Why do dark skinned people earn less money?
Why do dark skinned people earn less money?
labour theory of value, they're less productive per hour of work
Obviously yeah, but why?
Hot weather makes you lazy
Laziness makes you less productive
Low productivity yields lower return on investments
Australia is such a slap in the face to liberals.
Shows how important race is vs history.
And eastern Europe is a slap in the face to conservatives
Because they already oh so rich in melanin.
because they're dumdums who can't into technological advancement or just simple cognitive focus on a task
>theory of gravitation
>dark skinned
>because niggers
Fuck brown people.
darkness correlates with sunlight which correlates with warmth which correlates with insects which correlates with disease transmission.
africa is a bad place for people, because it's the only place we're not an invasive species (natural predator: plasmodium falciparum)
Is Russia brown?
That's what they get for living in the UK.
>that nigger projection
Lol how?
They only got out from under communism 20 years ago, have already surpassed brown countries and are projected to catch up with western Europe in the next couple of decades.
They've never been as prosperous as western europe
Im pretty sure pre ww2 there were wealthy regions in the east. They have very beautiful old cities.
Dubrovnik was pretty amazing. I was able to see that it was quite plainly a very wealthy city in its past.
that's false actually
>we are in the same category as spain and italy
lmaoing@ your countries tbqh
Build by germans
Jealous poo poo skin trying to at least feel he is better than slavs.
>georiga and ukraine make about as much as shit smelling southeast asian ladyboys, camel cavalry, poos in their own looless land, and barely more than fucking zimbabwe
get us off this ride
Wow this map matches OPs once you account for communism in some Asian countries.
It is especially blatant in regards to South America. Spot on.
Idea that you can become like europe once you ditch us is quite retarded since before us you were just as shitty rural non-country as you are now
You just refuse to accept your shittiness, embrase it, we embraces the fact that we can only produce weapons and suffering so should you accept that you are a nation of orange pickers and sheep fu- i mean herders
Bravo, Ireland
Only dark green countries can post ITT
Feels good to be superior
>labour theory of value
debunked ages ago. stop spreading bullshi-
>checks flag
oh whatever
It's GDP that drives IQ. Spain had a ridiculous increase in IQ between the 50s and 70s, precisely the period during which it transitioned from a developing economy to a developed one. You're gonna tell me high IQ people migrated to Spain or that it implemented a massive eugenics program?
You can also find accounts of English authors saying Japan is poor because Japanese don't like to work. You find the same stuff towards Germany.
Are you speaking of the Flynn effect?
My understanding from adoption studies was that IQ can only be raised through environment by around 2-5 points and has reached its genetic barrier then.
I'm specifically referring to the studies where blacks were placed in high income white families and still only rose from 80 IQ to about 85 IQ max.
Without your 1% you would be light green
>Gabon & Equatorial Guinea
>only green countries in Africa
Redpill me on those
>I'm specifically referring to the studies where blacks were placed in high income white families and still only rose from 80 IQ to about 85 IQ max.
This does not contradict my point. In fact, it suggests that what has happened during the 19th and 20th century in the West and what has happened to Jews during the Middle Ages was simply human evolution in a very short span of time. We have this meme in our minds that thousands of years are required for any change to happen but that's not true. There are even studies now linking height not to nutrition but sexual selection for this precise reason.
However, there might still be a genetic barrier because we don't see a constant nor accelerating increase in IQ.
gabon and botswana are the only semi developed african countries. In EG nearly all the diamod money is held by the mine owners
Racism mostly. Also niggers are fucking stupid.
Why does South East Asia all of a sudden light up? Is it because of all the trading with East Asians?
What happened to Saudi Arabia and Ukraine?
It's data from indigenous people, so I am not sure.
Here is data from nowadays.
The US and Russia, respectively
So, which one you choose?
Why are you talking so much shit about these other countries when you are from some Borat republic? As if there's anything strange about you guys not doing well...
>newspaper over head
That will surely save you from nuclear attack
And subhumans who live in said countries