Ask an french naturalized algerian immigrant all questions you have on :
>foreign policy in the middle east
>Algerian culture and history
>French culture and history
Ask an french naturalized algerian immigrant all questions you have on :
>foreign policy in the middle east
>Algerian culture and history
>French culture and history
why don't you go back to the pits of which you came?
Why ?
Just ... why man ?
>Algerian culture and history
Tell me about the Algerian war
When are you going to finally erradicate the vile French from the face of the Earth?
started in 1954, ended in 1962,
if only you had won the Guerra franco-española during the 30 year war
what happened ? all the odds were with you
I can do that :
All the Pieds-Noirs (white europeans in Algeria)
living in algeria have more political power than the algerians (their votes matter more)
And most of them own the lands on which the Algerians work.
They are some kind of rich elite (less than 10%) separated than the Algerians (Algerians are muslims) The rich minority also had little privileges (better education , better medical cares...)
One day, some of the Algerians want to be integrated in the French Republic (became French citizens) and have the same rights (Integration) but the Frenchs just say lol fuck no
so the Algerians start a terrorist group (FNL) who wanted separation.
Now you have to know that FNL practiced a violent politic against the Frenchs , so that the French would retaliate agains the population, thus making them "hated" by the algerians.
You also must know that they were "moderate" muslims (it wasn't Jihad) and that they killed everybody that was against them , or even neutral.
War goes on (at the time France was under 4th Republic which means instability) and it becames a impopular war, in Algeria the tensions between Frenchs and Algerians became worst and worst.
So the General De Gaulle is called: he has full powers on the algerian question.
at the beginning, "Euro-Algerians" saw him as a saviour but he just said "let's do a referendum to see what ALgerian people want.
Euro algerians know that they will lose and they fear for their lives and wealth so they oppose the referendum.
As it goes on The "Pieds Noirs" make a Pustch in the region that will last like 2 days.
They flee to France and the Harkis (algerians who helped the frenchs are slaughtered)
Guess what: whtout the "Pieds Noirs" the country became shit and most of them emigrated to France while still hating it fur "muh colonization"
It's basicaly Rhodesia 2.0
Why are your kind so ugly and retarded?
When are you going back?
Nobody gives a shit about your opinion dumb dunecoon go get a job
Why wont the police beat the shit out of the niggers and the kebabs when theyre fucking up the place?
this, except the french abandonned the harkis to be slaughtered by the FLN
Also even though algeria is shit, the condition of the algerian people is far better than it was under french rule
We don't hate France for colonization mate, stop making shit up.
we do
so why don't you go back already ? don't you have benefits to leech there also ? and rape is probably more tolerated in algeria than in France so it would be safe for you.
>the french abandonned the harkis to be slaughtered by the FLN
i think half were abandonned and the other half became french citizens
was the abandon deliberate ?
>implying you expect me to believe an algerian french subhuman could speak fluent english and also write it
yes you do, algerians in France hates french people as much as black people hate white people in USA
they think every bad thing that happens to them is because of white people, and algerians think if Algeria is poor today, it's because of France
I can assume you were born in canada with this post. Algerians hates everybody but boy sure they do hate us. Not a problem for me btw.
i think the middle-eastern countries speaks more english than France
>the condition of the algerian people is far better than it was under french rule
Hence they flee en masse...
Algeria is not middle east retard
Reggae bougnoule
how are you contributing to the gencoie of the melanin impaired race?
how many white bitches have you impregnated?
how much of france is brown in your opinion, and what's your projection on the percentage in 10 years?
Anonymous (ID: H/vMtRdl) 02/13/17(Mon)22:46:43 No.112426435 ▶
File: cyberspace.jpg (40 KB, 610x340)
WOW, trolls on Sup!
Who would have Fatal error require_once() failed opening required 'lib/model/map/ResponceMapBuilder.php' (include_path='C:\webroot\hyperion\lib;C:\webroot\hyperion\protocol\\lib;;C:
>Algerians chimp out for -muh freedoms-
>Realize they're stuck in a muzzie shithole
>All want to move to France and turn that place into muzzie shithole
There you go, friendo
>what's your projection on the percentage in 10 years?
Reminder that this is today's France.
The millenials/gen X are all fleeing as soon as they can.
Even I, live outside France most of the year because of that.
some of the harkis managed to espace in france as "refugees" but the did not have the status the pieds noirs had as "repatriated", because you see, according to France, even if you fought both world wars, and fought the algerian war with the french, you were still not french.
So although the french, especially the military based in algeria, knew that the the harkis would be massacred, they recived order from french gvt not to interviene.
just one quesion: what would it take to make you consider going back to your ancestral land?
Good summary.
Is that Megan Stack
>middle-eastern countries
>what is Africa
What do you think about pic related ?
>>implying you expect me to believe an
because in france they have equal rights, french algeria had the code de l'indigenat, google it
you are enemies of france, you don't know what being french is, fuck your answers, and fuck your flag
>the condition of the algerian people is far better than it was under french rule
lol no. just no dude
idk i call her fatima
she's my bitch back in the marshes
It must be hard to be obssessed with something you will never have. Stay mad untermensch you will never have the sweet taste of a nice white pussy on your tongue.
make algeria a secular democratic country free from islam
Why do you idolize a child molesting murderer?
What do you think about Mohammed 'thighing' (putting his rigid penis between the thighs and against the vulva) of a 6 year old girl?
What do you think about Mohammed forcing his brother to divorce his wife, so that he could marry and fuck her?
How does it feel knowing that Mohammed is in hell, being anally raped by pigs at this very moment?
are you the canadian-algerian who posts on JVC ?
And yes must of the algerians here (the criminal scum) hate the frenchs
dont care, dont have problems with mexicans, and morocco is much like algeria 2.0
genocide it is then
why are Algerians heavily over-represented in crime statistics across western Europe?
yes indoneisia, it is
>you will never have the sweet taste of a nice white pussy on your tongue.
i wasn't planing to taste aids anyway
they are ?
Have any French muslim friends that had an arranged marriage?
-Muslims don't idolize a child molesting murderer, why don't people get that Muslims pray God, Muhammad is just a prophet
-His wife was pubescent when he had marital intercourse and way more than 6 or 10
-He's in heaven with Jesus bro
It doesn't meen their condition was bad, especially compared to their current condition.
huh, I've been speaking to a french algerian girl recently. she said something like the anti muslim sentiment over there is really high. is that true?
>Muslims don't idolize a child molesting murderer, why don't people get that Muslims pray God, Muhammad is just a prophet
Yet if you draw him, you get 7.63x39 lead.
Yes you nigger they are. Even in Germany and UK you're on the top five. Your race is a fucking pain in the ass we should have whiped you out.
it actually was. Algeria had an illiteracy rate of 90% in 1962
>huh, I've been speaking to a french algerian girl recently. she said something like the anti muslim sentiment over there is really high. is that true?
Of course, EVERYBODY except the vocal left minorities (politicians, medias, popstars) and the muslims themselves HATE muslims.
It's common sense.
There was a poll like a week ago, 50+% of French would want to ban people from muslim countries from entering.
see this, crime statistics for germany
No it's not. But they have an hardcore policy against islamists and terrorists.
Muhammad practiced THIGHING on aisha at the age of 6
Muhammad fucked aisha at 9.
Muhammad beheaded every single child that reached puberty after destroyed banu quraiza tribe
When his followed asked him, (after having massacred a city),
"our many spouses are not with us, can we take the captives and fuck them for free without marrying them? And the prophet said, "yes you are not going to castrate yourself"
In france or algeria ?
a minority does yes, but they have to hide, the majority want islam,
Nobody cares because algerian dont want morocan too
I am gonna need the sources of those statistics
Butthurt much ?
God , I wonder if the Hajis bitches were tight in Fallujah
It ain't gonna make it by itself.
May I ask who do you vote for ?
And also in the "Gibs" statistics ?
>-Muslims don't idolize a child molesting murderer
Wrong. Muslims idolize mohammed as the ideal male role model. Lying muzzie scum.
>His wife was pubescent when he had marital intercourse and way more than 6 or 10
Which is why I described a form of child abuse which Muslims celebrate as an example of Mohammed treating his prepubescent wife with 'respect'. Lying muzzie scum, you idolize a child molester.
>He's in heaven with Jesus bro
Wrong. Mohammed is in hell being raped by pigs, because he is a false prophet and slandered the word of god, and did not accept Jesus as his savior or instruct his disciples to do the same. Lying muzzie scum.
Understand this, muzzie scum: when the day of reckoning comes, I will personally do my best to send you and every single disgusting islamofascist trash to hell. Bullet blade or biological war, it doesn't matter. If there is a button to push, a trigger to pull, or something I can swing to end the worthless life of any one of you, man woman or child, I will do it.
since USA is to blame for all the multiculturalism and racism, what´s your excuse to not boycotting completely all american products and chains like mcdonalds?
dont buy their media, dont give them money until the anti white racism stops completely
And? Is it a criterion of happiness?
>Algerian """""""""""""culture"""""""""""""""
federal criminal police office 2014-2015
now answer my goddamn question
Hahahaha every fucking time. This is exactely why Algeria is a massive shithole and will stay that way for ever. You are basicaly niggers.
where do you see that ?
North africans and niggers are the most americanized acultured masses here. They're brainless consumers, that's why our gates are open to them btw.
Paragraph 2 Line 1. I am a fluent German speaker. are you going to continue beating around the bush or answer the question?
عليك أن تذهب إلى الوراء
I can spot it's a lie because there are no morrocans represented in the diagram
this is the most autistic attempt at avoiding the question ever.
I am truly regretful we bailed you out in both world wars. Should have left you alone and kicked back.
Lmao there are no thighing there are no valuable sources about this "thighing"
One day y'all gonna say that he used to go to strip clubs lmao
Lmao you're not even Muslim thai tranny
Muslims sees Muhammad as the greatest men because he was a prophet, as much as Jesus. Why you're talking in the name of Muslims while you're just a lame katoy?
If you learned you'd know that he had a harem and that if he was a pedophile, his harem would've been full of young girls. Aisha's marriage as a young age was more a part of God's plan than a love marriage.
>I will personally do my best to send you trash to hell
Lmao Islam is the fastest growing religion, and a 40kg tranny bitching on 4chins won't change anything so good luck
dont trust everything you find on the internet, especially a random pic found on Sup Forums
don't trust an Algerian camel merchant to actually deal with his problems rather than bury his head in the sand.
Tahia djazair btw
you know shit, no fuck off
T'es un cas d'école. Tu es 100% Algerien pas de doutes la dessus.
Is there any land that Algeria is willing to sell to Israel?
do you even know anything about your prophets life? hes not ashamed of thighing and fucking kids he asked every muslim to do the exact same, he is proud of it + beheader of childrens, ignorant subrace! if aisha mouth, muslim abou daoud, and other trannnies of his houses is not sufficient as testimony, then go make your own sect without thighing, but your example pedoprophet did it, your vision of islam is not the one that matters. cretin.
I don't see any unless you turn saharian desert into a fertile land ? That would actually solve you a lot of prolems.
Why are you so shit and why are you destroying my country?
Bruh are you dumb or ?the so called fatwa has been refuted and debunked in it’s both sources that was provided, in conclusion the so called thighing of Aisha hold no merits no historical accuracy. Same goes for Mohammed's bloodthirsty slaughter of the Jews at Banu Qurayza, leaving only the women and children to be sold into slavery.
You're probably like 50 and getting your sources from sites like ripostelaique lmao.
We used to be like 90% desert, now we are 60% and keep dropping. Israel is one of the only nations that in it the number of trees increases every year.
Don't lie you dirty sand nigger
Volume 1, Book 6, Number 298 :
The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were Junub. During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to __fondle__ me. While in Itikaf, he used to bring his head near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods (menses).
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 17 :
When I got married, Allah's Apostle said to me, "What type of lady have you married?" I replied, "I have married a matron' He said, "Why, don't you have a liking for the virgins and for __fondling__ them?" Jabir also said: Allah's Apostle said, "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that you might play with her and she with you?'
Mohammad was a pedophile you lying mother fucker
you will all be killed, you lying rats
" what is war but deception" ? muhamad ?
Where the water comes from, by curiosity?
-angry pajeet bc his anaconda-lenght haired indian bitches are converting to Islam lol
Taqiyya is hiding faith in the face of persecution. Right now : -1 Who is hiding his faith ? 2-Where is the persecution
Go back taking a bath on your poo-river pajeet
We were kinda forced to get into the water purification technology, and now 1st place in the entire world in it. Also, the Cineret, and the red sea.
We're waiting jacques, we're waiting