Every holiday amplifies this state of despondency in me. But this normie Valentine's shit does it even more.
Normies and roasties are very patronizing that day.
Let's get a comfy depression thread going!
Every holiday amplifies this state of despondency in me. But this normie Valentine's shit does it even more.
Normies and roasties are very patronizing that day.
Let's get a comfy depression thread going!
Also, rule of thumb: no normies allowed itt.
I just really want to fuck a 15 y/o student girl. no serious relationship or anything. any advice?
No such thing, you're the master of your own mind.
neck yourself
its vanlentines day?
i dont really notice since i dont go to school anymore and i have no life or friends or gf or ambition or will to live (not connected to each other)
>caring about Valentine's Day
If it makes you feel any better, the women you hate despise this holiday more than you.
r9k is the other way ralu
You have to pretend a relationship is happening to get the pussy sometimes. It's rare to find a bitch that just wants a bennies type relationship.
I dont even give a shit about Valentines Day anymore, OP. The depression has made me cynical. All I see are sheep buying overpriced flowers or strawberries or jewelry to give to their grill. Read about the industry to redpill yourself, brother...itll make you feel better.
If you are older than 18 I wouldn't recommend.
I'm the master of my body as well, why not make it ice cold?
How do you occupy your day? I am in the last year of highschool
(for burgers, here in gypsyland you are 18 in the 12th grade)and can't drag myself to finish this crap. I feel like I am being hauled through life
Haha you are wrong, amerilard. Women are the ones eagerly wanting the pemis, men are the ones who want to habe an emotional bond(not all of them)
I am a misanthrope too
My mom said she would pay a visit on Valentine's Day. I told her I'll be going out that day but I lied.
The fact that she thinks I'm so lonely that she has to visit me, angers me, yet it is the reality.
29 yr old kissless handholdless virgin approaching wizardry, I've resigned myself to my fate, and I suggest you do the same.
valentines day is a forced meme
>tfw kissless virgin
Reddit too
you and everybody else here lol
fake holiday, why give a fuck?
Iktf bro.
I don't even know what my excuse is anymore. I can talk to girls just fine, I can make them laugh, I just can't get romantic with them and I lack the experience to do so. Shits annoying familia
I guess I'm not truly alone on this Valentine's Day
I dunno, at least its fake enough of a holiday here to not actually care. New years eve, first of may and midsummer eve are much worse.
You are a degenerate and part of the problem. Go tell Duterte in person that you use cocaine.
I guess Valentine's Day is a Jewish trick to keep (white) men busy with this worldly thing of getting a gf
They keep us in a loop of despondency
Nice loophole
I shall use it as well
Not if you are chad
Lol, i always ignore this day.
I like being alone :3
Mfw hookers and loneliness.
I've never celebrated Valentine's with a lover.
>tfw working at the snack stand at movie theatre job tomorrow
>tfw the only people coming in that day will all be couples
>tfw I'll have to be reminded how dysfunctional I am for the whole day
At least for honor comes out the same day
You are bored because you are stuck in a rut in your life.
You should try travelling or doing some completely different activities off the internet.
I guarantee you will feel a lot better about yourself and your life.
I hate valentines day. This year and about 7 years ago are the tonly times ive actually had someone to celebrate with. Had to buy a stupid teddy bear.
Get a better job and socialize with people. You'll find a woman soon enough.
get some goddamned confidence and you could kiss a girl. Fack.
>actually knowing today's date let alone meme holidays
Just be a man and kiss the fucking girl. Good rule of thumb, if shes out on a date with you, kiss her. No exceptions.
Thanks for the tip, I lack the motivation though
Burger-kun, he is lying. I tried getting fit, I am sturdy(not muscular like the bodybuilders) and put some weight(I was skinny 2 years ago), the females won't come
>tfw I come back from a 2 month EuroTrip (including Poland)
>tfw been back for a few months and nothing has changed
It is true though at the time of traveling you do feel better, but its temporary.
Once you guys are old you will realize how easy it is to bed women and you will think back with regret to all the women who liked you but you were too pussy to do anything.
>on tinder yesterday
>match with good looking grill
>"pick up lines are for pussies, lets just jump to step 2 and meet up"
>"sure! :)"
wooow, fucking difficult.
go /fit/, groom yourself, dont dress like a bum, be secure and confident but not arrogant, being cheeky works for me, depending on the grill.
met a cute girl on Tinder who turned out to be a Trump supporter.
We had 3 good dates (3rd date she slept over my place) and had planned a date today for Valentine's Day.
She cancelled on me suddenly saying she "found a stronger connection with someone else."
feels badman
>on tinder yesterday
>match with qt hue-ess
>omg, omg, what do I say?
>say hi
>she never responds
You should try to exercise as well if you aren't doing it already, it really helps with this kind of thing.
>travelling for the sake of travelling
Little wonder it was unsatisfying if you were just travelling do say you were doing something.
If you were travelling to learn a language, meet people or do something constructive, then you'll come back changed.
Average looking, obviously masculine body(wide shoulders, not too musvular), casually dressed yet females won't come. Fuck off this thread
Since the start of 2016 I've been depersonalized, I felt there but "I wasn't there." Felt mentally and physically numb, lack of self awareness in my emotional state, don't even get angry, lacking a sense of humor, felt like a blank slate with no identity, difficulty concentrating and thinking, and have been getting disturbing thoughts from the moment I wake up to even in my sleep. Sometimes I'd even wake up from screaming. What the hell is going on with me?
yeah rule number 2, dont become romantically involved with anyone from tinder. They might as well call it "the carousel" becasue thats what it is. Get laid and dump 10 times out of 10
dunno huehue-bro, some of them might just be attention whores, have a few on my list as well that don't respond, might just be that "hi" was too boring for them i dunno. move on.
I exercise, I feel good 15 minutes afterwards and therefore I am in the same state of depression. Things which once made me happy are now bleak. I tried video games from my childhood such as metin 2 or age of empires yet everything stays grey for me
I just got out of a 4 year relationship so I've been trying the Tinder game. It's a lot harder dating being out of college and not drowning in alcohol and pussy 24/7. Plus my game is extremely rusty.
I have no problem getting matches and chatting up girls/meeting up but it feels like a huge waste of effort.
Most people (even couples) don't give a shit about Valentine's Day. Neither should you.
women are addicted to emotional feelings if you say something that makes them outraged, or dramatic, or generally inflammatory, you win.
I volunteered at a place for 1 month, met a lot of people was great.
Then visited family and sight see'd
When you come back and shit's just as it was, why would anything change. I think I need to move.
just get laid and supress any feelings. These are basically whores it woul dbe like falling in love with a hooker, bad idea.
If youre like me, an early thirties guy, women age 21-27 will basically throw themselves at you beccause MUH SO MATURE
>females won't come
they wont come to you, very very few of them do unless you're literally gosling.
as for your grey zone you're in, I had that couple of years ago, lasted nearly a year for me, days spent just looking at the wall or watching movies or series just to make time pass. everything I just to enjoy as you said were bleak, hang in there bro, it will fade.
>jp cutie makes me home made love heart chocolates every Valentine's Day for the three years we've been together
>calls me to say she loves me every day
>called me just now to say happen Valentine's Day at midnight
I'm a happy man. Being loved is the best feeling In the world.
Thanks for the tip and understanding and sorry for being rude, but passive aggressive behavior covers my insecurities
They would come if they liked me
Get some speed/cocaine and hire a prostitute my fellow Sup Forumsacks. Turn a negative into a positive for god sake.
radiation is getting to your brain, bro
>If you were travelling to learn a language, meet people or do something constructive, then you'll come back changed.
Well did all that, and już znam polskiego, I just think where I live sucks and I need to go somewhere to start a new.
And why the hell are you even in this thread? To brag? Fuck you!
Are you doing serious exercise?
>video games
They are instant gratification activities that lead nowhere.
>i volunteered for a month
If you can afford to volunteer for a month somewhere then your life must be pretty empty.
I'd suggest trying to get serious job leading to a career and figuring out where you want to go with life before you start thinking about moving abroad.
Contrary to all of the crap that people tell you, if you move abroad your life won't change much from what it is now plus you can't communicate with anyone.