I was at HWNDU a couple of nights

Just wanted to share my experiences of it, ask away, was only there a few hours.

INB4 (not /politics) it fucking was politics and you fucking know it.

Other urls found in this thread:


prove it limey.

Pic related is the trashcan next to the museum at about 3.30 am, after the epic racist milk drinking party on Saturday.

Also, AFL!!!

Why do you think the museum abandoned it?

What did you think of my shitty city you faggot

>Why do you think the museum abandoned it?

I'd like to think it's because I turned up and pointed out that it couldn't be art because art by its nature has no responsibility to society so it was effectively anti-art.

However, I think it was a bunch of stuff:

> constant need for police
> violation of tax code (I met the guy who kicked off the campaign to get it revoked - young college math student who was smart and based as fuck)
> embarrassment at their message eating itself alive, live.
> Racist milk
> Shia fucking doing one the moment it got hairy on advice of his lawyers
> Almost inevitable future occurrence of extreme violence (drive by, schizo suicide, etc)

The whole thing was a ticking time bomb of shit rotten liberal values not lasting long in the sun. Best happening since Trumps election. Fucking sad its over.

>What did you think of my shitty city you faggot

It's imploding.
I spent my time there on business, hotel on Times Square, no smoking, so I spent fucking hours just standing on Times Square smoking fags and watching the world go by.

> Can't buy a coffee without dealing with some brain dead, surly, Shaniqua and her crew of assholes. Literally every service job there is staffed by sheboons and chin curtained 'groids rocking the ISIS look.
> Streets packed with foreigners - waaay too many Chinese and brits (I know, I know)

But yeah, hours spent on the street and walking in and out of shops, and that's the overall vibe I got - implosion. Can't quite articulate why, sorry, but I've learned to trust my intuition. What do you think of the place?

Its been like that for over 300 years. Thats why NY City is what it is. Hells motherfucking kitchen.

I hope it never changes


>art by its nature has no responsibility to society
Ellaborate on this pls

>Ellaborate on this pls

Artists have to pay taxes and not murder people the same as the rest of us. Nothing more, nothing less. If they think otherwise they become authoritarian douchebags and choke on a lie, which is precisely, definitively what was happening with their Not Divide bullshit.

If an artist decides to serve society they automatically surrender their culture, which is the dominant force in society. It's the precise abdication of responsibility they claim to be furthering.

Shia should have fucking known this. Hopefully our trolls made him realise this, because I genuinely like the guy, as Hollywood types go he's pretty precious.

>violation of tax code
u wot

>Shia fucking doing one

>I hope it never changes

It felt very low energy to me, every street held a thousand tiny surrenders. Like 9/11 had littered the psychic landscape forever. Everyone was too polite, except for the sheboons in Starbucks, like the whole city had decided to let the fat kid win. It was horrible.

The last time I was there was just before the clean up. Everyone was rude or trying to rip me off, and I kind of trusted and admired them for that. At the time it was the greatest city on earth. That changed when London took over as the financial hub ten years ago.

Milk thing seems dumb.

>>violation of tax code
>u wot
(The museum has a tax exempt status because art is a public service or some shit. One of the anons realised that hosting a political rally was a violation of this and he circulate the forms online here so people could report them for it.)
>>Shia fucking doing one
(Shia stopped going there. /Pol Blart told me the last time he saw him, after the arrest, he was walking towards the exhibit - saw Blart and just turned and walked the other way. Haha. Last time he was seen - he chickened out basically)

Shut up faggot. We're watching you.

lol nice

>Milk thing seems dumb.
Leafbro and Jesus explained that to me - the milk drinking guy had to chug milk because he had some kind of medical condition. Then HahaPaperYeah(trademark) insisted that it was dog whistle racism because 'a lot of black people are lactose intolerant'
Actually, he didn't use the expression dog whistle - he is clearly literally too thick to even deploy metaphor.
Either way, the anons jumped on Papers dumbass paranoia and turned it up to 11, as I understand it.

I think you're the guy i shook hands with the night i insulted Stolen Valor.

Did you talk to the police? if yes what did they think of the situation?

>Shut up faggot. We're watching you.

Haha, yeah they were too. Had the stream on in the car all the time apparently. DESU they seemed pretty based.

sounds like londo err UK err EU

>I think you're the guy i shook hands with the night i insulted Stolen Valor.
Hey man, I shook alot of hands. I'm a tall english bloke with bad diction. Which one were you m8?
(Tell me more about the Stolen Valour diss) Are you Leafbro, or are you the guy who shouted after Leaf and Jesus to get them to take me to the subway? Either way, I fucking loved you guys.

I'm Blart, i told Stolen Valor to go home and see his family and i think you were standing behind me.


>Did you talk to the police? if yes what did they think of the situation?

No, I didn't. They stayed out of the way. They were super friendly with the anons from what I saw. Gave friendly waves to Phil the Greek and Uncle Tony.

>Pol Blart told me the last time he saw him, after the arrest, he was walking towards the exhibit - saw Blart and just turned and walked the other way. Haha. Last time he was seen - he chickened out basically
fucking nice

>I'm Blart, i told Stolen Valor to go home and see his family and i think you were standing behind me.

Holy Fuck! (bows)
M8, I wish I'd got the chance to talk to you about it all more, you were a fucking gent. You and Jackie drove this thing IMHO. I was watching you both from London two weeks before I came out.

How are things now? I feel this can't end. It just can't. There must be some way to follow this up, it was a major cultural event.

BTW, I couldn't tell anyone out there but I'm pretty well placed in the lugenpresse, I'm here to tell you, in my small, insignificant way, that you were the spearhead on something indefinable, but major and cultural.

It was a serious honour to meet you.

What next?

>Phil the Greek and Uncle Tony.
Greg the Greek

>There must be some way to follow this up, it was a major cultural event.

you seem like a moneyed guy, just fund their tour in the UK

>Haha, yeah they were too. Had the stream on in the car all the time apparently. DESU they seemed pretty based.
They were reading the threads on here too. During one of the generals someone asked them to flash their lights if they where monitoring the thread and they did.

trim your fucking mo, bro

>I'm Blart, i told Stolen Valor to go home and see his family and i think you were standing behind me.

It was a good speech. I hear he kind of recanted and made peace with you all when you saw him hanging around the blank wall. DESU, I can't give him any credit for that. It's kind of pics or it didn't happen, not that I'm saying it didn't happen, rather it doesn't matter what he did off camera after all the autistic shit flinging he did with you and others while he was on it.
I'll reserve judgement on the guy based on what he says in the media going forwards, I don't doubt he is in a kind of Clock Boy zone right now and we haven't heard the last...

>It felt very low energy to me,
nyc got gentrified. the working class got replaced with suburban hipsters and rich foreigners

It was really cool meeting you, it was crazy finding out we had support from other countries.

Things are good, i'm in contact with a lot of people. I don't know what's next but i feel like if we stream constantly it will kinda lose it's effect.

I've been dying to play pool so i think that might be the next thing we do as a group and stream also every year in june i take a road trip with my friends so this time i was thinking about inviting Jackie, Naruto, Brittany, 90s Kid, and whoever else i can fit and having them stream the road trip.

I have some other major plans which i'm gonna keep a secret so that if they don't happen i don't look like i was talking out of my ass.

>trim your fucking mo, bro
It's a fucking nice mo, tho. Don't you have Emu's to get subjugated by?


I wasn't there when he made peace

it's too long bro. if it's past the lip, fucking trim it.
love your work though

Did Shia really smell like cheese?

If it was up to me i'd be the hairiest bastard there ever was, i hate shaving and trimming and all that shit but every time i grow my beard my bosses threaten to fire me because i look like a terrorist.

So i keep the mustache and i keep it gnarly as a little form of protest since they can't say shit about that.

The only time i smelled him at all was the night he got arrested and i smelled beer on his breath.

>What do you think of the place?
Times Square sucks donkey dick. It's one of the worst places in the city.

>It was really cool meeting you, it was crazy finding out we had support from other countries.
Yeah, blind luck I was headed that way on the company dime, I had to show up and pay my respects. Would have gone out there more but I was working like crazy.
>Things are good, i'm in contact with a lot of people. I don't know what's next but i feel like if we stream constantly it will kinda lose it's effect.
Glad to hear you all knitted together. Yep, a rest is good. The way I see it you lot are now the official high council of the Internet, or something, or The Avengers. Interesting times... I think your role in this event provides a certain legitimacy to you all as spokespeople / arbiters. I remember you seemed pretty nervous when you rocked up that night - must have been pretty scary each visit?
>I've been dying to play pool so i think that might be the next thing we do as a group and stream also every year in june i take a road trip with my friends so this time i was thinking about inviting Jackie, Naruto, Brittany, 90s Kid, and whoever else i can fit and having them stream the road trip.
Cool, couple of the guys I met at work in New York are top grade pool players. I stopped off in that pool hall on the way up (great big fucking place) Literally the only place in New York where the service was pleasant - looked like an amazing joint :-)
>I have some other major plans which i'm gonna keep a secret so that if they don't happen i don't look like i was talking out of my ass.
Good policy! :-)

>The only time i smelled him at all was the night he got arrested and i smelled beer on his breath.

From the looks of him, the dude was constantly on xanax and painkillers, too.

Anyway blart, I'm really pissed that I moved to Detroit. I was really jealous that I couldn't be part of this with the rest of my native New Yorkers and felt homesick for the first time since moving from the city. Good job, yous all done me real proud.

>Times Square sucks donkey dick. It's one of the worst places in the city.
Yep, of course. It's the same in London on all the main streets. I spent the Sunday I arrived walking all around Manhattan for about six hours, it wasn't doing much for me.

Love Queens though, from what I saw of it, seems like the Boroughs other than Manhattan are where the action is at, I didn't have the nerve to venture too far...

iktf bro. i've been shaving since i was 14
I'd probably be lit up too if my 'art' project had so clearly gone to shit. I knida felt sorry for the guy desu. Especially since he was most likely entertainment at some disney pizza party as a kid.

Your effort was immense. Was your first night there when you had Plaidman on your shoulders? That was some fucking /comfy/ shit.

>every year in june i take a road trip with my friends so this time i was thinking about inviting Jackie, Naruto, Brittany, 90s Kid, and whoever else i can fit and having them stream the road trip.

i work for the jew york times. have we met?

>i work for the jew york times. have we met?

Almost certainly No.
I said I worked for the press, your rag doesn't count m8.

>we're gonna get a HWNDU: The Road Trip Movieā„¢

I'm sorry you moved to Detroit for multiple reasons, but there's always next time.

Shia is a stubborn fuck i'm sure this camera thing will pop up again, not to mention i've heard murmurings from people i know that own businesses that they wanna set up streams too now since it attracts crowds.

Yeah shaving sucks, i used to have a beard down to my chest before i became employed and had to cut it.

Also I felt sorry for him at times (like one night when people were insulting his girlfriend) but then he would annoy me and i'd stop feeling sorry for him.

>you seem like a moneyed guy
says the Israelite.

>Xanax and painkillers

Based as fuck.
He may be a moron but he has good taste in drugs.

Your that middle-aged dude who refused to say if he voted Brexit for 30 minutes, right?

Was it shut down in the end? I thought he would not divide them.

Pray for Naruto.

>not to mention i've heard murmurings from people i know that own businesses that they wanna set up streams too now since it attracts crowds.

This. The private sector will find a way.

We need /pol the TV show. This site, the freedom of speech, seems to have had a huge impact on the world (I unironically think the meme wars won the election - Shillary's twitter was like a wall to wall dump of memes from this place for a year)

It's one of the things we lost - the public forum. Probably the most important thing of all. Muh Hate speech killed it.

>Your that middle-aged dude who refused to say if he voted Brexit for 30 minutes, right?

Not so much that I refused to answer as I refused to be interrogated by some slav with his face hidden.

Fuck yes I voted Brexit, I'll tell anyone that, anytime.

>They were reading the threads on here too. During one of the generals someone asked them to flash their lights if they where monitoring the thread and they did.
Haha that's based as fuck, I didn't know that! Fucking red-pilled coppers - beautiful!

I actually did earlier.

It's something to think about, Shia may have unintentionally started something great.


I just wanna post this great little video.

It would of been wonderful if the installation went on as planned and we had different celebs show up to voice opinions at :)

I was watching this almost 24/7. I'm glad it's over so I have time to do other shit.

>the public forum

you used to have podiums on crowded streets where public would engage in debates with a great orator

the disgruntled orator would preach wisdom to the crowd and start political changes

what is stopping you from engaging in this historical pasttime?

Same here pretty much. Watched it wayy to fucking much. I cut back as soon as they built the wall because I knew we had won. I also needed to give my mind a break from the constant retarded chanting. That shit was affecting my sleep.

you're talking bout new york after only staying in times square and going to a starbucks? jesus christ.

There's only idiot faggots like you in times square.

Do you think getting caught was part of Shia's plan?

>It's something to think about, Shia may have unintentionally started something great.

Yep, seems to be the case. The genie is out of the bottle. I'm really keen to find out what the viewership was for this. It's fair to say that the MSM ShiaVSNazis angle hit many millions of people out there. What I'd like to know is how many people saw there were two sets of ideas at play? YT views of H Drone are in the low thousands. I heard Milo Facebooked it to millions tho?

I'm in love with brittany venti and she'll never love me back. She is with that effeminate faggot chad I hate him. I hope brittany saves herself for marriage just to spit that loser. You should be with me brittany I am a supreme man that's actually nice and doesn't want just sex.

>epic racist milk drinking party

someone scrapped the views on the stream. after the first day or so the only major upticks were when Shia made an appearance or when it was /pol.tv

>you used to have podiums on crowded streets where public would engage in debates with a great orator
>the disgruntled orator would preach wisdom to the crowd and start political changes
>what is stopping you from engaging in this historical pasttime?

You're right. Neil Postman's book - Entertaining Ourselves to Death gave a very good account of public oratory in America a hundred or so years ago - speeches and rebuttals would easily go on for six hours or so. This of course was before the wireless, TV, etc.

What's stopping me? My shrunken nads. That's why I have such high regard for the anons, especially Blart & Jackie, who rocked up early when it was crawling with brain dead celebrity worshippers and gangs of liberals. It was thrilling watching that initial momentum of theirs spread day by day.

And I don't think it's going to stop. Hey, I turned up, and I'm not brave. It was dangerous. For nearly an hour a bunch of hood rats were milling around us off camera eyeing us up. But there were just enough of us to hold it down. I think it helped that Eurobane was there - fucking bloke was huge.

I hope you're able to make a cameo appearances if this thing relocates to some other state/city.

>you're talking bout new york after only staying in times square and going to a starbucks? jesus christ.
>There's only idiot faggots like you in times square.

It's a fair cop - I'm shit talking what I don't know.

Anyway, your deadly accurate ad hom aside (nice pic) would you disagree with what I said? I've spent about three years of my life in the US, from coast to coast, all back in the nineties, and my impression was definitely one of decline on this trip. Am I wrong? I don't see Trump fixing that, because the inertia from all the shitheads has gotten too big. US needs a cultural lightning bolt right now.

>I'm sorry you moved to Detroit for multiple reasons, but there's always next time.

Me too-- for multiple reasons. Honestly, I think it isn't as dangerous as everyone makes it to be. The best way I can describe Detroit is that if Bushwick was an entire city, then that would be Detroit. The Detroit suburbs are also very similar to outer Queens and SI (which makes sense, I guess-- they're all suburbs).

I was shocked that I was going to need to buy a car to get around here, but there's no train. Also, the people here try to be so nice and helpful that it's hard to get a minute to figure things out for himself that it's sorta annoying. It's also harder to hang out with people because of the whole transportation issue. Maybe people are so nice here because it's harder to find others to connect with?

Anyway, I'm definitely going through some culture shock and don't know if I'll want to stay here or move back. As weird as this probably sounds, it was nice to have you guys on the the stream-- it made me feel like I was back home. I really can't thank you guys enough for that, but hopefully, one way or another, I won't need a stream to feel like that much longer. I definitely owe you a beer when I can finally move back home.

Shia was getting all fucked up and thinks that is "art". Attracting more "artist" to promote so called "art", Sad!

Fucking Blart? Man, it's so cool to see you here. Fuck man, I'm tearing up just thinking about you guys, no bull shit. I had so much fucking fun watching you all. I only regret not getting out there to meet you guys in person.

I unironically love all of /ourguys/. Thanks for being you, Sup ForumsBlart.

>I'm in love with brittany venti and she'll never love me back. She is with that effeminate faggot chad I hate him. I hope brittany saves herself for marriage just to spit that loser. You should be with me brittany I am a supreme man that's actually nice and doesn't want just sex.

She was a big fucking deal. Was hoping I'd see her there. Get the pretty girls on the dance floor and soon everyone else follows - DJ'ing 101.

>Love Queens though, from what I saw of it, seems like the Boroughs other than Manhattan are where the action is at, I didn't have the nerve to venture too far...

Honestly, Manhattan's great for sit-down meals, luxury shopping, visiting the museums once or twice (if you're a tourist), and maybe Central Park in the summer, but that's about it.

Most of the 'hidden gems' in the city are scattered across the East River throughout Brooklyn and Queens. There are also some spots in Harlem and the LES (although less so now than 10 years ago). Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), I never really got to the Bronx or Staten Island very much often-- they may as well have been in Boston for how much time I spent there, so I can't vouch for either of those boroughs.

Were you the tall older guy from London who wanted to meet Sup Forums Blart? I remember you

How does NYC compare to London?

t. fat turd who felt important for the first time in his miserable life

why don't you lose some weight and shave that disgusting facial hair first? also why are you acting like a nignog gangsta anyway? being fat doesn't give you the right to act tough, you'll just fall harder when you're smacked on the face and roll like a barrel

It's because skippy got leaked through worldcorp arg

Skippy is very political since podesta treats his staff just like this

no u

>Am I wrong?

you are spot on. the decline of plebs does not reflect the prosperity of the upper class, who have only profited from the decline.

the majority of america has been socially restructured to cover the downfall of the lower classes

>Based as fuck.
>He may be a moron but he has good taste in drugs.

I'm just surmising his drugs of choice. For all I know, Stolen Valor could be shooting up dog food.

I actually have met a few people from his hometown in NJ (he drove an hour-and-a-half each way; so, hopefully that wasn't just to chant at a wall). And they would tell their stories about their friends regularly visiting the city to get their heroin fix. That could be why SV was dedicating so much time (and money) towards coming up to the city.

I hope so too but i doubt it, my job is cunty about vacation time.

If hwndu ever returns i hope you take advantage and come through buddy.

Love you too man, thanks for the support.


That means a lot. Thank you, brother. :3

>I'm in love with brittany venti and she'll never love me back. She is with that effeminate faggot chad I hate him. I hope brittany saves herself for marriage just to spit that loser. You should be with me brittany I am a supreme man that's actually nice and doesn't want just sex.

There are a countless number girls who are prettier than Brittany Venti in New York City, user. The great part about NYC (and especially Manhattan) is that females greatly outnumber males. In Manhattan specifically, there are around 3 girls for every straight guy, so the competition between girls is very fierce. They have to try harder than anywhere else to attract a mate (at least here in the US) and settle a lot easier.

Personally, I consider myself a pretty average guy in terms of looks/height/weight, and I was able to date (and briefly move-in with) a 8.5/9 who did a bit of modeling when I lived in the city. I have no doubt that if you made enough money to live in Manhattan, then you'd eventually find a qt 3.14 waifu who was comparable to or better than Brittany.

>Were you the tall older guy from London who wanted to meet Sup Forums Blart? I remember you

Too cool man, yep that was me, which one were you?

Nah I wasn't there, I just saw you on the stream and was happy to see some representation.

>How does NYC compare to London?

I think it's fair to say I don't know enough about New York to really say, but London is actually pretty fucking based this weather. Things seem cheaper, cute European Barristas everywhere (for now, lol)

There are way too many muslims for it to be healthy, but the gangs of muslim hoodrats seem a lot less prevalent in the past year. My assumption is that is to do with Brexit, but mainly Trump.

It's a great city man, come over!

>It's a great city man, come over!
ah, just saw your last post lol, ok so you know London well enough!

What exactly is attractive about her? Her congenital face defects or her low intelligence and vacuous personality?

>Nah I wasn't there, I just saw you on the stream and was happy to see some representation.

Proud to represent m8. Anglosphere forever (except Canada and Australia obvs, they're cunts)

Bullshit. the brown people didn't come in until 1965 with the immigration act. (excluding American nigs of course)

Yeah your comment about the Starbucks was really weird to me and what prompted me to ask the question because here all the barristas, while mostly foreign, are really nice and polite.

I work part time in retail and black girls are just the worst. They're always late, always lazy, and always rude to customers. At least with black guys there's a 50% chance it's just the first trait but the girls are always terrible.

I'm sure we have more muslims than them though, right? It's not so bad where I live (Putney area) but travelling to East London is like going to another country

Hiya, yeah Starbucks. Basically nearly all the retail positions seemed to be Shaniqua'd to death. It was fucking horrible, with a few notable exceptions.

We have more Muslims but they are a pretty diverse bunch. I can't think of a single Pakistani I've met - over many years - who I think well of at all. Bangladeshi's seem a bit different though - Bengal was pretty based back in the day. I dunno, it's all been a dreadful fucking mistake really hasn't it? We have to get our culture back standing, then all the shit heels will hopefully find it incompatible with their swivel eyed fanaticism and fuck off back or into Mutti Merkels sweaty baps. I'm hopeful...

Whooah, you really missed the point there m8.

Where do I read the full story?
I stopped following after a few days

Is the Wiki ok?