What does Sup Forums think of NEETs?
What does Sup Forums think of NEETs?
NEETs are redpilled.
LARPers, the real black pill is being a hikki.
Interesting that the Japanese have a word for it. I am literally a hikki
>be a able bodied male
>refuse to work
>live of work of people less able than you
It's immoral af.
Have never seen one and i really doubt a NEET can even survive.
Hikikomori faggot niggers
Piss in bottle pee poo
Poo in bag pee poo
Cum in dumpster pee poo
Hang myself pee poo
Kys your ass goodbye
Once a year they should be rounded up and everyone else could bring guns and bows and shit like that and hunt them down and kill them.
People from all walks of life are NEETs - disabled people, billionaires, people with issues like depression/ anxiety, and people who just don't want to work because they think it's slavery. I'm not gonna judge them and I don't think society should require an individual to work to be able to sustain themselves - I'm a believer in universal income.
Certainly no other animal in nature ever required 'work' for sustinence, let alone work for all of these material possessions, bills, and taxes. Society & civilisation took simple life away from us (being able to live off your own land, hunting, farming) so I feel it's the responsibility of society and civilisation to provide the means (food, drink, shelter) that they took away by forcing us into their modern economic/ social model.
Being "able-bodied" doesn't mean anything if you're not able-brained mate
I feel sorry for him. He cut his own hair but it was a fucking disaster. The kid needs a lot, a lot of professional help.
In most wealthy countries such as the United States NEETS just live off of their parents because usually older people will have a lot of money.
Implying you need brain to sever burgers at MacDonalds.
They literally feel entitled to better work or pay because they are so "smart".
Fuck morality. I consume barely any resources, spend my neetbux on food and other items to stay alive, government gets their money back, I get to do what I want. Everyone's a winner
>immoral af
is it immoral if you're taking advantage of diseased and corrupt system to further rot it from the core?
that is literally how I feel. I will not waste my intellect performing menial labor. Also, autism.
There really needs to be a thread over this? Lurk for 15 minutes and you'll have your answer.
neets are the true master race
Useless fat sacks of shits who should be exterminated for being a drain for society.
Most of Sup Forums are NEETs, whether they want to admit it or not.
Used to be one. For a while it was fun. I got a job and now I can support my hobbies which is nice. I still revert back on weekends.
>I contribute nothing
>I'm entitled to something
And some people are literally destroying their back so you can masturbate to anime girls all day only because they want to live in society where you can have nice things.
And this government "get's back" is literally extraction of resources from working people since you didn't earn what you have given in the first place.
>let's take advantage of those working people and be part of the problem
You should be kissing them on their feet that your country even exists.
They're smarter than people killing themselves mentally by working at mcdonalds, though.
I was in a bad place for a while. I've pissed in bottles, I've jacked off over my trash can to avoid cleanup. I went three weeks without talking to another person, but then I had to go to the store. I'm a lot better now. I'm less filthy because I have a room mate. I'm going to school. I try to talk to people at school but I think they're distant with me either because I'm awkward in my approach or because I'm 27. I really want to make a friend but I guess I don't really know how anymore. I always just had work friends before. I feel like I'm just killing time before the race war.
You make me sick. You waste of fucking space.
Is a veteran living off disability who lives alone and never goes outside a hikki?
It seemed like it was normal for people to be naked at public places in ancient Greece.
i guess if he has a waifu.
If you have a phobia of outside yes
Yeah. I counted myself as one, you should too. What percent?
NEET is just a word autistic welfare scum uses so it doesn't have to acknowledge that they're welfare scum. They'll all be executed when the time comes
I wish i could be NEET in Japan like Sato.
People are told that they are better than that when in reality this is the only thing they are able to do.
So no. They are not smarter. Smart person would make the best out off available things. He wouldn't find himself in that situation in the first place.
They are 1 down from the common street beggers. If it wasnt for mummy and daddy they would be eating out trash cans. Fucking redpilled my ass. They cant even look after themselves. PARASITES.
80. I'll go out once I feel ready to put up with the world again. I do feel guilty though.
I'm neet and on no welfare
I don't really want to be NEET, but I can't even learn a trade where I live because the local college just wants to offer liberal arts classes and a bunch of other junk like that. Of course any trade jobs are few and far between anyway.
I don't collect any welfare so I'm not a burden on society.
A smart person would see that their life is going to end someday, and you should spend that time doing something you want to do instead of wasting it all away.
Shit dude, I like playing video games all day, but even I know if I don't work I can't do that.
I've been a shut-in agoraphobic NEET for almost 6 years now. I don't steal taxpayer money, but I feel worse little by little as time goes on. I imagine I'll end up in a shitty warehouse job that pays nothing. On the bright side I have no debt, and I'm in a position in which I could save lots of money if I did get a job. The goal is to save enough to buy a house cash 100% down payment, and then wagecuck until I die alone. If that doesn't work out then I'll hit the exit bag, but I can't do that until my parents are dead, not sociopathic enough to do it while they're alive.
The only meaning I see in life is in witnessing happenings, memes and anime titties.
As a wage-slave I'm pretty envious desu.
I want to move to America, but the amount you get paid for your jobs sucks balls.
I work in a factory doing menial shit and get paid a mint.
>but even I know if I don't work I can't do that
What's that even supposed to mean? There's probably millions of people "playing video games all day" that don't have to work.
This. They are worse than beggers because most beggers realize they have a problem or are ruined because of crippling addiction. Most would accept help. NEETs are addicted to games but refuse to aknowledge that it is a problem and even proudly make gaming a part of their identity.
Imagine meeting proud alcoholics that boldly ask for money to get wasted, then are mad girls go to bars that don't even know the history of the wine they are drinking.
NEETs disgust me. Somehow games have ruined humans beyond recognition and they have no shame. I have a pretty good collection myself and playing sure did hold me back. Cost me jobs and grades. I am throwing it all out and I won't let my kids play games either.
Games/computers are expensive.
Surely people's lives aren't that pathetic that they call barely scraping by being smart and 'not wasting their life'.
this. being a weekend hikkikomori is enough.
Well on my way to becoming one
I'm at 80 too. Once you get on the G.I. bill and add that BAH in, life feels easy. I'm not looking forward to being done with my G.I. bill.
I saved up my disability for a month and went to eastern europe. I liked it so much I spent 6 months wasting my time and enjoying my money. I was supposed to go for a month and go back to school, but I just didn't enroll and stayed where I was. The money stretches. The plane ticket is cheap. I miss it over there. If you don't have any obligations, travel is a great way to spend your disability.
When I got home quite a few of my things had been stolen from where I was storing them.
Get any job. Min wage fulltime in a few years is enough to own a condo or mobile home and then you have assets that grow. If your costs are 0 then get off your ass.
They learn trade at college? Or you mean literal trading? You should try trade school. :^)
By living of work of others that can't do that because they are too busy caring that burden?
Just call those hard working people dumb. They are dumb producing and serving society. They are dumb protecting people. They are dumb creating civilization that allows lazy pieces of shit to exists that wipe their ass with some preschool level philosophy that life is meaningless when enjoying every aspect of things that only working people should have that they can't even appreciate because easy come easy go saying that everything is meaningless. Of course it is since you didn't put a single drop of sweat into it so everything you get is worthless to you. So yeah. Not every person is in such a grate position to only do things he likes because they do have real responsibilities that some able people will avoid at all cost.
Same, future seems pretty bleak.
i'm a neet who gets 1200 a month in US. how much do you geet on neetbux on ausfailia
I prefer being a NEET. Why should I serve a society that I despise? What purpose is there in working if you don't have to? Instead of being a slave to the world I spend my time without worry or care, reading philosophy and literature, drawing and playing musical instruments. Medieval man saw work as merely a means to an end (the end being pleasure), this understanding was replaced with the inferior Anglo-Saxon work ethic in which the end is forgotten; this gives rise to workaholics who work for the sake of work. People can actually live rather easily if they're frugal in this age, we live in a time wherein we have access to a wealth of affordable goods and vast amounts of free information
I would move to shitposterland if I had the nerve to leave my room, let alone my country.
At least watching the world burn will be interesting
I'm glad you are spending time reading philosophy instead of slaving away in some call center, smart poo.
I half agree. But i love computer games and i can buy whatever game i want whenever i want! I have an extensive collection of vintage games consoles. All payed for me. I resent being called a wagecuck when i live a neets dream life. Hell i am at work right now. Its all about moderation and putting your responsibilities first.
>They learn trade at college? Or you mean literal trading? You should try trade school. :^)
There's no "trade school" here at all, just a single community college. Where we used to live, the local community college offered trade classes, but we moved before I took any, and now I'll never have the chance.
Where I live it would take more like 8-10 years at minimum wage to buy a condo, and renting them out isn't very profitable. Most are just sold rather than rented.
No idea.
I'd want to work over there but all of your jobs seem to have insanely low pay rates.
Barely scraping by? My passive income is higher than the average person who does work.
>people who work don't actually want to work
That's just wrong.
That's the only immoral part about it. Instead of praying for the end of civilization like some edgy teen coming to terms with his own self awareness, how about you do something for state? If you are dissatisfied with it's current state, be the change you want to see. Holding disdain will only rot you further while the state lives on.
If done right, I suppose it's fine. You're the first to enjoy basic income and become the true slaves of the government.
>people who want to survive must do things
Terrifying idea isn't it.
I would give anything to be able to live as a NEET desu
too bad I can't get NEETbux and my family won't support me
>what does Sup Forums think of Sup Forums?
>feeling sorry for jahans
How do you plan on becoming a ruthless military dictator as a NEET though?
Only path to glory is by wagecucking and ((((((((investing))))))))
I have a terrifying idea for you, there are ways to survive outside of construction work.
You sound like a smelly communist
The NEET life is only fun in small stretches of periods or if you actually have a life outside of home maybe, I've been a NEET for almost 3 years. I've spent the last year getting /fit/ and I'm going to talk to a military recruiter tomorrow lads, you can only derive true enjoyment from things if you've had to struggle to get it. Your body WILL get used to every pleasurable thing you can do as a shut-in NEET. Anime, games, porn... they'll all become so vapid.
The thing NEETs really want is to be normies with an enjoyable career and a lovable wife at home, but society systematically denies this from us. There's NEETs in denial about this simple fact, some who think they'll be fine just jerking off for the rest of their life... but that's not true. They're living in delusion. Perhaps it's not the life of being a NEET, but more so the life of being a shut-in with nothing to aspire to or do besides giving into your carnal desires. Don't follow this path, it's a hole you start digging that only gets harder and more depressing to get out of once you're in.
>tfw almost exclusively post on Sup Forums from my offie
>tfw spent a decent chunk of my early 20's as a NEET
>tfw wouldn't give up my current lifestyle because I like money and having things
>tfw still dream about how great being a NEET was as well
I am 33 now and still convinced being a NEET would be amazing if I had a trust fund or money simply wasn't an issue. I mean working at my job is pretty good as a Systems Admin just due to the fact I can shitpost the majority of my day and I am paid well for it.
I would still taking sitting on my ass AND having money over working any day of the week. Although if I had a lot of $$ I would likely travel or chill at the lake cabin for the rest of my life.
Leeching of work of other obviously. Social system was in place to help people in need. Not to be exploited by people that can very well take care of themselves.
But I said. Entitlement and arrogance gets in the way. Those genius people that must live of welfare.
Why everybody should just live like that. Let's just all sit on our bum and watch the sky. Sure it will start raining food anytime soon.
People can leech because there are working people. If you were a smart leech you would want as many people working as possible instead of defending it.
>The thing NEETs really want is to be normies with an enjoyable career and a lovable wife at home, but society systematically denies this from us.
Well I'm not sure I'd say I want to be a normie. Most normies are wageslaves, have bad relationships, have tons of debt, etc. I'd like to have a decent job, a loyal wife, a reasonably priced house, and responsible finances, but none of it ever seemed possible so I never bothered to try. I know it's defeatist, but I just can't bring myself to suffer through trying to get a place in society and take risks when the odds seem so stacked against ever actually getting the things I want.
Speak for yourself. I have enough games and anime and shit to enjoy myself forever.
I'm talking to a girl seriously right now and I'm going to be financially safe when I join the military. It takes a lot of risks, but a few more years of being a KHV NEET and I'd probably kill myself.
You'll change user, you're in the denial phase. The longer you stay, the worse it'll get.
I'm not, I enjoy having more money than other people do.
What, everyone who doesn't work is on welfare now? I don't "leech off work of others", I leech off other people's fuck ups. I have morals, I'm not taking the common man's tax money.
Who cares? they think they have it all but they don't know what it's like to have a busy day full of action, better yet financially independent! Girls start falling right unto your lap when you have money, growing up socializing and out in the real world gaining the traits of charm and manipulation.
They get a cut of my money, big deal! It's their loss for throwing their life away.
I couldn't even imagine being able to handle the military. I'm surprised any long-term NEET could, but I respect your efforts and wish you the best with that and the girl.
How did you meet her? I haven't conversed with a non-related female in something like seven years.
I think you're projecting just a bit here. I've always been more comfortable with minimal social interaction, and call me autistic or a liar if you want but relationships don't interest me much. My unhappiness primarily stems from financial worries.
I would have already joined but I need to prove I no longer have asthma or ADHD and they dont administer those tests so Im kinda stuck until then
And no one administers spirometry tests as a stand alone procedure, you need to get it scheduled through a primary physician, which is bullshit because a third party specialist performs it anyway.
Fuck medical regulation.
27 professional NEET.
My wife is in the shower getting ready for work. Im going to bed soon. I have a big afternoon ahead of me. Im learning a new piece on the piano and then i have to order dark souls.
Never had a job in my life and honestly, its too late now. Nobody would hire me.
I'm neet and I really don't play video games at all anymore.
t. 19-year old
You realize you still have at least 60 years left to go. You're going to hate yourself by 25.
Neets (at least the ones doing it delibrately) should be gassed, but the Animu is god tier
I am single and hold down a great paying job. I don't get the big deal about working...
I have my entire evenings off and my weekends are off. You know what really fucks you? When you fall for the vaginal jew and end up with kids.
Goodbye life.
Even when I was a NEET the time I spend at work esd usually the time I was bored as a NEET anyhow.
Working person has no reason to defend a neet. I don't buy magic that they live of air. If you don't work unless you live in a barrel and eat trash you are a burden to society and computer isn't something that not working person can afford.
>I leech off other people's fuck ups
No other way to read it than
>I'm a lawyer
>I see some work as a fuck up
Quick reminder that there is a lot of work and it has to be done. If you can't get better job than a "fuck up" then you are not as good as you think and clearly belong in bucket of "fuck ups".
But a leftist would clearly deny it since he is entitled to work he choose not that is available.
I was neet after college til i finally got hired. Ive worked my way up at my company and should be making enough to support myself or even a family by the end of this year.
I wasnt a neet by choice though it was fun. Last week I was on vacation, but returned to work today and it was no problem.
Why is it so hard for normies to understand that some people find no pleasure in slaving away at a job?
Isn't that called Stockholm syndrome?
Because they're normies. Exploit them as much as you can, they deserve it. Wish I could in this shithole.
>find no pleasure in slaving away at a job?
Define slaving away? It's not hard to find a good cozy office job. Like I have always said I almost exclusively post on Sup Forums from my office.
Is it the waking up early part that makes it slavery? I still stay up until 2am and wake up at 7am and I have no problems getting through my "work" day. I usually take a few hour nap when I get home.
NEETs living off of their parents or the government are scum.
Self-sufficient NEETs are transcendent tier. I've been saving up and I'll be buying an inexpensive property in a couple years to join the comfy master race. Why work for Mr. Shekelberg for 45 years of your life?
NEETS are genetic failures with underdeveloped mental faculties, and for this reason are no better than niggers.
>Self-sufficient NEETs are transcendent tier
Sure, but they probably make up a tiny fraction of one percent of total NEETs. They might fit the technical definition of a NEET, but not the typical spirit of what being NEET means. They deserve their own classification altogether.
Nope. If you can't find enjoyable games and anime you need to reevaluate your interests. I could learn a language, learn instruments, learn to draw, so many things to do. I'm not a boring person, always have interests.
I'm not saying that's the perfect life, because it's not. I sometimes feel like shit for not going outside and experiencing life the normie way. It's high tier though.
I'm 26, although I've not been a NEET for that long. Considering I've spent 99.5% of my free time at the computer since I was 13, I can confidently say I won't get bored of it.
Based. How did you find your wife?
They're the only people with enough time to learn all of this shit and actually contribute. They're okay in my book. It's time for them to unleash themselves on the world though.
I've stopped getting mad at NEETs and have a bit of least towards their infinite free time. I'll will only experience such a pleasure when I eventually collapse and die at work one day.
Nigger, I got my first full-time job when I was 27 and I'm almost 29 now. Get a job, you filthy bum!
>vaginal jew
whatever you do, don't be NEET, always move forward with your life. that's the only redpill here.