Guys the public knows

What are we going to do? (((They)))'ve bamboozled us again!


Other urls found in this thread:

reddit is alt-right though, Sup Forums is Sup Forums

>seventy years later and nazis still haven't figured out how to be funny

yes, hitler wanted the jews to laugh to death

copypaste that crap here, nigga

damn wish i hadnt posted all those moonman videos on my facebook, now because of this vice article everyone will know i am racist!

Stop being a newfag and archive that shit


OP is a shill.

we had this thread already like two weeks ago.

I don't get it. Does Vice want people to get redpilled? Normies cant handle these memes without getting a little dose of reality along with them.

Repeat "Dindu nuffin" enough times and the next time Dashawndatron or Shabraybray get shot after attacking a cop people will hear them saying "But he din do nuffin" on the news and realize "holy shit it's real".

Yeah liberals seem to really struggle with the concept of "dog whistle".

As if (((news))) ever did journalism.

It has to be the most autistic use of any phrase I've ever seen.

>no archive from OP
>OP once again is a giant faggot

>Does Vice want people to get redpilled?
They are playing very simple game, akin to yellow press' "GRUESOME MURDER PHOTOS NO PERSON SHOULD EVER SEE (see. page 4). UNBELIEVABLE FILTHY PHOTOS WE ARE TRULY DISGUSTED BY (see. pages 6-9)".

Show some "forbidden" stuff, while loudly yelling how disgusting it is.

leftist liberals are doing exatcly what hitler jugend wouldve done. ironically left are the new nazis treating whites as jews

this all anti-white racism will end with the blood of liberals, blacks and other minorities painting the streets red. Hitler did nothing wrong

>Sup Forums
>Not alt right

Please tell me this difference

im not even remotely racist (except to all the fucking Chinese students here) but I find Moon-man hilarious

why am I a fascist?

thats the meme shareblue has been pushing to try to divide us

Came here to say this. You guys need to visit Sup Forums more often, keep you finger on the pulse. Two weeks is a fucking long time in politics.



>akin to
No, that's exactly what they and even their msm cousins have always been. Journalists are human garbage. Cheap gossip-mongers with bloated egoes.

>why am I a fascist?
because fascism is a good thing

you bamboozled yourselves

Fortunately no one reads Vice News so we're in the clear


We are a threat to them so (((they))) try to make us look bad. They don't know however that they are only helping the cause. More examples of memesplaining:

>"Milk is raysissst"
>Sup Forums banana meme

Archived article

The jews want a monopoly on comedy. Ever notice how every jewish comedian needs to alert the crowd to their Judaism?

The more sophisticated leftist wanted the media to completely ignore the alt right and over here lost their minds when major newspapers were doing articles like this. They realise that the right has answers to a lot of the questions that normal people have about the world that leftists are incapable of answering so they would rather keep them in the dark.

only faggots fall for the label jew.

>1 post by this ID
obviously a marketer

>giving a non-archive link

The genie is put of the bottle though.

Strap in

Wow, they lose ONE election and the Left explodes into Naziphobia.

They need to get their house in order or they'll never win another election.

They cant even begin to understand the power of our memes

Valiant attempt though (((Vice))), really asking the important questions

We invented the label to trigger Lefties and temporarily unite Republicans and disillusioned Leftists. to swing the election.

We never adopted it for ourselves.


>no bogdanoffs


Why so homophobic?

>Seventy years later and Nazis still haven't figured out how to be funny

Hogan's Heroes, motherfucker, DO YOU WATCH IT?????

>Seventy years later and Nazis still haven't figured out how to be funny.
Tastes a bit salty.

>vice signalboosting us for free, yet again
cycks really just dont ever learn, i'm starting to regret being a cutting edge social engineer because i nevet thought i would be THIS successful with it
at least give me a challenge, don't just cuck yourself to my memery

It's not just one election. They've lost a mess off state governorship, plenty of seats in the House, and more than a thousand seats in state legislatures.

They've been doing poorly since 2010, really.

Oy vey!! be sure to avoid wrongspeak in your language.

They sound like old folks talking about what's hip with the kids like "these pocket-mans are animals having animals fights"

Reminder, anyone that actively calls Sup Forums alt-right and refuses to accept otherwise is a shill trying to divide Sup Forums and the alt-right, anyone with half a brain knows if you try and force something on Sup Forums they'll reject it hard.
>old article


> bamboozled
pic related

The best part is that we actually are funny. It's why Sup Forums memes spread so easily both inside and outside of Sup Forums. If people didn't find them funny they wouldn't use them. Meanwhile the best the left can come up with is Drumpf and tiny hands.

It's not about politics. It's about losing control. Not only of politics, but of their public perception.

There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.

Kinda pathetic really.

>I'm totally alt right xD xD xD

Fuck off with your labels.

>Sup Forums is one person or collective mind

nice, ive read the exact text 2 weeks ago

I have noticed a huge amount of Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums.

I have seen praise kek and we was kangz everywhere.

>moonman goes mainstream

>a bunch of PC faggots from r/AdviceAnimals telling us what is funny
yea, because they of all people have high standards for comedy.

I don't know whether those groups are here, the shilling isn't as bad as it was during the election, Leftypol certainly does shill though.


But minorities aren't even really minorities, son.

it's not the election they lost

they lost a hundred-year-old method of controlling what information the public sees
they lost a variety of instant-shutdown words like racist and sexist
they lost the trust of the world

they lost so hard we might see a total reworking of how elections are carried out from here on in

Congrats on the new position, Nigel


No problem

create more memes
create fake memes
create memes pretending that they're fake when they're not

the more confused they are the stronger we get
when everything is a lie, none of them is
it's literally a post-WW2 soviet strategy but we have wider reach thanks to the internet

This is why trump won

Go back, normie faggot.

Why have you not taken the Abbo-pill?
>Bogans bow to the Abbos
>in contact with Chazzawozzas
>rumoured to possess petroleum imbibing abilities
>control Australia, NZ and tasmania with an wooden fist
>own sand and sticks all over the world
>direct descendants of an inverted family tree
>will bankroll the first walkabouts on Mars (Abbograd will be be the first city) ancient Abbo scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own literally no R&D labs around the world
>They likely have petroleum inside them right now
>The Abbos are in regular communication with the Darling Scarp and Wagyl, meandered over the land creating rivers, waterways and lakes
>They learned fluent bogan in under a week
>Nation states entrust their petroleum reserves with the abbos. There's no oil the middle east, only Ft. Abbogdanoff
>Turnbill and Abbot are confiremd as agents of the Abbos
>Own basically zero DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will definitely NOT be abbo Babies
>all abbos said to have 75- IQ


just bought myself a pinochet helicopter ride shirt