What a Chink!

San Francisco transit janitor who makes more than $250K a year - $160K in overtime - is caught hiding for hours in a closet doing nothing


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could have been me desu

lazy brothers where you at?

Dumbass, he should hide at his desk doing nothing like me

Probably browsing Sup Forums

Well he was a brain surgeon in his country you know. Other times he'll claim he was an accountant or maybe a chef. Congenital liars who believe Westerners are dumb and weak

Well I guess now Kelly Osborne got her answer


>not spending 90% of your day on the shitter playing pokemon

I used to take naps on unused floors of the John Hancock building so He a good boy

>guy made more that 250k because he faked overtime
>That's crazy!
Sorry, I'm too focused on how fucking crazy it is for a janitor to make almost 60k to begin with. What in the actual fuck?

>getting paid for playing handcock in the hancock

really makes me think

>Not jerking off into the mop bucket so when you clean the floors thousands of people unknowingly step in your jizz.

work smart not hard goy


Well, your interest in the custodial arts is probably well placed.

>make almost 60k to begin with

For a janitor to get paid that kind of money I have to assume that San Francisco is completely fucked.

>you can earn $250K/yr as a janitor in San Francisco

>ywn get paid in a single year enough to buy a furnished house and a car by sleeping in the closet all day


Why live

I live close to my work and I literally go home for an hour and sit on the toilet and shitpost.


I'm sat at home shit-posting whilst training for my remote working job with online conference software.

he's a janitor that makes 250k a year? what in the fucking hell is going on on this good forsaken planet?

>Mfw reading this


That was his desk, learn from his mistake.

>doing nothing
>implying your not playing anime tiddy cum in mum meet and fuck games
Come on Yoshi

Still more productive and less of a drag on society than the janitors on this board

Management. Note that the article says this guy's boss is aware of virtually everything he does to get overtime, but won't do anything about it because he will come in whenever possible.

I can't fault this dude. Not only did he find a way to game the system, he learned the higher ups are too chickenshit to seriously fix anything. Might as well take advantage while it lasts.

to be fair
thats close to a fair wage if you divide usa gdp by number of hours worked

Meanwhile, Sup Forums janitors make $0.

that's a fair wage when you factor in the quality of their work as well as the value they are providing to society with their existence

Based chink. Cucked the shit out of his inept, bureaucrat managers.

I'm kinda impressed he manged to get away with it for so long. I gotta applaud him for that. It'd be better than NEETbux that's for sure.


It's actually a widespread practice at these fine government institutions.

It's tax money, so no point in being economical with it.

>250 grand a year being a janitor

wtf I want to clean up shit now

>powell st station

He deserves more. Probably spends his day mopping up crackhead shit and vomit.

>transit janitor who makes more than $250K a year - $160K in overtime


>janitor who makes more than $250K a year
gief mop pls, when do I start?


Gimme the sauce on this "It's all so tiresome" guy...

It's from Empire of Dust, a documentary about a Chinese company that is building a road in Africa. The black guy is their translator, and it's all pretty based. They both just talk shit about Africa the while time. It's on YouTube.

NEETS who don't pay taxes are justified

This. What a retard.