Why do liberals get so pedantic
Because they're all idiot narcissists, who think they have these amazing and deep thoughts they have to share with the mental plebs.
It's all shit-tier garbage, though. They love their mindless emotional platitudes.
it continues
and the most amazing part
This muppet probably deserves whatever comes to him.
This is a profound faggot.
Drop him off in Liberia.
This this. Profound faggotry.
>There is profound darkness
Enough about your sex life.
Liberals are odd. They think their specific brand of far-left politics is what defines America, despite the fact that America has been a deeply conservative country up until recent years.
Just a generation or two ago, people could beat faggots like him to a pulp in the streets, and no one would bat an eye.
> hates the electoral college
that dude is a massive faggot
how stupid will he feel in 8 years when his right to "marry" is still there and the only deportations are of illegals.
also he doesn't sound that pedantic to me. The sounds the opposite of pedantic.
They hate themselves but pretend they're actually just caring for everyone else first.
they're a bunch of whining little assholes, 500 of these guys should firebomb some banks in the middle of the night, then they'll get some attention
if he was for real he would do something instead of sitting there like a jerkoff,
tell him that, tell him if he was for real he would blow up a bank at night when nobody is in it
if he wants everyone to know how mad he is get off facebook and take action
>I'm staying right here to fight
Right now you are crying like a little girl with your make-up on.
Somebody post it there.
>scared that our republic won't survive
Wait, I thought US is white supremacist capitalist patriarchy? Someone explain this to me.
is this thing trying to be a man or a woman, i cant tell
also, i just had the best fart
What more do you expect from a group made of liberal arts degrees. OF COURSE They are going to be dramatic.
choose one
gay man that now thinks he's a woman
sad thing is he actually has a STEM degree
I had a liberal teacher show us a current year man clip in college
please tell me hes really a lesbian.
Holy shit what a fucking drama queen, where is the Mike 'It's not fair? Blame Voltaire' Pence when you need him?
would reactionary.. be a better term to use?
So fake, faggots have no feelings. Just virtue signalling to destroy civilization. Do you really think that thing is that upset?
Right wing hails victory when it wins. What do liberals do?
He should really be worried about the AIDS, or whatever it is that's turned him into that pitiable thing.
I've always hated the fact that it's very hard to use the word "pedantic" without, yourself, sounding pedantic.
And don't give this thing the compliment of calling it pedantic. It's just being incredibly trite and sophomoric.
Holy shit ...
You know I never thought all that forced diversity garbage in the 90s would lead to this. Thank God I wasn't born 10 years later.
He kinda reminds me of Mesut Ozil with AIDS.
You are using that word incorrectly. I assume from context you mean overly dramatic or melanchaly. The reason is they are taught that being a victim or caring for victims makes them morally superior.
I don't really understand, wish a burger would riddle me this, but why are LGBTQ fags and Nig nogs so afraid of Trump? Is it because of the Obamacare thing?
>why do liberals get so pedantic
They have Autism
similar hair ey
because they think it's still 1992 & Repub's still have an anti-gay agenda
Kinda funny when Trump is literally the most gay-friendly president they've ever had
the sad thing is that despite that talk of wanting to understand the anger that elected Trump, Liberals will never understand it.
They will keep talking about this anger, and discussing it, but they will never actually get around to understanding it. Because they have warped views of patriotism and nationalism, and warped values and morals.
So the rust belt soundly rejecting identity politics is incomprehensible to them. period. it might as well be some kind of eldritch truth, completely incomprehensible by the human brain as far as they are concerned.
So from the left for the next (hopefully) 8 years we will hear a lot about "this anger" that elected trump, and we will hear about having to "understand" that anger and what it's about from the talk show analysts, but that's all it will be. for the whole duration. just talk, just identifying the issue without ever getting around to the understanding part
Since when was Trump against LGBT people?
As leafs we understand profound faggotry
>Is it because of the Obamacare thing
I doubt it, they most likely have convinced themselves that all the fags and dykes are going to be sent to a Mike 'flames for the faggots' Pence re-education camp, and all the nogs to work camps (i.e. more prisons). They probably haven't put any thought into the costs of AIDS treatment and abortions
Lmao what a fucking freak
These are the kind of idiots that join Antifa and beat the crap out of anyone wearing a Trump hat
thankfully this one isn't doing shit
What the fuck is this thing?
>but like our ancestors who lived to fight another day, who got up every day in the face of unspeakable darkness to fight for what they believed was RIGHT and JUST, we will do the same
Race war when?
a liberal