Admit it, Pauline Hanson is an idiot.
If you vote for her you are an idiot as well.
If you vote for anyone besides the greens you are an idiot.
Admit it, Pauline Hanson is an idiot
no one cares
A vote for Pauline isn't a vote for Pauline. It's a clear vote for anti-Islam. No one wants Pauline in power, they just want one of the major parties to breach the divide and adopt an anti-Islam stance.
she is a protest vote much like Trump.
if she does some extra not shit stuff then its a bonus!
Begone, Soros!
*yawn* those 25% polling numbers in QLD must make you angry poor snowflake
Your flag seems to be broken there friend, let me fix that for you.
Looks like libs may have to go a bit more hardline on immigration if they wnat to maintain the conservative vote
>If you vote for anyone besides the greens you are an idiot.
I could follow you up until this point.
She and her friends all need a speaking coach and a "shut up" signaler.
This is coming from somebody that voted for her. Her personality isn't a match for me, that's for certain. I'm interested in maintaining a balance in society, there's too much of a lean to the left and I've voted for them in the past too.
I also feel like I'm the only person that sees that all the people who are like "yaaas women in politics! women in [x]" were absolute, merciless fucking cunts on wheels to Hanson - and getting to see her march back into parliament as a senator would have wiped the ugly off their mugs.
another election already? what if idgaf who gets elected? why does this fgt country force me to vote?
Fuck you.
I can't wait until the day greens voters are swinging from trees.
>live in perth
>voting this march
>one nation first priority
>greens last priority
>labor second last
>liberal third last
you don't have to vote you can draw dicks on the ballot
sums up the greens pretty well.
k thx for your input kike
You can have SA Corey. QLD is Paulines rightful clay
It's past your bedtime, Melbourne.
Me too.
Fuck Labour and the greens.
We need Roe 8 and i'm willing to give Hanson a go. I hope she doesn't fuck it up too badly
beside the greens hahahahahahaha enjoy your commie overlords when you vote for the watermelon party retard and this coming form someone who didn't vote one nation last election
I don't care. The current admin are crashing our country's future with no survivors.
A vote for ON is a vote to arrest some control away from the pig fuckers who have been selling us down the river for three decades.
your fault for singing up in the first place, if you were smart you would of stayed off the electoral ballot. Although i agree we should have voluntary voting
I don't care frankly, if she steals votes from virtue signalling labor I'm all for it.
Comedy option: Meme voting one nation into being cool for inner city green voters
I hate her, she's an idiot. She has no business being a politician. I still voted for her because she's pretty much the best we've got.
Not a bad thing at all.
>voting for violent leftists who want to control everyone else's lives by threat of force
Commie leftist prick.
Just kys.
>If you vote for anyone besides the greens you are an idiot.
That's where you went from mediocre bait to terrible bait. You need to be more subtle.
Is there a country where people unironically actually vote for greens?
How can anyone in Australia vote for the Greens? Theyre worse than the Democrats for anyone who remembers them.
Unfortunately Australia. Lots of 20 something honestly think the greens are a viable option as political rulers. The same people also have no understanding of economics.
Sweden is what you get when they're in power.
A state with an amazingly good propaganda wing, but inside it's a fucking dystopia, among the ruins of what was once something amazing.
as in having to actually to physically go and vote, wouldn't have a clue who i voted for since i've been participating
sure because every 18y.o is aware of such loopholes, yeah, should be like the us, if you want to vote then register if not you get to stay home
There is no way that she can fuck up more than our current government. Her ignorance on topics will cause her to lean on experts
>a mentally challenged dyke is Australia's voice
>isn't even against chinks
>runs a failed fish and chips store
Dont worry Singapork. the Liberal cancer is coming to undo what Mr Lee did for Singapore.
Soon you'll be Malaysian tier.
She get my vote.
Also Melbourne is lost, it must be jettisoned.
The Greens and One Nation are both pretty terrible but I kind of want to vote for ON to fuck shit up a bit.
no i agree but then again i was always one to question thing and look abit deeper than surface level even before coming here
>Just do it!
One Nation has no policy other than "muh islam".
Personally I don't have a problem with Islam, I don't see them as a huge pressing concern, I like having a country with a mix of different cultures and backgrounds where everyone can share and partake in their culture. You can go to the supermarket and see chinese and indian restaurants or turkish kebab shops, and see vietnamese, white, muslim, etc families sitting together.
Its what I love about australia, the racial harmony that allows people to get along.
I know these views won't fly with Sup Forumstards, but most people don't hate an entire group of people purely on the grounds of race or ethnicity or religion, thats very small-minded.
Another election? What when?
I've been paying too much attention to America, didn't even realise halt of NSW was on fire until tonight.
fuck off ALP shill
Who here voting /WA Nationals/ in the upcoming WA state elections? They're honestly the best party for regional australia.
>only benefits of multiculturalism is shitty food
no thanks, i'd rather not be some other countries rape slave or an aggressive ideology's caliphate
>voting for a man who lisps
While your thinking as an individual, their voting as a block and waiting until they have a significant population to vote away freedoms they see as contradictory to their culture
They are like Marxists, saying "true Islam would be paradise", "True Islam has never been implemented fully"
>muh cuisine
But that's not what's happening cunt. You are getting pickets of different shitskin ethnics colonising different suburbs of the major cities.
They're no longer adding to the whole but splintering it
Explain your Melbourne comment?
Based Western Australia is having their state election in March.
>shitty food
Better than crappy english """food"""
kek. australia is a multicultural country, its no longer just an english people's colony and hasn't been for some time. once queen elizabeth dies, we're probably going to become a republic as well.
Go to any uni, the next generation of our educated elite, doctors, professors, are all going to be from a foreign background. All white people are good for is working the mines and stacking the line at centrelink.
>I.Q 131
>Voting One Nation in WA elections
fight me cunt :^)
>Admit it, Pauline Hanson is an idiot
>If you vote for her you are an idiot as well
>If you vote for anyone besides the greens you are an idiot
This. Old mate needs to spend a bit more time in Sup Forums and check out some knowledge bombs
>voting for the greens
Literally kill yourself
honeslty thats only a problem if you live in those suburbs, in which case you're a poorfag and should probably find a better job.
thats only because the government is too stupid to stop funding the retarded islamist religious schools and mosques. they should allow muslim people to let be and freely practice their religion, but they should ban all institutions that teach islam as a political ideology. Its a problem that can be fixed with proper policy.
Yeah, we know, no need to carry on about it.
She's an idiot, but One Nation is the only meaningful protest vote we've got.
>voting for mining shills owned by chinese corporations and an obese landwhale.
>Personally I don't have a problem with Islam
you don't have a problem with executing homosexuals and atheists?
>You can go to the supermarket and see chinese and indian restaurants or turkish kebab shops
i bought paneer the other day and i did not have to interact with a single nonwhite
>the racial harmony that allows people to get along
gr8 b8
Move to Europe.
No seriously, if you think like that, move to Europe, don't force this shit on me. Don't make the whole world like you want it to be, go live in London where only 50% of the people who live there are English, in England, a country where 1/3rd of the children aren't English.
If you want to destroy your own identity, fuck off and do it elsewhere, don't destroy mine.
>go live in London where only 50% of the people who live there are English
absurdly optimistic figure there
>you don't have a problem with executing homosexuals and atheists?
not really, i'd prefer they sort out their degeneracy themselves, but i won't exactly shed any tears for degenerates
>i bought paneer the other day and i did not have to interact with a single nonwhite
i thought you'd like that?
So you are only going to do something about it when they start stinking up your 'white' suburb. No cunt we should be stopping before it gets out of control. Have some fucking pride in your society
>not really
hmmmm makes you think
Voting for all those ' smart' politicians has got going nowhere, so why not?
Also I implore you to read their policies.
yeah cunt everyone vote greens so we end up like south Australia and have power 1 day out of the whole week you special ed cunt
just watched QandA on abc
they are trying to explain where the disconnect exists between australian politics and the population.
i've got a simple answer
>stop 3rd world immigration and 457 visa's
>stop selling our infrastructure to china
>stop with the multicultural propaganda
>increase the wages
>cut power and water prices drastically
>encourage industries to grow, instead of killing them.
The "wind power caused SA's blackout" meme was a lie. It has been debunked.