What is Sup Forums doing for valentines day?


Masturbating to midget porn

Im going to class, eating ramen and jacking off. Then I'll do the same tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, until the weekend. Then I'll play vidya games, eat ramen, jack off until monday comes around again.

2 more years of this.

breaking bad is for faggots who don't have the perceptional abilities nor the intelligence to watch shows like The Wire.
> in breaking bad the main character gets cucked by his ugly wife, prove me wrong that the show wasn't made for insecure white cucks?

you can't, its essentially a power fantasy for weak minded white male cucks

Celebrating my divorce

trying to commit suicide a la sleep deprivation

Not beating my wife's son for one day.

Chilling here with my friends

It's for children

fuck valentines and fuck the floral industrial complex

Looking for a boyfriend


if i wasn't so sure you have a dick i'd rake your leaves

I have a dick. I wish a guy would rake me up into his arms

She kind of cucked herself really.
She admits that she only fucks ted to make walt leave, she doesn't actually want an affair. In turn she makes herself feel worthless and used.

Admittedly Walt is the definition of cucked but he regains control.

All TV is blue pilled shit anyway, be real.

Pretty much just drinking and crying about my sad life.

might ask a girl out on a date, we're just friends and I really wanna take it to the next level. I feel like there's always alot of sexual tension when we're together but I don't know how to initiate and I'm afraid of rejection or hurting her

don't wanna ruin things

spend time with my tall fiance after work.

>going to class

well, at least you still have a chance

i will stimulate G spot of my gf with my fingers
she loves it

Going to the gym

>might ask a girl out on a date, we're just friends and I really wanna take it to the next level
you will lose but keep trying
priceless experience is priceless

if you want to fuck girls you have to grab them by the pussy as fast as possibe
girls do not like guys walking around