>ttacks on refugees and their homes remained high in 2016, Germany's Federal Criminal Police report. Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere intends to increase deportations of people whose asylum requests are rejected.

>Germany's spike in attacks on refugees and their homes continued in 2016, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) reports. The agency recorded 970 attacks on asylum accommodation centers and 2,396 crimes against refugees outside of the residences.

>Attacks on homes for asylum applicants decreased slightly as 2016 wore on. In the first quarter of the year, about 460 such crimes were recorded, but the last three months saw just 116 - or an average of roughly four per day. The Interior Ministry has warned that the number could remain high as far-right groups have grown increasingly agitated by the presence of displaced people in Germany, and racist factions form new alliances.

How do we stop this hateful thinking in Germany?

>How do we stop this hateful thinking in Germany?
by increasing the attacks
wont hate if theres nothing left to hate
also, showered yet?

Nice, finally the pendulum is swinging the other way.

What do you want to bet 80% of these attacks were committed by other refugees?

do they track if the crimes are refugee on refugee?

stop importing the things that are making people angry

How much were attacks from other migrants for sectarian reasons?

All of them.

agree, germany is really dangerous, oh btw this is the "Einzelfall-Map 2017"... crimes commited by refugees... IN 2017!!

trash bait.
gtfo or exit yourself.

that's the funniest part, when a refugee commits a crime it's not counted as a crime, the police crosses a little checkbox that says "Migrationbackground", that tracks them in a different statistic, so when our media says "Crime rates did not increase in 2016", that's because they are not counted in the same statistics

fucking goverment lying left and right and retard eating that shit

>How do we stop this hateful thinking in Germany?
Send the "refugees" back to whatever shithole they came from.
They cant be attacked by Germans if they arent in Germany

hey hey, bro, not so fast, after we got rid of them here and built a nice wall, the really purge starts

Deus Vult.


>every 10th attack confirmed as self inflicted
>most attacks are from "unknown sources" and just assumed to be right wing by default
>posting some sticker that says rapefugees not welcome counts as vandalism and adds to that number
>litterally less "crimes" against rapefugee homes than violence and crime cases in rapefugee homes caused by rapefugees
>Germans are the problem not the dens of rapists and criminals

He must be a furfag who smells like dickcheese and fleshlight.

by deporting all refugees into a safer place, e.g. Israel

oy vey, that's racist and you should not think about such a thing because remmemebebre the 8 billion

>import a shitload of foreigners
>be (((shocked))) if attacks against foreigners increase
gets me every time Hans


My Girlfriend is a german citizen but only has her italian ID so fuck that honestly.

Source pls

> attacks on refugees
> by other refugees

And that's why open door immigration is bad. You let in all the people that made their home country a shithole, and the result is that everywhere they are "welcome" gets turned into a shithole, too.