Really makes you think, why does Trump want to poison the atmosphere?
>environmentally friendly
Preaching to the choir here but these jabronis need to realize that oil isn't going anywhere soon, because it's used in everything, not just fuel.
China is also the world's bigger carbon dioxide producer
Really makes you think huh
Yeah fuck drumpf lets be more like china
LOL China is an environmental disaster.
Environmentally friendly
Erm why would they fill the river with the most traffic in the world with solar panels
>Solar power
What the FUCK am I reading
Because he hates America?
Come back and share your opinion, baiter.
When they say solar power producer they must mean they manufacture the panels that dumb gweilo countries import so China can use that money to buy coal to burn
Nothing to discuss the facts are the facts, trump is trying to poison the USA so the medical companies can get rich
>China starts televising the sunrise on giant TV screens because Beijing is so clouded in smog
That's cyberpunk as fuck
>worlds number carbon emitter
>environmental friendly
>this cognitive dissonance
Jesus Christ, up is down, left is right,, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is knowledge.
We live in an age of unparalleled information access and people are as still as fucking retarded as medieval dirt farmers
I don't see how the two are related.
china literally is the worlds largest producer of solar panels though, so he's not wrong.
That's beautiful, in a tragic way.
t. solar industry faggot.
the implication is that China is taking step to become environmentally friendly which it isn't, nor does china care about being environmentally friendly. They are energy hungry all the fucking time.
>China dumps a fuckton of acid and toxins that are by-products of producing solar panels and cells into river, poisoning tons of wildlife and fucking over thousands of farmers downstream.
>Companies strip-mining entire areas for needed rare minerals and resources to make solar batteries and cells.
>Libs celebrate how green this all is.
>While bitching about pipelines and how the EPA isn't getting enough funding.
>The same EPA that's poisoned multiple rivers with toxic chemicals and tried to cover it up.
*inhales smog*
*kills little girl because no penis*
*steals Western products and copies them*
>China releases statement saying they will start building solar panels
>they say the goal is to become largest solar power producer
>by 2030
That's tragic, in a tragic way.
>they have nuclear plants that means they aren't a fucking massive consumer of coal
tl;dr they used 17 percent more coal than reported, which accounted for more coal than the whole of Germany uses. Now how much do you think the rest of the coal they use amounts to?
>environmentally friendly
>implying they already have the plants
did you even read the article? they have 21 one plants in construction and more are on the way
>Additional reactors are planned, including some of the world's most advanced, to give a doubling of nuclear capacity to at least 58 GWe by 2020-21, then up to 150 GWe by 2030, and much more by 2050.
Producer =/= User
I'm sure chinks are well aware of how fucking shit solar panels are
However that irrelevant to solar panel consumer. Even through they make the most, they know it's an expensive inefficient and short lasting product that hippies use, so they don't use it themselves
>its 98% now
top lul
>they don't have the plants yet
Then why bother mentioning it? It's fucking irrelevant.
The process to make solar panels is very bad for the environment. Releases tonnes of co2 into the atmosphere.
it totally is relevant because it means they aren't going to use coal forever
This cuck doesn't know shit about china.
solar panels are still not profitable, we cant store power. and they are also bad for environmen to produce.
Fuck blumpf and fuck white people.
Yeah, which is irrelevant. Are you actually retarded? What exactly did you think we were talking about?
>polluting the athmosphere is racist
you're the one that brought up coal you colossal retard
Damn Canadians flooding our country with their black blood.
Use his real name, not Drumpf. It's very disrespectful
Then move there lmao
>age of unparalleled information
most people use social media sites quite literally designed to box your access to information into a tiny sliver like twitter and facebook
Yes, because China is burning massive amounts of it RIGHT NOW. Scroll up to the OP. It says "China is the largest solar power producer NOW" not "largest solar power producer some 35 years in the future." How fucking dumb are you?
>brings up coal
>gets btfo
>b-b-but OP is talking about solar!
fucking Australia, go kill you're self
>brings up irrelevant plans in the distant future because he has no reading comprehension
>gets btfo
>starts acting like he was pretending to be retarded
You're not fooling me.
Looks like I forgot to add drumpf to my subject filters.
Since I am here, might as well do some community service.
Download 4chanx, then go to settings and filters, select comments and paste what I will post below on it, then select subject and do the same.
/trumpster fire/i;boards:pol
/i used to be a trump supporter/i;boards:pol
/trump shill/i;boards:pol
/hillary will win/i;boards:pol
/trump will lose/i;boards:pol
/trump is finished/i;boards:pol
/its over/i;boards:pol
/its over for trump/i;boards:pol
/trump is a disgrace/i;boards:pol
/Sup Forums btfo/i;boards:pol
/pol btfo/i;boards:pol
/trump btfo/i;boards:pol
/trump is btfo/i;boards:pol
/trump paid shill/i;boards:pol
/former Trump voter here/i;boards:pol
/former Trump supporter here/i;boards:pol
/I was a Trump supporter/i;boards:pol
/hillary general/i;boards:pol
/clinton general/i;boards:pol
/it's fucking over/i;boards:pol
/trump has lost/i;boards:pol
/based hill/i;boards:pol
/trump is stumped/i;boards:pol
/trump is a loser/i;boards:pol
/trump is such a loser/i;boards:pol
/ANGLE 2993/i;boards:pol
/fuck Trump/i;boards:pol
/Anti-Trump General/i;boards:pol
/trump is gay/i;boards:pol
/trump is a fag/i;boards:pol
/madame president/i;boards:pol
/bill isn't running/i;boards:pol
/bill clinton isn't running/i;boards:pol
/bill is not running/i;boards:pol
/trump sucks/i;boards:pol
/trump squirm/i;boards:pol
/hillary strength/i;boards:pol
/hillary energy/i;boards:pol
/hill pepe/i;boards:pol
/madame president/i;boards:pol