How do Nordicists reconcile with the fact that Italy has contributed more to the world than any shitty Nordcuck country? Nordcucks have made very little contributions to science and technology. Nordcucks have made very little contributions to art, music and literature. The Italian contributions in those fields are fucking IMMENSE. Way beyond what they can justify with "muh per capita" argument like they always do. What the fuck is "master race" about these people?
How do Nordicists reconcile with the fact that Italy has contributed more to the world than any shitty Nordcuck country...
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Nordics are subhuman
Italy is the place where whole of western culture originated, so the fact that nords are worse does not necessarily means they are shit.
>How do Nordicists reconcile with the fact
they deny it and claim that we wuz
Don't worry Germ, I'm not directing this at you. Germans are a different brand of Germanics compared to Nordics. Their facial structure alone is enough to indicate that; Germans have faces shaped like bricks or more rounded features if you go to Southern Germany and Nordics tend to have a long gracile looking face.
I think this is blatant denial, about italy only being a thriving scientific nation 300 years ago.
>pic related
Nordics do not rank the highest in patents per capita, but italy isn't even on the list...
Patents mean nothing. We're talking about overall accomplishment.
Do you really want me to whip out my list of Roman and Italian inventions? It's going to take me at least three or five posts and you're going to regret it looking like a nigger to them in comparison. I'd argue that Da Vinci's inventions alone are enough to BTFO entire Scandinavia.
doesn't matter, had sex
I will do it anyway even though you didn't answer:
Roman inventions:
>Roman law
>Roman numerals
>Roman mile
>Roman calendar/Julian calendar
>Latin alphabet
>Fabian military strategy
>Shopping center
>Dentures (Etruscans)
>Rudimentary version of 'virtual reality' used in Roman frescoes:
Other important technologies can be found here:
Leonardo Da Vinci inventions:
>Concepts for flying machines, helicopter, parachute, landing gear, concentrated solar power, calculator and the double hull
>33-barreled organ, precursor to the modern machine gun
>Armoured vehicle, precursor to the modern tank
>Mirror grinding machine, precursor to the telescope
>Self-propelled cart, precursor to the modern automobile and first robot
>Robotic knight, the first humanoid robot
>Triple barrel canon
>Automatic hammer
>Diving suit
>Canal lock
>Revolving bridge
>Self-supporting bridge
>Paddle boat
>Ball bearing
>Spring driven clock
Middle Ages, Renaissance and modern Italian inventions:
Science and technology (in no order):
>Nuclear reactor
>Energy Catalyzer
>Induction motor
>Internal combustion engine
>Petrol combustion engine
>Electric battery
>Zamboni pile
>Dynamo -DC electrical generator
>Incandescent light bulb
>Universal joint
>Moplen Plastic
>Bossi-Bonomi Pedaliante, first human powered aircraft
>Military aircraft
>Flight-ejection system
>Desktop computer
>FERMIAC analog computer
>Centrifugal pump
>Sliding vane pump
>Catadioptric microscope
>Artificial pneumothorax
>Venturi tube
>Venturi flow meter
>Venturi pump
>Motor scooter
>Gregorian calendar
>Medical thermometer
>Galileo thermometer
>Mercury sphygmomanometer
>Mercury seismograph
>Carbon paper
>Modern newspaper
>Self-propelled torpedo
why would anyone worry about things that cannot be changed?
>Stearic acid candle
>D-Shape 3D printer
>Amici prism
>Modern bank
>Galleon ship
>Rubber sole shoes
>Botanical garden
>Caprotti valve gear
>Quick release skewer
>Espresso machine
>LARES satellite
>Moka pot
>Salicylic acid
>Link analysis technique for internet search engines
>MPEG file format
>Linear perspective
>Gini coefficient
>Double-entry bookkeeping system
>Universal time and worldwide standard time zones
>Pareto distribution, Pareto efficiency, Pareto index and Pareto principle
>Modern Giro system
>Tontine (form of life insurance)
>Mercalli intensity scale
>Hydrostatic balance
>Cardan suspension
>Piezoelectric surgery
>Geothermal electricity
>Neuroimaging technique
>Electroconvulsive therapy
>Celestial catalog
>Stem cells as vectors for gene theraphy
>Modern science
>Modern scientific method
>Modern anatomy
>Modern microanatomy
>Modern pathologic anatomy
>Modern astronomy
>Modern epidemiology
>Modern parasitology
>Modern experimental biology
>Modern accounting
>Modern embryology
>Modern bioelectromagnetics
>Modern industrial medicine
>Modern plastic/reconstructive surgery
>Modern population genetics
>Modern biomechanics
>Modern X-ray astronomy
>Microscopic observation
>Fibonacci sequence
>Cavalieri's principle
>Venturi effect
>Monte Carlo method
>Fermi's interaction
>Fermi–Dirac statistics
>Tensor analysis
>Avogadro's law
>Symbolic logic
>Majorana equation
>Ricci calculus
>Enriques–Kodaira classification
>De Giorgi-Nash-Moser theorem
>Fubini–Tonelli theorem
>Fubini–Study metric
>E = mc2 equation:
Art and Music:
>Modern musical notation
>Doppio Borgato
>Double bass
>Opera house
>Film festivals
>Science academy
>Medical school
>Anatomical theatre
>Reggio Emilia approach
>Montessori education
Military innovations:
>Air supremacy
>Marine infantry
>Mountain warfare
I must say greeks helped a lot and you should consider greeks and italians as blood related brothers.
stop the divide.
united we stand, divided we fall
And all the philosophers, scientists and shit of course. Too lazy to look them up now.
American exploring Scandinavia here, can confirm that the people are barely human and have no creative or moral qualities.
>How do Nordicists reconcile with the fact that Italy has contributed more to the world than any shitty Nordcuck country?
Historically, Italy has had a population and population density orders of magnitude higher than any Nordic country.
>Nordcucks have made very little contributions to science and technology.
The last 400 years, each Nordic country has contributed significantly more per capita than Italy. The last 150 years, each Nordic country has contributed a comparable amount to Italy, in many areas surpassing them.
>Nordcucks have made very little contributions to art, music and literature.
Untrue. Danish art and Scandinavian design is some of the most famous in the world since the last 200 years. Given that the Nordic countries were so far from the continent, Nordic music didn't spread that much until 100 years ago. However, since the advent of the audio medium, Sweden has had more influence than almost all other countries excluding the US and the UK. H.C. Andersen is one of the most famous writers of the 19th century. Just an example.
>Way beyond what they can justify with "muh per capita" argument like they always do.
Why would we have to? Very few people are arguing that Italians (other than southern Italians) are useless, but there are a whole lot more of them than there are Scandinavians. There certainly were back in the day.
>2000 BC
Actually Italy had these.
Most of those inventions had nothing to do with Italy, and some of them are arguable at best. The fact that Da Vinci drew something on a paper doesn't mean that he invented it, and while Fermi was Italian, the US deserves more credit for his inventions than Italy does.
If you use the same liberal inclusion criteria when compiling a list for any other country you will find almost all those inventions on other lists.
why the hell do eurofags constantly shit on eachother nowadays instead of shitting on other continents. if europe beats their neighbors down it wont help u look good,it just makes the continent look bad
Italy accomplished a lot during history and is still on the edge of innovations nowadays, and i'm glad somebody recognize it.
Also because we must not ignore all the problems that verge on the country
The lack of organization, of a strong leader and a national fascist party
The economical drop, the disoccupation, the cuckoldry of Milan, the mafia in the South ecc.
What a bunch of bullshit. You don't have a single invention that can be compared with the nuclear reactor at all even:
The only important inventions Swedcucks ever created were the dynamite and the Celsius scale. That's fucking nothing compared to the enormous list that I posted, even you take "muh per capita" into account.
I can't speak for all Nordic people, but Northern Europeans are a strange kind of people. The moment they had anything in the way of prosperity, they claimed they were the master race. There were many accident of history that kept Southern Europe down. For one the fact that the cuckpope made Galileo recant his heliocentricsm marked the end of Italy being at the forefront of science. I'll say this, French, Italian and southern German have much in common, for example the German's have yielded highly intense artists and philosophers like Goethe, Beethoven and Nietzsche. The intensity of these people is similar to Southeners, and different from the unfeeling northerners, including the English, who have no art and don't know how to make merry.
>Niels Bohr, most important (((Scandinavian))) scientist
>Galileo Galilei, most important Italian scientist
I rest my case.
these threads are the comfiest
Yes goys keep fighting while your continent is flooded by Arab Muslims and Africans.
the moment yellow haired snowniggers took over, this continent has gone to shit, we are now the laughing stock, we should get them all tied up and leave them in the sun at noon so they all get sunburn skin cancer and die. We are undone if we don't stop these cucks from fucking up even further, it's seriously not funny anymore
they would not be here if not for the nordcucks, we kept them at bay, and when ottomans were the most powerfull and gained a foothold, all seemed lost, yet some 300 years later they were BTFO. It took so long because Britain (and to some extent france) helped them ALWAYS, agains us real europeans. You cucks are the enemies of humanity
Holy fuck Oz blown the FUCK out. They're even below Nigmerica, what the fuck 'roo fuckers, what the fuck?
>English have no art
>have by far the greatest literary tradition of any other group of people on this planet
Japan and Korea are at the top and South Africa is above Netherlands for you to have an idea of how meaningless patents are. Italy is ranked #22, above your country:
We all know Japs and Koreans barely invented anything worth of note. I compiled this list of pretty much every invention that can be directly attributed to Italians through extensive research:
No bullshit in any of them. You can check all of their wiki articles for yourself to confirm. You might be surprised by some things like the telephone and the revolver, but that's just because the patent wasn't awarded to the real inventor of it.
No they do not. The thing about the English is that they are amazing at agrandizing themselves and are very unwordly, they just read their own. Besides Shakespeare, English lit is very week and come 19th century very boring. Don't mention Chaucer who is literally a faccimile of Boccaccio. You'll never get a Kafka in the UK because they lack abstract imagination. But again your statement betrays that English arrogance which is incommensurate with reality.
Let me guess. You're of italian ancestry, right?
Honestly, stuff like writers, philosophers, composers, artists, etc is pretty subjective. I prefer to deal with what can be judged objectively only. Some might say that Italians do not have very impressive composers apart from Vivaldi, Verdi, Rossini, Puccini, etc for example, but they pretty much invented classical music itself with all the instruments that are used in it and the modern musical theory developed in the late Middle Ages.
It shouldn't matter. This is about dispelling the "Nordic mustard race" myth, not about bragging. Nordics are objectively less accomplished than Meds overall.
goddamn i love my shitty country
we wuz
You all are trash compared to us Protestant Anglo-Americans
america just steals accomplishments and minds from other countries