Is this really the event that triggered WW1?
Is this really the event that triggered WW1?
Not so much the event as the resulting actions by Austria and Serbia. The event could have been really anything really.
It was the jews.
And here I thought I had already seen the extent of furniggers degeneracy
It was used as a reason.
They planned to expand (aushun) to the east for quite some time before that. They just simply needed an excuse.
he's Austrian you dummy
as much a trigger like someone accidently throwing a lit match in the powder magazine
ultimatly that's what caused it but if your powder magazine can have a lit match thrown in then it's bound to happen sooner rather then later
also, that pic
>what did they mean by this?
>Rockstar starts WWI by inventing Niko Bellic and transporting him back in time
You learn something new every day
Hey cousin let's go toppling over-extended empires
False flag . Plan to cause big war in europe by the rotkikes family
WWI would have happened regardless of the Sarajevo assassination, the network of alliances, rampant revanchism and imperialism of the European powers made a Great war unavoidable.
Prior to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, there was a number of "almost" war crises:
>First Moroccan Crisis 1905-06
>Bosnian Annexation Crisis 1908-09
>Second Moroccan Crisis 1911
>First Balkan War 1912
>Second Balkan War 1913
>Furry-fags can't be bothered to do basic research for historical referencing
>"After years of drug abuse Luigi, guided by his drug infused hallusinations, shoots his brother Mario who had recently risen to Mushroom kingdom nobility."
kekd and also checkd
About as much as the freedom of Poland was the reason for ww2.
The direction of that bullet is fucked up
Why did that guy's furry stand shoot Mario?
If only that faggot knew what he started and could have prevented.
What fucking autist crafted this shit
Checked, also saw some user post that some Sup Forums or /his/ furfag payed a /his/ or Sup Forums drawfag to make an artwork of him and his furry killing Archduke.
Do you suggest that Austria killed their crown prince, because of Serbia?
Anyone else think Dunkirk was a franco-german trap laid to wipe out the British forces? Why else would france fold so easily?
So one of your countrymen?
The world war would have started anyway, something else would have happened and the european countries would have gone apeshit over that instead
yep, serbs are very into conspiracy theories. they think everything is a false flag used to incriminate them or to justify war/invasion.
>The event could have been really anything really.
OP's question was what triggered WW1, which was the assassination. What caused WW1 would be a totally different question.
No doubt, but the butterfly effect could've put something else in play afterwards that didnt see absolute demonization of white ethnic nationalism and nat-soc/fashy viability of policy.
No, it was austrias incompetence.
No it happened because both Alliances wanted Balkans especially Italy and Austria-Hungary).
Niko belic started WW1
Yes. Dan Carlin's hardcore history explains it very well. Salient points are intricate European alliances, and the fact that archduke Ferdinand was heir to the Austrian throne.
He didn't say that you imbecile, but it came at just the right time for them. Like 9/11.
holy fuck, you are so full of yourself
Read this - indispensable knowledge, why both world wars happened...
Generally speaking, there is a common pattern, that English (which is Rothschilds) stir Germans (before that they tried to use Napoleon) to destroy Russia, and they always fail...
When history now repeats, it's easier to recognize, if you understand the common patterns...
This is probably the last episode in that serie:
and so it has the most complete list of previous episodes at its end...
the anglo cucks could not accept that we were now the strongest power in the world so they got butthurt and used stupid alliances to start a world war
Germany autistically challenged Britain's naval dominance and knew exactly how Britain would react to having its trade routes and free access to the seas threatened as it had done countless times before.
We ruled the entire sea until the USA came in but yes "muuh britcuck navy rules the waves"
Yes and in the second world war you guys refuses to rule the sea alongside germany, thats sad
not exactly. the only thing we really did do was dominate the air. the uboats were wreaking havoc until enigma was cracked. however, the cracking of enigma has been falsely attributed to britcucks when it was really polish mathematicians who made it possible
>it's a Germany autistically expects to walk all over Europe and disrupt the fragile equilibrium of alliances and geopolitical interests without consequences episode
bullshit the brits were almost finished and after you guys got to england the first thing you did was destroying our entire fleet and after that going to france to finish the rest
so you're saying fourth dimensional space lizard vampires caused 9/11? Interesting....
Fuck off cuck the only good thing you did was killing our colonies so we had no imperialism guilt and taking millions of the subhumans like you and france did/do
Not an argument
No, the event was used to instigate the war as per German foreign policy of the time.
>gavrilo princips autistic fursona kills kaiser franz ferdinand and starts ww1
How do you even live?
It was more the fact germany were the strongest but we're going to be quickly eclipsed by France, Britain and Russia since they were growing closer and Germany had no real ocean access to expand.
It was Germany's last ditch effort to stay relevant.
>no real ocean access
what the fuck are you talking about?
Why is its face so fucking unsettling
It's the derp-eyes.
this is basically the ongoing story of the last century or so