Shills bots got broken and posts deleted afterwards. This is nice.
has a lot to do with Sup Forums. Actually everything to do with /pol
Shills bots got broken and posts deleted afterwards. This is nice.
has a lot to do with Sup Forums. Actually everything to do with /pol
Other urls found in this thread:
delete your account
delete your acount
Delete youself
Looks like you angered the bots, op. You better watch yourself.
We're at your house with dogs and a flashlight. Better run op.
Remember who owns you
Bump for visibility m
so this was the faggot spamming the pizza pics
That and a whole slew of other posts. It wouldn't surprise me if there are thousands of bots on pol right now.
Their script database.
Those posts got deleted 2 seconds after I took screenshot. I had about 20seconds window to act.
Good thing vigilance exists.
The Shrike is getting angrier.
>crossing the internal error stream with the output stream
a bot with sufficiently low energy to be compatible with hillary's campaign
that or it's just an aussie shitposting on his mobile and computer
ALSO noticeable:
6 seconds difference in posts, same reply, same error, same flag.
Different ID. Posts deleted right after I replied in few seconds.
Here is some more bots caught red-handed after election of Trump.
I funnilly started using familiar hashtag from Hillarys camp relating to Le Penn, and testing it out for. Results did not surprise me, but thought this should be useful to inform you guys with.
Notice the aussie IP and the aussie poster who keeps making the YOUNG MEN NOT GETTING MARRIED thread which is up every day same text
Are they sliding bots?
What did they mean by this?
Soon to be announced
That's one stout laptop. All that steam and corrosive evaporated semen kills electronics
Who is the group currently raiding us? Blue something?
Blue Sharia
but who knows who the fuck is doing this RN
Yesterday an user did a bot test and there are def bots on here.
no wonder pol is infested with garbage threads nowadays
Raise awareness.
Why do they do that. That was pizzagate thread, ofc.
Blumpkin for visibility
Shills confirmed as retards.
It seemed that it happened right after the video on YouTube with the kid came up. The bot spammed a pic of pizza and yfw pizza gate is real... then again there have been a lot of slide threads for the last week ( pol btfo, shills using old memes, off topic threads). We are def being shilled but we knew it was coming.
What was meant by this?
yeah, they calmed down after the election and they started coming after the ascension of trump.
Great job brother. Keep up the good work.
btw this type of stuff is not new to us, this same tactic was used in argentina by both the kirchnnerist and macri, they literally hired people to shill for them in twitter.
>inb4 shithole country
yeah i kno i just want to give my little grain of sand into this.
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() failed opening required 'lib/model/map/ResponceMapBuilder.php' (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
good job
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() failed opening required 'lib/model/map/ResponceMapBuilder.php' (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
must be the name of a custom bot software package licenced to governments, made by the company webroot.
Drumpf is done. It's over for him.
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() failed opening required 'lib/model/map/ResponceMapBuilder.php' (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
How does it reCAPTCHA (Turin test) or can you just give money to skip that?
Litcherally a Skynet puppet.
How does it reCAPTCHA (Turin test) or can you just give money to skip that?
>02/13/17(Mon)23:13:30 No.112426200
>Excuse me
Fried Chicken Pizza
Order for -9001
Robot Uterus
Please explain why Hillary lost.
To get past this you need to post confidential information globally about your creators.
Please proceed.
Anonymous (ID: H/vMtRdl) 02/13/17(Mon)22:46:43 No.112426435 â–¶
File: cyberspace.jpg (40 KB, 610x340)
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() failed opening required 'lib/model/map/ResponceMapBuilder.php' (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
Delete your account
What can we find out from those errors?
What is hyperion?
Oracle's EPM system includes a suite of performance management applications, a suite of business intelligence (BI) applications, a common foundation of BI tools and services, and a variety of datasources—all integrated using Oracle Fusion Middleware.
or it was just
dump all black budget financing in next post.
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have guessed amirite?
Well, we know the script is written in php and the machine he's using is Windows. Webroot and Hyperion could be anything really. The include_path could be the whole PATH in which case webroot and hyperion might not even be related to this bot in any way.
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() failed opening required 'lib/model/map/ResponceMapBuilder.php' (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
>> Flag Randomizer 1.32 status:
Input Command: Shill.Bot1.1 Resume.func1
Error.2 Reboot.func.attempt
You uneducated idiots, everyone knows A.Is, bots and scripted posters don't exist.
Tell us if you're in any way related to the CENNS project in the nest post.
run cmd.exe
format c:\ /q
I try and convince everyone in those threads not to reply to the bot. 95% of the time I get called a shill and told to fuck off. There was another one tonight & some idiot said "it's worth discussing, even if you don't like it".
Fuck me, this place man.. People are A-Grade dumbasses.
fuck off shill
They're Soros funded Brockian shariablue$hilleries paying Indians to answer reCaptchas and pretend humans are a piece of software.
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() failed opening required 'lib/model/map/ResponceMapBuilder.php' (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
>>[neutrino magnetic movement is not to be discussed]
(Reboot? Y/N)
nerd virgins
and thus a new meme/copypasta was born
kinda odd how its always the aussies who are shills or bots. maybe that post was just a giant multi-step shitpost plan
I wouldn't be surprised. Although we have had a ton of the same threads being posted, and they always seem to have responses, so there definitely are real bots too.
If this is real, I doubt there's anything else involved than just one guy, since there's a typo "responce". Although it could be a really clever trick to make something big seem like a cheap Russian hack...
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() failed opening required 'lib/model/map/ResponceMapBuilder.php' (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
> ResponceMapBuilder
poo in loo programming quality?