The phone call that saved the world

The phone call that saved the world.

Hey, Soros, you have to go back.

It's always strange to see Soros from other angles. In most pictures he looks like a manlet, but is actually normal height I think.




Get off the line Donald

Back where?

Hungary hates him.

He's barred from Russia.

If he's told to fuck off from the US he'll retire again and for good this time.

Send him back to Germany to face trial for war crimes for his actions during the Holocaust. It would be amusing to see the mental gymnastics of the left when the whole world knows their primary fundraiser is a Jewish Nazi.

israel? maybe?

Israel is going to torture him seeing as Soros also has funded anti-Israel movements

They hate him too. Never forget he sold his own people out during WW2.

they would praise him here

Yeah, you're probably right, Hans. I'm sincerely sorry for the way America has cucked your great country.

What phone call?


as soon as i finish my education here, i want to apply in the US for work. Fuck new germany

Good luck. I've heard it's tough to get over here. A few years back I was trying to get to Germany and they wouldn't let me in. I applied four different times for an investor's visa and they denied me everytime, even though I was willing to invest twice the required amount. I guess I'm too white...

should have just fly over and stay like these parasites

That's not a bad idea. I'll head to the tanning booth before I come. Maybe I'll get a free house when I get there.

just apply as a refugee and get 10 identities and free cash, then you dont even need to work