Who will raise the black children of all those single mothers if men start having sex with child dolls?
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Well I guess now that sex with a child = sex with child doll why not just have sex with a child instead
she looks 18 to me
Here's what some people think is the site where he ordered it from. These are some extremely shit quality dolls.
I never thought to treat it as pornography. In my mind sex toys are even further abstracted. It still has the same obvious defense as loli in that there are no children involved, it's just lines on paper. Or in this case it's a pile of space age synthetic materials. Still, Canadian authorities are pretty clear that they intend to crack down on loli as a thoughtcrime, so this logically also falls under their definition.
That's a tough one, on the one hand I think it's degenerate, but on the other I think it should be allowed because no one is getting harmed by that.
We are talking about the imaginative age of a stupid doll. To me it seems like protecting an ideology instead of protecting children. No matter what the verdict is, that guy's life is ruined either way.
Pedophiles deserve nothing but a firing squad
All sex toys are degenerate and depraved.
wsa curious and visited site. i think i need a shower.
who thinks this could be a good thing?
>"controlled delivery" of the package to Harrisson's home and arrested him when he took possession
Damn, that's low, pre-crime bait. Why not giving a notification to the poor man before accepting the consequences of delivery?
well, nobody choses to be a pedophile.
i think such dolls are a good thing, because there is no victim anyhow.
This guy absolutely deserves this. Sex toys are degenerate, and anyone who thinks otherwise are degenerates themselves.
A sex toy advertised as being representative of an underage girl is especially disturbing. This guy is a pedophile.
The idea is to punish him.
You're really feeling sorry for the wrong person Brazil.
Probably because you're a fucking pedo defender
That's not very tolerant of Canada.
If you like shagging kids, just come to the UK. It's legal here, so long as you're a paki and only target white girls, and if you do happen to get arrested, just claim you were mistreated by the authorities and receive tens of thousands of pounds in compensation.
juan does make a good point
>diversity is strength.
>a pile of space age synthetic materials
And children are just a pile of organic materials
That's very hateful for a leaf
>fallacy salad
impossible for any of it to be any of your business
I would agree but it's not immediately necessary to define a dollfucker as a pedo. Pedos fuck kids, dollfuckers fuck dolls.
Pretty sure that if Moohammad had raped a child , they would apologize to him as usual
Regardless of how you try to make it sound, that is a profound difference.
thoughts is right.
this...right there. Is proof, canada is not free.
Who the fuck gives the government the right to tell you what you can and cannot do in your home?!!! And furthermore to an object.
IF i want to stick a hair brush up my ass. What...gotta get teh ok from the government.
This is entire bullshit.
Would I ever get a doll, fuck no. Creepy as fuck.
But im sure not going to judge someone for getting one. Maybe he's a pedo and doesn't want to fuck real kids. I say, GOOD FOR YOU.
you found yourself a safe outlet
fucking canada. LEAFS you are so fucked it's beyond recognitions. I can't believe i was one of you over a decade and a half. (i still have dual citizenship, but i will be far fucked if i use it) if i go to canada and need a check up or doctors anything, I pay cash. That's my way of saying "Fuck you canada. i am not one of you".
Arresting people for doing something, on their own, based off sexual feelings is a bit short sited. It's "stop liking what I don't like" philosophy, like arresting furries for bestiality.
However if the guy had legit CP then obviously he should be arrested.
anyone may fuck anything
doesnt necessarily indicate anything
This, if he converts to islam he will literally be released the same day.
Well yes. That could be said of many laws, which are so often based on subjective morality. Your implication that objective morality exists is foolish.
Frankly that many countries in Europe ban fake doll but still allow a pedophile like Moohamed be a prophet.
Fucking sheep not good enough anymore?
Nobody chooses to be a nigger either yet I'm pretty sure this entire site agrees they need to be dealt with
>However if the guy had legit CP then obviously he should be arrested.
thought experiment:
and if he had no hand in making it
and paid nothing for it
and was mutually unknown to the producers;
do you still conclude the same?
>You don't CHOSE your sexuality, bigot fucks!!!
>but don't have sex with silicone if the shape disturbs me
>Your implication that objective morality exists is foolish.
never implied
Faggotry needs to be re criminalizes as well and trannies should burn
Remember the Jylland incident in Denmark because they drew the cartoon of Mohamed? Remember?
only if he was a muslim
Yeah that was lulzy. Showed the whole world what a bunch of psycho hypersensitive fucks they are. Many people were shown the true face of the religion of piss that day.
could you have posted a bigger trigger-hydrogen-bomb for the bleeding heart masses
>nobody choses to be a pedophile
Not disagreeing necessarily but I think that argument is a little bit shaky. Anyway, I don't even think it's necessary to use that argument for defending that guy.
The question is, who is the government protecting here? They say it's childporn, but CP is illegal because kids are getting raped to make it.
With the doll you are re-enacting a crime and I guess their logic is that it somehow makes more pedos or glorifies the crime. That way of thinking opens up a whole lot of other problems:
Are we banning adult sex dolls next, because you cannot ask them for consent? I mean it's literally re-enacted rape.
To me it seems very suspicious and just the beginning of the implementation of more Feminist laws.
>morally gray area
cmon guys I've been fighting my depression really hard after my breakup and tomorrow is valentines day. NOW THIS SHIT.
good thing he's not a pedophile. He's being charged with having a sex doll that RESEMBLES a child. It is not a child. Ipto facto, he's not a pedophile.
>Retired RCMP Supt. Bill Malone has not seen the doll but has screened thousands of images of child porn over his 26-year career and believes this object falls into that category.
>"When I look at the descriptions of the doll in the paper, in the newspapers, and how it is described and what it's for, and those sorts of things, I am of the opinion, and I'm sure I always will be, that it is child pornography," said Malone.
Its OK guys, a well-studied child-porn expert says its CP so it must be
>but I think that argument is a little bit shaky.
>anyone, ever, CHOOSES their orientation
be serious
i member
Damn Kenneth, shoulda just gotten a dog.
>has not seen the doll but
So why is his opinion even being considered? As a detective I've seen hundreds of crime scenes over the years and I haven't seen this one but given how this one was described I believe it was murder.
and yet....
it is not a child
so the reasoning is DOA
This is just as unrealistic a goal as the left's dreams of a communist utopia where there is no money and everyone is free and equal and there is no scarcity of resources.
nice shitpost you bludger
Who knew canada could talk sense?
Look at this image
All the Canadians are now going to prison
At the end of the day somebody was actually harmed in the creation of CP (or animal abuse etc). People thinking it's ok to possess and share something like that enables more harm to be done by and increasing the demand and therefore production of it.
Have you ever wondered why there is no attack in Sweden?
Actually, the newspaper censors them all.
>but given how this artificial murder scene was staged and adorned/decorated with a cadaver DUMMY i conclude this to be a genuine murder
sounds as bad as my wife if she were a lawyer. To her if you even look at/talk to another woman your cheating and it should carry prison time.
This Niger knows what's up
Distributing drawn child porn is minimum 10 years in australia
>He feels strongly that a sex doll is not only child porn but that it could lead to an actual sexual assault on a child.
>"I think it is troublesome," he said. "I would worry that the novelty would wear off and they would be out there looking for victims on the street."
The slippery slope is legally affirmed it seems. A doll is one-step away from stalking rape-fodder at the park
fuck it,i would derail this whole farce of a court case
Ask for trial by judge
and then watch the crickets as the crown (prosecution) try to prove he's a pedo. With no (im assuming) child porn or previous convictions or pedoness.
BAM, your home free. Slam dunk.
>that enables more harm to be done
your argument's logic dies here
This is one of the pictures of the crime scene and I concur with your assessment
> fucking leaf
wtf that girl is raping that "14yo" boy!!
Should we ban fictional depictions of violence too? After all, they are 'like' the real thing
Its all le joose fault
>normalfag roasties will legislate to make erotic attraction to 1.5/2D illegal worldwide in our lifetime
Please think of the children, user.
>Raping a piece of plastic
>Being a pedophile
case closed
when is sentencing scheduled?
Well I guess I'll see you on the inside
>fucking dogs is OK
>having a sex doll isn't
well no
because sex is REALLY naughty
SRSLY guise
SUPER cereal here
I think its pretty easy to argue that the grotesque amounts of violence we show in our films and media has adverse effects on our society. Westerners have perverted their minds irreparably.
Sex toys are degenerate
Stop masturbating
>Release a man who murdered someone on the bus
>Convict a person who masturbates to a doll the privacy of his own him
Oooooooooh Canada!
What the fug
>Beheading a man and eating his face in a crime scene so violent one of the responding officers commits suicide from ptsd
>that's okay, you're free to roam the streets!
>buy a sex doll
oh, canada
I'm okay with child sex dolls. If he ever touches a real child then he should get beaten and shot out back but preemptive arrests are stupid. Pretty much in the territory of thought crimes because they don't like what you're doing. It just opens things up to abuse.
The idea that it encourages him to fuck kids is stupid. You could easily make the argument for the reverse that it's an outlet for his sexual feelings. There's no science to back this any of it either way but even if did, it's still an inanimate object. Plus the fact that he's a pedophile is what makes him want to fuck kids. He's 51 years old, he's been dealing with this for probably 30 years now. This isn't new territory for the man, if he hasn't raped anyone in all this time then he needs to be applauded. If his record is clean and he's been a good citizen then let the man do what he wants as long as it doesn't hurt other people.
Also the part about telling pedophiles to get help from therapy made me laugh out loud, what a joke. There is no help for pedophilia, there is no cure for it. At best it will be some therapist who secretly wants to stab your dick off for existing lecturing you for an hour on to never touch kids which you already fucking know and at worst it's a way to monitor you and keep track of you and you put you on a list.
I don't really buy into the argument that it's the same thing as being hetero or homo. I think it's more like a forbidden fetish and the refusal of participating in adult relationships because of the lack of maturity.
>people sharing, posting, possessing CP doesn't encourage CP production
Ok then
No. That isn't remotely close to what I'm saying either. I'm arguing for fictional depictions of anything as the creation of it is harmless.
How so?
The violent crime rate has done nothing but plummet for the last few decades
1. CP is not inherently abuse. That's ridiculous. Filming of major Hollywood pictures probably result in more harm to the child than if they were to get naked and pose in a studio. Where is the abuse in one that's not in the other besides "hurr durr, her clothes are too revealing"
2. The legal system can't say illegal downloading is hurting industries while claiming it's helping CP creators. Most legally defined CP is made by the """children""" themselves thanks to the modern world of cameras everywhere.
Really though, why can't a very distinct line just be drawn at:
If it's a real child, it's illegal
If it's not a real child, it's legal
Next Tuesday. This callous, unprovoked and premeditated murder is one of the most vile I've seen in my 82 year career as a police detective. This man will receive the full brunt of the law.
The horrors we found in the suspect's home are almost indescribable.
these outcome make the neo-hippy-minded psycho's babby gandhi up in nirvana velly pleased
Why do you have this image
How did they find out?
>that argument is a little bit shaky.
It's the argument that got homosexuality legalized
oh god wryyyyyyyy
Probably the wooden coffin that turned up at customs
WOW, trolls on Sup Forums.org!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() user ip masterlisting upgraded(include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C: