Prove Christianity is true.
Prove Christianity is true
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If that's what you really want I suggest you ask God in earnest, and be prepared for Him to respond. My tearfully genuine pleas for a sign of His existence landed me in jail facing a year in prison or 3 months in what turned out to be a Christian rehab. God moved into my life like a whirlwind and I've never been the same since.
To my understanding, it's less important that Christianity is proven true than it is to (1) fear something larger than yourself, (2) exercise self-control, and (3) have compassion for your fellow man.
Prove quantum mechanics is true.
Lots of good goys on Sup Forums will tell you it is true.
>be a Spartan king
>the government is corrupt
>The government is bribed by the Persians
>The king reunites 300 men to go to the thermopiles and fight the Persians
>He knows that he will die
>300 men know that they will die
>After resisting as much as they could they finally are massacred by the Persians
>This 300 men die so that Sparta could live
In a metaphorical sense Leonidas was the Christ and he know that he had to die so that Sparta could live, he died for all Sparta and the 300 men who were with him also died but they had faith in their king
Would you say there is more scientific evidence explaining quantum mechanics than there is explaining Christianity?
Also, what scientific evidence is there explaining Christianity?
> Prove it isn't
This atheist CIA nigger thinks you aren't real God. Hahaha. Dumb fucken nigger. God practices perfect justice.
What do you have to say to this jigger Mr. God?
God says...
returns effectedst handwriting misery deferred chiefly emptied name very impair allegorically additional vii hindered uses precedes mastered temple springeth nuts travailed roving speaking paths clean infancy stank element equably citizen ofthe openly
It made an empire full of heathens and pagans accept one true god .
If a Roman Emperor was convinced...
Then what would be the value in faith?
While impressive, that hardly proves Christianity's claims are true.
That sounds like a variation of an appeal to authority.
Faith can have value for an individual's spirituality but I don't think it should be considered as a basis for determining public policy, something many Christians are wont to do.
If the Lord is real, may he grant me digits.
Islam is the most cancerous religion on this planet. However, that does not make Christianity true.
Holy shit...
Is God, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Also these digits prove Christianity.
these I mean
How do we know this isn't a trick from Kek
The Demiurge wants you to follow his son as the Messiah.
He is constantly inverting ideas and confusing people.
prove that a random set of explosions led to more explosions, which exploded for millions of years until voilà, extremely complex life spawned magically.
Try blowing something up in your back yard, what do you think are the chances of creating some new, incredible microorganism? How about an entire world full of life? yeah.
Prove that it isn't
Pro tip: You can't
Thou shall not use Lord's scripts in vain.
Lord just means Archon.
The Lord of the Garden is the Chief Archon.
The Demiurge.
It has many many followers. Doesn't that mean the religion is true and functioning?
You can't explain Christianity with scientific evidence. Just like you can't prove a scientific theory by quoting a Bible verse.
Well at least we know that the universe exists. That is a better starting point than what Christianity tells us.
I will try to make it as simple as a I can.
The Eucharist is the Fruit of the Tree of Life.
He came to give us Eternal Life, the same Longevity as the Archons.
But people who follow these gods saw it as forbidden and thus they crucified him.
His death and resurrection is proof of his power over life and death.
Additional proof are the stories of him bringing the dead back to life and healing people from great sickness.
This Fruit of the Tree of Life is the Grail all seekers are after.
How can God be real be real if your girlfriend isn't.
+1 Atheists
So does Islam, but they can't both be true.
He had much more than 300 men. bout 7000 to be precise.
Atheist checkmate argument level: teenage fedora
Prove you're awake right now and not dreaming, or that virtually everything you think you experience via your senses isn't an illusion.
Oh, you can't? Go fuck yourself you unthinking shallow cunt.
If god is all powerful can he created something so heavy that he can't lift it.
Either he can create something so heavy he can't lift it.
>Can't lift something so not all powerful
Or he can't create something so heavy he can't lift it.
>can't create something so not all powerful
So now we know god is a fucking paradox so he can't exist.
Prove me wrong nigger
Not an argument.
Neither is that picture.
God's love doesn't mean he never wants us to suffer or experience evil.
prove me, that pony with 3 legs and 2 horns didnt create universe
Can anyone recommend some good books and YouTube videos
Stuff isn't right because you can't prove it wrong.
Stuff is right because you can prove it more that the other argument.
Lasers, diodes and microwave ovens all work, to name a few
>Jesus told Westrners to turn the other cheek
>Cuckoldry in the West reached biblical levels
It's 100% true.
The Fruit of the Tree of Life was the reason the Archons or Lords of the Garden kicked us out.
They didnt want us to Partake in its fruit and have the same long lives that they did.
He didn't say prove that it isn't he said prove that it does exist
>can he created something
Ur the real nigger
There is only one real religion.
You can't prove that you aren't experiencing an illusion right now.
In fact, both the proposition that you are currently experiencing an illusion and that you aren't are both completely and utterly nonfalsifiable. Meaning there is no actual substantive logical reason to choose one over the other.
The only reason you're stubbornly sticking to one over the other is out of obstinacy and feels. It's pathetic and intellectually dishonest and weak.
No proof against =\= it's true
That doesn't have anything to do with quantum mechanics, but old, established physics.
Stop being a fag with that flag
Anything by William Lane Craig is solid. Check 'em.
William Lane Craig is the world's greatest living Christian philosopher. Check 'em.
>claims there is no God
>can't explain how the Bible "magically" wrote itself
Maybe it evolved? xD
>Prove Christianity is true.
I don't have to.
Hebrews 11:1
>Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Also check'em.
Reason is right as you have to prove something DOES exist. That's the only way it makes sense, I don't believe that we exist in an illusion or that we don't exist in an illusion. Because there is no proof for either, I'll reserve opinion till there is more proof for either.
And you can't prove anything exists outside your own fucking thoughts, because everything you experience could just be an illusion.
So sucks to be you, doesn't it?
You first.
The way i view it, is that god gave us free will, the possibility to think whatever we want to, because he loved humankind so much.
If he dabbled with it and toon out the possibility of thinking evil, it wouldn't be FREE will, would it?
God also gave us a test of faithfulness, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
We got tricked and ate from the tree, so we were stupid
It is really up to you whether or not you think of evil or good.
Besides, it's also a test of our faith.
Are you faithful enough for your god to enter heaven?
So, why does god allow evil to exist?
I believe it's to find out who is faithful and who is not.
Whether I am actually awake or not right now does not really matter because my current state is the one I am always existing in outside of when I am asleep. I will know nothing else until I die. I possess full reasoning abilities, reality can be observed, and time passes.
Similarly, it doesn't really matter whether everything I experience via my senses is an illusion because what I am experiencing seems to follow certain natural laws that do not change. It is not as if red is suddenly changing to blue or objects are morphing into something else. Gravity remains constant. I see something; I can touch it and feel it. Reality seems to exist; we all act according, it being the instinct of all life.
Ahhh, Spain wt the jokes.
It's better than believing a book written by jews.
>Be Jesus
>Be Jewish
>my current state is the one I am always existing in outside of when I am asleep
Or it's not, since nothing guarantees any contingency between your thoughts at t1 and t2.
You also could just always be sleeping, or always awake, and you'd be epistemologically incapable of actually knowing which state you were in.
Sucks. To be. You.
Do you believe in eastern bunny too?
He can create it.
And then he lifts it.
Great, a book written by the juice. Also fairy tales have very little evidence. Dead Sea scrolls would have been a better pick b/c they're closer to the original interpretation of the texts that comprised the scriptures.
Jesus really is God.
Jesus really rose from the dead.
Christianity is the confession that Jesus really is God, and really did rise from the dead.
That is an argument, but so is the picture. If you are a Christian, aren't you looking forward to heaven? If so, isn't it because you will be able to live for eternity, know no suffering and be by God's side.
If this is the ideal end all Christians (probably most humans) want, then why didn't God give it to us from the start?
If you could trade your free will away to be in heaven instead, would you make that trade?
My dick rose from bed - Jesus really is a zombie.
Isaiah in the Dead Sea Scrolls is 99.8% identical to modern translation of Isaiah. Few spelling variants, few idioms, couple of copyist errors.
You can't prove religion tho it's harder to disprove it.
Even still, consider history. Judaism today is very different than in ancient times in the way it's practiced. It is Rabbinical Judaism and not Temple Judaism. Now Judaism has existed for thousands of years. When did it change? In the year 70AD, less than 4 decades (within a generation) of the Crucifixion. The Romans wiped the Jewish Temple off the face of the earth and guess what overtook the Romans? Christianity. Jesus entire mission was the salvation of the Jews and if they refused it, the salvation would be offered to everyone else but them. Christianity is now the planet's largest religion. The Christ is the design of Deity. Nothing else could have shaped human history as it has objectively occurred. And there are many other proofs, better ones though I don't think you'd be interested because your family is from a long line of heathens.
Or he'll remove all evil as he said he would, on his timetable and not on yours.
The countless miracle, look up the stigmata, vision of Fatima, and many more.
sauce for arbitrary percentage?
>Jesus really is God
No Jesus is an Aeon. He is an Emanation of the One.
He is not God Himself.
Every time I hear someone say Jesus is God I want to punch them in the face.
Jesus is an Emissary of the Creator of All.
He is the Son of God but he is not God himself.
I believe his words were "whores and thieves will enter the Kingdom before you hypocrites do".
The problem with proving Christianity's "truth" is entirely beside the point of the lessons in its doctrine. It's the same with all ancient mythology. Biblical mythology just so happens to be one of the most modern and amiable belief systems available, especially from a western perspective.
>be nice
>stay out of debt
>practice self discipline
>don't fuck with people you shouldn't fuck with
>don't put your dick in someone on a whim
>sin leads to suffering
>decadence can destroy civilizations
The Bible is an old book of stories, and each story gives the reader major insight on the human experience and how to navigate life. Anyone who believes it literally is wrong. Anyone who argues against it because of its shaky authenticity is wrong.
Mark 8:12 Jesus sighed deeply in His spirit and said, “Why does this generation demand a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to this generation.”
Best to shoot it in the head m8
>tho it's harder to disprove it.
This is what religioncucks actually believe.
>why didn't God give it to us from the start?
holy shit I though you were just some retard but you're actually OP so you are a gay retard
god DID give that to us from the start
Reminder you idiot: You're an adult with an imaginary sky dad.
hallelujah praise Jesus of Nazareth
(sorry Keku)
It's not hard to pull fairy tales out of one's ass.
>4.5 billion years
Leftism as the Left Wing was invented with the French revolution as first ever assault against Christianity from inside.
Since then,multiple authors and historians published books drowing links between (((French revolution))) and (((Bolshevik revolution))) as the Anti-Christ.
If our biggest enemies are trying to destroy it so hard then it must be true.
then human evolution is its own religion
Woah you sure showed him with some sick (((arguments))) bro!
Really makes u think!
again with the wishful thinking
>>be nice
>>stay out of debt
>>practice self discipline
>>don't fuck with people you shouldn't fuck with
>>don't put your dick in someone on a whim
>>sin leads to suffering
>>decadence can destroy civilizations
Odd that almost no christians practice any of those doctrines.
The Old Testament is jewy, but the New Testament is explicitly anti-jew.
Jews have always hated Christianity and Christians.
Christianity spread across Western Civilization, making it the de facto white religion.
what is a humans closest relative species in terms of DNA, and how many chromosomes does that relative have?
They are one in the same. Go study theology and not some dumbass protestant sect that interprets the bible in whatever twisted way their mind works.