New Movie- "Get Out"

Holy shit, /pol, (((they))) aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Literally painting white people as evil psychopaths and the only good one is the young coal burner. How is this shit ok?

Other urls found in this thread:

>2 minute 30 trailer

>white people as evil
The director has said it's white liberals, not whites in general.

They played this shit during The Walking Meme last night so millions of people saw this shit. I knew about it long ago when I first saw it here. It took every bit of me to stop from saying "fucking kikes" with my family present

>white people mind controlling black people

cant you see its an allegory for the liberal democrats controlling black people?

>Sup Forumstards are now the snowflakes that are offended by the slightest thing.

This timeline shit gets more believable by the day.

How can white people in the US allow these type of shit to flood out of their country? Why are white americans so cucked?

It would be a nice thing if someone pushed the whole white liberals mind control black people narrative

You know, the premise of mind control is not a bad idea ... such a shame they waste it on the political agenda of white = bad, black = good. Fucking cuckywood

>Blatant anti-white propaganda fueling growing anti white sentiments throughout the melanated community which is already a hotbed of anitwhite violence and crime while telling them they can't do anything wrong which has even frightened police out of doing their job in majority black areas for fear of a lashout for doing their job is the same thing as kicking someone out of college for calling someone else a faggot

>t. raped by mulsim immigrants 3 times a day after the call to prayer

Fuck I saw this a few months ago and thought this was a parody. Didn't think this was actually going to be a movie, kek. Looks like we have ourselves another Hidden Figures.

No shut the fuck up nigger with your fantasy world. No one besides your stupid ass is getting that from this trailer. I'm sick of all these betas literally crying over nothing. WE FUCKING WON, why in the world is everyone looking for shit to get pissed about?

If you're not marrying a white woman, raising your children in private schools (or at least educating them personally on top of good public schools), and furthering your career, you're not doing shit but bitching.

Oh, and regarding my last post, what's up with all this fucking gay ass lingo now? I said snowflake ironically. Is it really the fucking cool thing to call liberals "sweetheart", "snowflake", "hun" and all that shit? Is that smug? Goddamn I hate the world right now. Trump won, and wannabe's are ruining it

>created by first-time director Jordan Peele, from the hit Comedy Central TV show "Key & Peele"

It's like you're looking for reasons to be mad.

Yeah, this is ((Hollywood)), expect much worse in the next 4 years.

Have you ever seen Metal Gear Rising's final boss, "the Senator"?


>skip to 6:45

((They)) are just getting warmed up, senpai

You could say the same thing about some getto crime drama,.

Just saw this on Sup Forums >the entire community is made up of liberals who are obsessed with black people (just like real life libtards)
>the movie is "horrifying" because all the white people in the movie suck up to the black guy when he arrives. The "scariest" scene in the film is when they surround him and they act like he is the best person in the world like that A. Wyatt Mann cartoon.
>the father of the gf is a brain surgeon who is running a business to indulge this community's obsession with blacks and to turn them all black because they realize being white isn't hip anymore and they want to change their race for the current zeitgeist.
>They also realize that "unfortunately" most people still don't care if blacks go missing so it's easy to lure several of them.
>they all want the procedure so badly that they decide who gets to be the new black guy via bingo contest and they pay the brain surgeon father for this procedure.
>the daughter has been luring black men to this community for years and the main black guy finds documentation of her past boyfriends in her old room and finally tries to get out!
>however he is captured and the staff and father explain the procedure and how he will still be "in there"
>the main black guy is about to get his brain removed but he breaks free and kills the staff and the father.
>The brother of the gf gets his head stomped on and dies and he finally shoots his gf in the gut and she bleeds out and drives out of there and you think he's going to get arrested but he gets away from it all to his massive relief.

It looks kinda cool.

>Movie is literally centered around whites pushing this black guy out, and all blacks that have entered the area have gone missing permanently

Yeah this isn't anti-white propaganda it just activates your almonds.

Better hop on your Youtube account with your moonman pic and start trolling then. It'll be epic!!!!

White community kidnapping black guys to turn them into bulls

Nobody is fooled, schlomo.

The hatred that's harbored by this kind of bullshit is precisely why Trump won in the first place. There's nothing inherently wrong about complaining about something, it's whether or not that something is a valid reason to complain. There's a whole slew of anti-white propaganda and Sup Forums is a better place to complain about it than real life.

>if you complain about anything then you're just as bad as the SJW's!

Be more original with your shilling.

Looks like a comedy. I understand from a prima facie perspective this looks like it affirms the average Sup Forums user's worldview, but concluding everything as something being used as an instrument to destroy your identity is conjecture. Unless you've seen this movie (which you haven't), all your opinions are based on heuristics and hypotheticals.

So this is another incident where Sup Forums gets triggered over a movie meant to mock liberals?

>Looks like a comedy.

indeed considering who wrote and directed this movie

>don't worry goy
>culture has no effect on society

God you're fucking dumb. I can't even take you seriously calling anyone a shill. At least JIDF was mildly ironic, people like you are suffering from severe mental disorders.

And yes, poor niggers bitch about racism and not getting enough recognition the same way poor white trash bitches about a black person in a commercial, or after reading in to a fucking movie trailer.

Kill yourself for being trapped in your own head.

shills out in force to defend this

That level of nuance is lost on those suffering from white fragility.


At least you have an excuse for being retarded.

Did you watch the trailer?

Looks like some kind of Anti-cuck movie.

Isn't this a comedy or a parody movie? It doesn't really seem like a serious movie and its directed by that Key and Peele guy.

It's a dark(heh) comedy.

The story is actually a warning to black men to run away from the so called white man. aka the devil

>Ignore this movie goy, let the normies watch and digest it
>say, you know what really pisses me and my fellow Trump supporters off? When liberals use smug words!

Gtfo schlomo, you don't belong here

>raising your children in private schools
>raising your children
>your children

This is circlejerk. The only children we have here are stuck to balled up socks thrown in the closet.

HA HA! ALAS, you've caught me again!! I've been visiting this site for years, shilling my life away! Fuck yourself

Hey, stop it ;_; FBF takes me back to 2009 and it is changing my tone. Please don't user.

Quit advertising your shit movie.

It's literally a comedy, jesus christ

>people like you are suffering from severe mental disorders

nu-Sup Forums is now filled with autistic nazi trolls

arguing with them is a losing proposition, because they aren't connected to reality in the first place

This is you typical word of mouth phony advertising. Trying to sell shit on Sup Forums via outrage advertising....

Lol, I guess you gotta cover all bases if you work the mechanical turk

People here are taking a comedy too seriously, why don't you guys post some Sup Forums approved comedies then?

>spoiled the entire fucking movie

seriously i know 90% of the movie now. what the fuck is the point of these shitty trailers?

The didya see or approved meme helps the kikes make money cuz you boyz are disconnecting from Hollywood and your a target demographic. So they come here to the lions den to shill for shekels.

Clearly. If they aren't derailing any decent opposition discussion with FPBP xD, they're calling people shills (after we had a full year of them calling everyone CTR).

Hold me user, Sup Forums is freefalling.

This movie looks great. What is there to complain about? Paranoid black guy thinks white people are out to get him. Maybe they are out to get him. Should be mandatory viewing for all newly segregated african american schools 2017.

Its why the jews bought marvel and star wars. Its the bologna to hide the poison given to the dog. Cuz thats what they think you are, stupid dogs. You are resisting so they are here to shill in conjunction with the jidf to also prevent real discussion. Follow the money

Niggers shouldn't be offended then when I go and make a film comparing them to monkeys in Chicago trying to get through the night without being shot.

Damn, i was really hoping the girl would be in on the mind control too.
That would have been a great twist

I'd like to do away with those too but nigs love them.


TFW /pol is a Jew honeypot op.

omagle thread brehs

I think you're being too sensitive. My first thought was the same as yours before I saw the trailer, and TBBQH famalam it really doesn't appear to be a blanket statement, and seemed if anything to be aimed at lefties.


No, you didn't. You will lose the civil war and this shithole will be shut down for good.

*teleports behind you*
Nothing personal kid

>It's over goyim you won now stop advocating for your interests and let dr shekel burg do his thing