dance style Bollywood movies and just make serious movies with no singing or dancing.
7. Stop supporting cricket and put all your resource in soccer
8. Stop stealing jobs from America, I'm sick of hearing Pajeet on technical support
9. Stop wearing those dots on your foreheads
10. Take back Nikki Haley, Aziz Azani and the pajeet who runs Microsoft, we dont want them here.
Sterilize Dravidian scum.
Poo > Loo
why do you want to get rid of the only productive, educated and fairly advanced people in india? The southern states are the technological base, high literacy, have the space program launch pad, the primary military port and the only nobel prizes in india.
Its the north with their street shitting and insane populations and corruption that is afflicting india.
Have you ever seen and met any actual descent Indian or do you simply label all Indians the same based on the random subhumans that abuse the H1B system or articles about the dalits who are the epitome of filth?
Sanatana Dharma > Christianity
Partially. Genetics define who is worthy to live and who isn't.
Jews and shabbos goys need to be gassed.
You indians that live in India trying to improve it are ok by me.
Enoch Powell gets it
Posting Normie meme on kikebooks.
India will improve if normies start posting spurdo meme on Sup Forums.
>What does /pol think India is doing wrong atm
It has to do with the LOO, and your inability to use it.