Why do dark-skinned people murder more?
Why do dark-skinned people murder more?
Negro Insanity.
If you compare this map to IQ and to rate of family breakdown it matches almost 1:1(it's close to 9:10 but eh)
stop, you are encouraging the Argentinians
Okay, I can understand Russia, but how the heck did Greenland get this bad?
They don't
Because this map is based on fake stats. There is no way that Iraq is blue and Greenland is red.
A total lack of agency
Genetic predisposition to violence and impulsive behavior, also a statistically lower general intelligence score; so dumb and angry.
pure coincidence
wouldn't surprise me. Greenland has the highest suicide rate of any place on earth. They're a bunch of alcoholic natives in the middle of nowhere where it's dark 5 months of the year. Take away their culture b/c consumerism and add guns, it has to be insane.
>Genetic predisposition to violence and impulsive behavior, also a statistically lower general intelligence score; so dumb and angry.
Completely ignores the hostile social and cultural environment most of the African-American males live in and the all structural violence they're suffering from even today. I wouldn't even be surprised if the said gene was actually developed through years of oppression and slavery.
Before falling to the genetics myth with whatever false cause fallacies you people might come up with it's good to actually use your "High I.Q" and actually try to understand why these people might have actually done the things they do.
Do they live in poverty?
Can they afford proper education?
Can they afford proper healtcare?
How equal people in the country are?
Social mobility?
These things literally affect us and our development from womb to our graves.
Niggers have higher impulse levels which makes them more aggressive. Pair that with lower average IQ and you have a recipe for disaster.
I thought this was common knowledge even among 4 year olds.
wtf i'm /mongol/ now
Uhm, if you had paid attention you would have seen that OP started with graphics which show ACTUAL Africa to be high while US and the rest of the west are low.
But I would like to question OPs image. It shows Somalia with fewer murders than Kenya. Allthough I guess since most of Al-Shabab have already crossed the border into Kenya, so might check out.
Monoamine oxidase A and lower IQ.
Maybe, war is excluded?
what are you talking about?
On this picture, US crime rates by ethnicity and race...
- It is nice to see, that there is a country, where making racial statistics of crimes is legal and not cried-out by sundicks as "muh racism"...
- It is macabre to see, what all is crime in USA, what all is removed from their "Liberty"...
(Liquor, Drunkeness, Prostitution, Disorderly conduct, vagrancy -- these all are not criminal in civilised countries... We are by far more "free" than in USA...)
when will this meme end
what the fuck is going on in greenland?
Wtf is wrong with Greenland?
Why is Greenland red and Iraq blue?
Because it is per 100,000 people...
If on Greenland would be 1 murder per year, it is far worse than many in Iraq... (I'm lazy now to lookup exact count of citizens, but it's easy to understand like that...)
(But very probably they do not count terrorism mass bombings in those stats, otherwise muslim countries would be far more "red" - probably...)
yea true. These are only the reported homicides as well.
>saudi arabia
>more peaceful than russia
When all donkey-fucking Mexicans will have no internet access. Fucking indians ashamed of their shit-coloured skin and resentful towards the superior race.
10% of people here in Brazil are black and they do the most homicides.
because american media forced them to adapt to that role
Middle East started attacks coz of US attacking them first, Africa is violent coz US invaded and stole their citizens for slavery
Every problem ever is caused by US so stop giving them shit and openly hate them for the double standarded assholes they are.
Reminder that root of Anti-White Racism is also America and ISIS exists coz of America. Blame the real satan. US is the jew, boycott all american products worldwide.
>Sweden is still dark blue
They're probably reporting murders by shitskins as workplace accidents.
> US invaded and stole their citizens for slavery
How do you mean it?
There was slavery even before european invasions, and there is slavery until this day in Africa...
And African slaves into America were transported exclusively by jews, mostly english jews. Not by USA...
There are 2 factors.
1. Quantity of firearms.
2. Equal distribution of firearms among all social groups.
If there is a lot of 1 and a non of 2, this would be the genocide.
If there is a none of 1, there would also be none of 2; i.e. strong government, weak nation - abuse of power.
Also Russia apparently
But not libya apparently.