Ontario's premiere is shunned to the back of a mosque while she waits to pander to muh Muslims

Ontario's premiere is shunned to the back of a mosque while she waits to pander to muh Muslims.

Can we make this woman an official meme and meme her out of office?


The left is such a joke.

Feminist bitch

>'Swastikas' uncovered by Sarah Silverman turn out to be utility markings

How can you be a feminist (or leftist) and love muslims
How can you be a feminist and love muslimsHow can you be a feminist and love muslimsHow can you be a feminist and love muslimsHow can you be a feminist and love muslimsHow can you be a feminist and love muslims

So this is what feminism looks like...Whoa

This should be the newest meme about feminists.


>How can you be a feminist (or leftist) and love muslims
Well you have to be retarded first but that isn't a problem since you're all ready a leftist/feminist.

Top kek.

Bitch should be lucky that Muslims let her dirty unwashed ass in. Indifels shouldn't be allowed near Mosques, cause idk. I just want to made you mad you troll racist fucks. So fuck off with your cheap propaganda.

Oh god I'm fucking laughing out loud. I'm fucking dead.

This picture is fucking classic. Wynne is the worst politician in fucking Canada and that's saying a lot.

I hate the religion of peace so fucking much



I know we laugh at Trudeau a lot but Wynne is the wicked witch of the west.

Wynne and the rest of her leftist ilk are insane.

I don't give a damn about Canada

I would feel bad but Wynn is a complete moron who is ruining ontario

she's not only a feminist, she's literally a fucking lesbian


She's lucky she didn't get stoned to death

that's what she gets for showing ankle in a holy place

This. A very unfunny joke that just won't end.

I would gun them down ISIS style if I could. The muslim invaders and western traitors.

ISIS exists because we allow it to, so do muslims in general. We could destroy all of you in a fortnight and colonize the lands as we please. Never forget that.

top kek

Can you imagine the levels of cognitive dissonance she is on right now?

>ISIS exists because we removed Saddam from Iraq and then funded a bunch of terrorist organizations (that later became ISIS) to fight Assad in Syria

Fixed that for you.

They put her on the cuck chair