>Insulting atheists
Wow, I voted for Trump but honestly fuck this guy now
>Insulting atheists
Wow, I voted for Trump but honestly fuck this guy now
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm an atheist and I hate atheists.
What's the problem there?
Penn is now slimmer than Trump
Atheists 1 - Satan 0
You might be a self loather mate
>atheists can dish it out but can't take it
Many such cases!
Trashman > Drumpf
This. Atheism is not like a religion. You don't need to get offended every time someone insults Atheism.
I mean, if the dude's an atheist, so what. It's weird bringing that up in that tweet as it doesn't really relate to anything but whatever.
Trump himself is an atheist.
he's not wrong
Sup Forums is a shit board
ever since Penn lost all of that weight I can't help but think of him as an Auschwitz survivor. He looks like shiiiiiiiiiiit now, damn
Not really.
I simply realize that not having a little bit of faith is bad and might leave you emotionally exposed when a family member or someone close to you dies. But I don't hate myself for that. Rather, I hate the general lack of faith that's spreading around in the last years.
Also this.
Fucking CTR
He's one of those guys that looks better a bit heavier.
I think his blood test show otherwise. We just associate that look with sickness because kanker patients usually lose a ton of weight before they die.
That's what AIDS and cancer does to you.
Related subject: saw a billboard the other day for Penn and Teller's (((latest))) show... Boy Penn wasnt looking so good. Real old man glasses.
Well I guess Trump belongs to the trash now
They aren't even atheists really but religious fundamentalists who swapped the bible for progressive values.
Dear leader, hallowed be your name. Your communism come. Give us each day our daily bread. And check our privilege, for we ourselves check everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.
Penn lost me politically when he threw in his hat for Hilldog. I think he lost some grey matter with all that weight loss.
Atheists are the new gay.
wtf i love Drumpf now
Prove it
Not true. He praises Kek like his mentor taught him.
Also, fuck atheists. Most of them still worship government, which is way worse.
The leaf is finally right.
w-wait, is that a real tweet? LMAO
Atheists do not care about shit like this.
Sup Forums is a shipboard, into the grass it goes, I'm a big eye, four ewes
Fuck off Reddit
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.
Kinda pathetic really.
This. Vast majority of atheists are far left cunts fuck them
T. Atheist
Hillarious how he didn't bash Penn until Penn gave an interview basically calling Trump a moron.
I think all atheist need to do is stop the porn addiction and they'd be fine.
Some people really don't believe in the afterlife or even the possibility of it since liberals made it all hip and trendy and that left it's mark. Of course jews and islam are NEVER criticized but everyone knows this, even us MOST HATED agnostics who don't make a big deal what someone does or doesn't believe so long as they aren't a criminal or some other assorted fuck off (criminal, terrorist, nigger, etc)
Not as bad as Jews or Muslims, but they're getting there.
Nice try CTR, I won't fall for your disinfo.
>tfw to smart for psyop campaigns and subversion.
By summer of 2015 Trump surely knew he was going to run for Prez on the Republican ticket and was throwing red meat to the party base.
> implying anyone actually believes in god
Atheism destroys societies, it's a good thing Trump talks down to them.
>there are people who don't follow the teachings of christ
back to pakistan you go
Atheists all deserve to lose their jobs. Same for Protestants, Jews, Muslims, etc.
I don't give a fuck about religion but people who go around exclaiming they're atheist and preaching it to others are under 16 or retarded
Give David Brock my regards the next time you're sucking on his deformed asshole.
>I'm an atheist and I hate atheists.
I have a friend that would agree with that statement. He simply calls himself a "non-believer" and doesn't make a big deal out of someone praying before dinner in their own home or if some says something like "God forbid" He said that he REFUSE to ever call himself an atheist cuz he doesn't want to be associated with the left or homosexuality or any of the other things that most of them support. He's a really cool dude too. He also said that his was a BELIEF and he wasn't into language-policing, thought-crimes, and being PC like most atheists are. He's mind friend not because he doesn't believe what I believes in himself which so far, in my 68 yrs on Earth, he is the ONLY atheist I've met who believes in himself. I've still NEVER met an atheist who was able or knew how to live out side the artificial structure of the city and could skin a rabbit for supper or was into something like say gardening. Ironically, the biggest winners in (((Darwins))) flipper-baby religion are those who don't believe in it or at least have the self-honesty to be skeptical of it.
well i guess it has come to the point where my president is beyond retarded
>muh imaginary fairy
fuck you theists, you are the same like muddies
> muh trump is a christfag like me
lmao for trump supporters being duped by an atheist lololol
Unless you're playing off the fact that 2015 was the original [CURRENT YEAR], in which case well memed.
Post proofs
Would religious people be able to tell the difference between an open atheist and someone who gives lip service at a church?
Fuck getting up on sunday mornings but if the inquisition/sharia police is after me i'll play pretend with you
atheism is redpilled because with atheism we treat all jews muslims and christians as subhumans, lower social class than a murderer.
with them losing status, their degeneracy will be responded with law and order. Atheism is cure to modern problems.
>voted for Trump
It's never been what they're selling, it's what you're buying.
My concept is very similar.
The fact that I find it difficult to believe in a God doesn't mean I want a society full of faggots and degenerates, void of any morality simply because of concept like "well there's no reason why we're here, so we might as well live life doing whatever the fuck we want, YOLO!"
As an Atheist I think I can say fuck Athiests.
Its not impossible to be moral without being religious, I'm living proof, but i'm not 99% of people.
Some people are so impressionable and stupid they really do need the threat of eternal damnation to stop them from devolving into complete degenerates.
Mainland Chinese are the prime example of an atheist society full of horrid people
Atheism is the rejections of any objective values, therefore it is degenerate.
"Atheism" isnt a cult, its just a term to describe lack of faith
Italian user understands this, unfortunaltely 70% of Athiests dont.
So that's a perfectly valid thing to say. Fuck "athiests".
Trump didn't say anything bad about your Religion.
>wrote letters of forgiveness
why has this gone unnoticed?
I'm an atheist, debate me
>people believing in flying sky men
many such cases. Sad!
They're not athiest though, or at least thats not the problem
Chinese are just soulless emotionless husks brought up to count numbers and reproduce like rats
do you believe in anything being worth more then you in every aspect?
do you believe in the concept of forgiveness?
your objective values went down to shitter coz of liberal leftists so obviously western religions dont work. either switch to something zero tolerance like muslim or fuck it
Trump shouldnt really be calling anyone a goofball if we're totally honest with one another
I wouldn't go so far as to say I "hate" atheists, but I don't see it as an identity either, which is the main wrong with the push to turn atheism into a big, influential group to "combat" religion or whatever. Atheism is a lack of something, not a something.
>Athiest spend their time judging, ridiculing, and insulting others for their religious beliefs.
>Get's butt blasted when they are treated the same way.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
No, human life comes first. I don't value myself much though
Yes I do, I don't understand why I wouldn't
i'm an atheist and i actively avoid discussion about religion
>cure to *modern* problems
Yeah, in the good ol' days when were all atheist we didn't have these modern problems.
All of this degeneracy appeared when we went full-religious in the West during the late 20th century.
I'm sorry, what? That's not true at all. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god, or gods. You can believe in the inherent goodness of the Church, or believers, for instance, and still be an atheist.
Who cares, if atheists get triggered over a tweet we don't want them.
>july 2015
young boy becomes exposed to materialist reductionism, starts masturbating to cartoons, life loses all meaning and everything becomes relative, has no moral grounding and is played like a goy, SAD!
atheists have no business in the Age of Aquarius.
Shit bait LEAF post but i'll bite
I do none of that
I have massive respect for Catholic and Orthodox Christians and if I had to pick an ideal society it would be a Catholic one
I shit on (((Protestants))) and (((Muslims))) though
They deserve death
Tweety is angry again
Values cant be objective except if you take them from 2000 year old sandnigger book, mate
Power Rankings are as followed
1. Christian
2. Atheist
3. Militant Empathy Based Christianity
4. Swede Tier Atheism/Secularism
Most atheists are faggots
t. atheist
Define "christian"
trump and penn jillette are very good friends.
Hey that sums up the 20st century and so far the 21st century.
awww if only you athiest fags had someone to pray to for revenge
no, atheistbergs are the cucks, literally Jews
Go away Styx
Who is to say what good or bad is?
>Believing god doesn't exist, because it cannot be empirically proven that he does.
>Cannot empirically prove he doesn't.
Wtf I love Trump now (but in all seriousness we cannot let this guy get the nuclear codes)
Everyone is Jews, Argentina
Edgy burger.
All sorts of atheism is degenerate and atheists, generally, are the same everywhere.
>The exchange Christianity for progressivism.
Nope. There are all stripes of atheists.
Never had the bible or progressive values.
Shill go
Being an atheist and a douchebag it's thing, most of the times. It's a phase of the life when people can shut up about it and that guy made a career out of it.
I don't want to alarm anyone, but I stole the nuclear codes last night and