We lost a legend today, Sup Forums. You fucking white teenagers just lose the racism for one thread okay? In this thread we mourn one of the best musicians ever.
White people are welcome, but watch yourselves
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally who?
How about you fucking black niggers go pretend to feel bad for some horn tooter on worldstar or wherever niggers go to pretend they have human emotions.
Another dead ape, nothing to mourn.
You can take the nigger out the hood...
I don't listen to black music.
ooga booga
I know this isn't a sincere thread, but can you st least get the simple facts straight?
OP is a faggot and this nigger's death isn't political.
RIP in pieces.
black nigger music is shit
for one day is asking for a fucking lot you fucking nigger loving queer
heil hitler
literally who? go back to mu.
A nigger's still a nigger.
This. I've never heard of him before. Not even joking.
Who the hell is this nigger?
OP is actually ejaculating reading these replies. It's a mental illness. He will not participate, but gets joy when others do the dirty job for him.
fuck off racist op and fuck your random nigger crush
you should get buried alongside with him
>lose racism
wrong part of 4chinz OP
Yeah I've got no clue who that is.
Al Jarreau? Did you mean Harambe?
I was afraid that it was based Duterte for a minute
Literally who?
RIP Al Jolson