What is the significance of this image Sup Forums?
What is the significance of this image Sup Forums?
Pigeons look beautiful, but they shit everywhere.
Thats a purple pigeon nigga
like americans? ay-ooooohh
I believe that this and Dat Boi are examples of organizations experimenting with forcing memes.
>white birds are symbols of peace
>black birds are considered pests to be exterminated
really made me think
exactly, sounds like some govt agency is experimenting with pol's meme creation
Here's the quick rundown
Extreme Creamy Meme for our White Supreme Teens my dude
Get your shitty kikebook memes OUT of here
That someone caught and dyed a pigeon so as to meme something about a dyed purple bird=leftie woman ?
With its head aloof and maybe disabled with menstruism
Personally, I'm all for it. Let there be memes, both dank and forced, and chaos in the battle between the two.
that fucking trash dove
also nice trips
The real question here is why not a headbanging purple bird?
Alright where's the party hard edit?
I am literally shaking right now. Birds are my favorite animals. Why would they do this? Another thing the alt-right desecrates with their racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, etcetera.
heh hive mind
Are you related?
It stools everywhere
No, Were just reposting
Thanks doc
Kek is with this trash dove, someone make an edit with the two of them
i found this one on kikebook
he represents the Aryan Race and our struggle agianst the Eternal Jew.
just as white nationalists are dismissed as a ridiculous meme, so is our newest avatar: Fash Dove
this probably. this meme is suspicious.
To me it symbolizes that OP is a faggot.
Thanks you.