We all used to be black and african at one point before the evolution kicked in and we morphed into people. Your racism is inexcusable.
We all used to be black and african at one point before the evolution kicked in and we morphed into people...
Other urls found in this thread:
>we evolved from blacks
sounds like racism is excusable
NO. Evolution did not kick in. Aliens left some white people.
We didn't evolve from blacks, we are Neanderthals
USED TO BE BLACKS, Evolved into whites.
>We all used to be black and african at one point before the evolution kicked in and we morphed into people.
blacks arent people
And proud!
those things are fucking creepy
evolution is still a theory my friend
>we are the result of Neanderthal and Cro Magnon miscegenation.
Turns out the most pure homo sapiens (blacks) are garbage at anything but being hostile short sighted lunatics who drive other species to extinction.
Really makes you think.
If people evolved from niggers why are there still niggers? Checkmate atheists.
Look at the australian aboriginals. The out of africa-we all was niggers-theory is just a theory that has no proofs.
It's a rock solid theory, moron.
If you believe in genetic traits being inherited, and genetic mutation happening spontaneously, then you believe in evolution
this is factually wrong as there were other humans in the rest of the world when "the first humans" left africa.
And what do you think, where the Neanderthals came from? Fairy Land?
>out of apfrica
what is biology?
we were all prokaryotic organisms at one point your regnumism is inexcusable
This. We are the latest multi-hybrid. Niggers were the original slaverace.
>genetic mutation
mutation always makes organisms worse then before mutation. This is a desintegration.
Only creation can make something butifull.
Things (and organisms) by itself are gettin worse with time.
not so subtle this time
Why would you think they came from Africa when they're nothing alike? Just because Africa is warm? Are you this retarded?
>mutation always makes organisms worse
explain bacteria becoming immune to antibiotics then
What are you, you fucking slav nigger, to discuss a topic such as genetics?
Mutation isn't what you saw in X-Men.
fuck off gypsy
>tfw cro magnon man
>mup ba fo didda
>explain bacteria becoming immune to antibiotics then
this is not mutaion
move to africa nigger
Is its Gods handiwork?
Did whites really evolve from this?
They used dna from swedes and norweigans to compare it to the oldest european remains ever found, or the "first white man". Too bad the germanic tribes evolved into cucks.
>doesn't know about yakub
>all animals were single celled organisms at one point
>therefore all you different animal classifications are immoral and inexcusable
thats you. that is what you sound like faggot,
>Are we superior to the amoeba that we evolved from?
>If yes, is it possible that we are superior to the apes that we evolved from?
>If yes, is it possible that we are superior to some of the other races on the face of the earth at this time due to the direction we evolved in?
>If yes, then racism in and of itself isn't inexcusable.
t. ben shekelstein
>tfw I'm a Neandertal
Exactly. Thanks leaf.
what are plasmids what is transformation , what is conjugation and transduction wew
Everything had to come from somewhere. So even if you assume that humans came from, say, middle-asia, then you must answer the question of how in the living hell did your proto-humans got there; middle-asia is hardly the Ape Paradise (unlike africa), after all. Or do you want to tell me that humans evolved from horses? Or what?
So you're telling me if we wait long enough the apes of today will become humans? Really?
I reckon you aren't really into the scales of evolution, are you?
Gravity is also a theory.
we all came from cells stop being racist to HIV!!!
No matter the scale, answer the question.
PS any white person can become black. It's a process of rubbing oil and sand on one's skin, a natural sun lotion used by Africans. Over time your skin changes color.
>Tfw to smart to be white
The air can't escape into space and is creating force pressure to keep us down.
stupid fucking fag
They will evolve into something else because they will have different evolutionary pressures. It's possible with similar evolutionary pressure protohumans had evolving into humans they could evolve into something similar to humans but that would be covergent evolution. And they still wouldn't be humans. Damn Sven you're a dumb blonde.
if abos looked exactly like that
liberals would still treat them like they are humans
and australians would still fuck them
Explain whites becoming immune to genocide.
by this logic we should allow dogs the opportunity to get drivers licences based soley that humans and dogs have a common ancestor, and denying there rights is racist
We can't because we're currently being genocided.
And that some dogs have huge monster cocks.
Wolves & Grizzly Bears descended from a common ancestor.
Therefore, their rivalry in Yellowstone is inexcusable. They should share all kills amonst themselves.
I'm against judging on race, but this argument is awful.
I bet dogs would be better drivers then 80% of humans are.
They also most likely would be nicer taxi drivers.
yakub made white people in an experiment
blacks were scientists
>we all used to be black
>we morphed into people
are you saying that black people are still underdeveloped monkeys?
You're wrong. Pre-humans were not black. Go back to school.
>this is what evolutionists unironically believe
>people have fallen for this bait
>We all used to be black
Nah, I've been pretty pale since I was born.
Gravity can be measured and witnessed so it's not a theory. Maybe there are theories about it's cause but don't know about that.
yes, evidence : surviving unevolved specimens in form of British people
>Seasonal Flu Vaccines
Pick one.
Yes, WE evolved, they didn't
>he evolution kicked in
It was awfully sudden wasn't it?
Nope. We saw it coming from a mile away. Hence Trump is in office, otherwise Hillary would be.
Melanin magic
If I traveled 500k+ years into the future, then yes, I would encounter some pretty freak-ass apes. Probably not full-on humans, because the apes that would evolve into humans had already done so, but those apes wouldn't be our apes, I can tell you that.
They can't be true humans (homo genus) tho, as said, because modern apes are late for that train (they already evolved into other genuses).
>whites becoming immune to genocide
like 50 million snow niggers killed eachother in world wars
if that's not genocide idk what is
Trump is owned by the same Jews who wanted to genocide us in the first place.
makes sense now i know blacks nevet evolved and niggers are just monkeys
makes sense now..
thank you
I wouldn't try to keep using this tactic, it doesn't really work in your favor. If you're saying that we all used to be black, that means a portion of us evolved to became white while the rest didn't, which that makes white people superior through evolution.
ThereĀ“s a difference between a scientific theory and a normie theory.
In short you must be able to prove something in an experiment that is repeatable w/o outside influence.
You cant create gravity thus far so you cant really do this because our gravity is an outside influence.
Evolution in bacteria is, however, backed up by experiments.
So, one could argue that evolution atleast in bacteria is more backed up then gravity.
>Always speaking about "the theory of...." but was too lazy to add it every time.
>Too bad the germanic tribes evolved into cucks.
That's what a thousand years of being surrounded by intelligent, peaceful, civilized people will do to you.
When the niggers attack you are completely unprepared for the brick wall of stupidness. :(
Butterface :/
>superior through evolution
evolution doesn't have to be for the best.....
War and rape are part of human nature. Supressing it for several generations will result in a world war. It's the thrill of the hunt, hence we colonized the 'entire' world. Just for fun, and money.
Nope. Trump is truly playing 128D underwater go. He is replacing everyone he can in Parliament with whites, stopping wars and bringing back jobs. Then when 'they' have been removed, they will be rounded up.
>American education
>intelligent, peaceful, civilized people
I'm fairly sure that the vikings (or any other northern culture until very recently) were neither.
looks like some of us never evolved
nice proxy but you redpilled everyone without knowing.
you confirm blacks didnt evolve
and you confirmed whites evolved and are better then niggers
i love how you guys are accidently redpilling this place
>those are black africans
>calls others racists
6.1 on the mental gymnastics, better hit the offseason for next year, scrub.
Evolution also can be seen and measured using fast reproducing baterial colonies.
Literally biological life mutating and changing due to environmental conditions
We superior white man now.
But how is it racism if we're evolved humans are they are still basically monkeys?
Zero evidence of neanderthals ever being in Africa my friend. Not even a fucking bone fragment.
real life isn't like pokemon lol
>War and rape are part of human nature. Supressing it for several generations will result in a world war. It's the thrill of the hunt, hence we colonized the 'entire' world. Just for fun, and money.
are you and people from Sup Forums born like this or does something horrible happens to you as a child to make you a Sup Forumsack
like..why are you role playing as the british empire
i'm not a proxy
and i didn't confirm or deny shit
both evolved for their environment
>mfw all these people didn't get that OP's trolling
Sup Forums truly is dead