Holy shit Sup Forums Venti is has a retardedly fat ass.
this is not Sup Forums, this is /soc/
you're talking about Sup Forumsblart
no fucking shit
youd have to be gay not to smash
oh my fucking GOD
we've got the best women, folks
Why are americans so fucking in heat they can't keep their dick in check as soon as there is something that remotely look like a girl around?
Masturbate with your mutilated dick and shut the fuck up.
She's really not that attractive. She's not ugly, but she's like a 6 or 7.
thiccness at :42
We're turning into Sup Forums sadly.
Fat and flat, just some cellulite on a an attentionwhores thighs.
I do enjoy how that sperg in the beanie stares at her backside when she crosses the room. Fucking pathetic.
This is some of the cringiest shit ive ever seen
These idiots need to be sent to the gulag
Didn't notice that until I saw this.
>everything about that post
This is what the media sees as the "Alt-Right"
feels fucking bad man
Would wife that girl
That's not a fucking party
it makes the left look even more stupid.
someone should have spiked the punch with molly
wtf i hate HWNDU now
I've never had a more difficult time deciding what flavor of non-white part of a person's DNA is.
I was going to say butterface but actually her body is not spectacular either
"/ouyguys/" keep listening to the same fucking played out normie music over and over again
AND Sup Forums acts like a bunch of beta male orbiters when they see or talk about overrated Brittany
oh look, a girl is showing her thighs
"omg thiccness, best girl"
just because she has thighs doesn't mean she HAS thighs, white people need to learn the difference already
Fuck are we degenerates now too? I suppose it should have been obvious.
My god you guys are embarrassing.
If i showed up to that party i would have her in two seconds.
Where are the white supremacists?
Fuck off croissant dick
this is Sup Forums, there isn't any, we all minorities
But it has music, dancing, underage drinking and at least three girls, one of which is bangable.
I like how the fat guy who brought these kids booze shows every bottle to the camera, maximum tryhard.
>Sup Forums
this is too creepy for me to even click on.
> so many le 56% faces
They dont even attempt to dance with her, just face the camera and dance with each other.
Come on boys, girls like to dance, dance with them and they will fuck you.
I'll never reclaim those seconds of my life. The asteroid can't hit soon enough, humanity needs to end.
kabyle berber, almost 100% sure. She have a lot of the patterns owned by this phenotype.
shame about the face though
I want to cum everywhere on and inside her.
What a bunch of faggots.
>have her in two seconds
I bet you can spend that $40 on something better
>When a buch of faggots overstay their welcome and try to become e-celebs- the video
This is correct. There is a hoodrat in queens that blows that girl out of the water.
black. 1/8th
Did they purposely fuck with the audio to make it sound like a Sam Hyde video.
Stay shut in
Giving an attention whore so much attention.
You fags need a good flogging.
To be fair, he was shitfaced.
When your too drunk, that type of shit just happens.
She dresses like a slut
She is probably a wench
who's the lucky guy?
>three girls
Wow, the internet has really progressed. 8-12 years ago this would have been fatass cranky neckbeards having a celebratory LAN party. We've come a long way.
Even when you're all a bunch of autists, you still have to be a chad to get the girl.
>when you want to be cool, but also suffer from severe social anxiety: the video
Is it just what Jew York City has become?
At my job it's totally le 56% as a sum total but everyone is 100% of something as individuals.
The whites all look 100% white, then the Asians, then even the two blacks are both 100% born in Africa.
>spic camwhores are still relevant
>HWNDU is still relevant
All are bangable. The difference is whether you'd brag about it.
>watch 10 seconds of that video
>rick astley playing
>they're singing along
>the most autistic dancing I've ever seen
is this what you people are like IRL
holy fuck
It would appear to be the guy standing in the back by the door.
Just be yourself right
maybe you just hang out with fucking losers
every cs 1.3 lan i went to had tons of chicks hanging out
I want Jackie.
90's kid/ Matt Damon/ 4chad
>i feel cucked
Kill yourself you fucking wigger. 95% of you don't know replacing -ck with -cc is a Crip thing. You are imitating gang niggers you fucking traitors.
>this is what Sup Forums looks like
Sup Forumsblart better mount that shit
You faggots are still doing this? Your little sad dicks thinking about Venti being tied up with a Sega controller and getting railed while having pogs bounced off her head by 90's kid is great. Did I mention he's drinking a josta too?