Let's figure this out once and for all
Fucking nazi pigs
Lolbertarianism is a childish phase you grow out of.
Nice divide and conquer, faggot.
Fuck off.
Fascism can be too loosely defined and isn't an ideology.
Try again schlomo
>Sup Forums is the most diverse group that ever existed, coming together to discuss politics despite their differences and distances
Sup Forums is anarchy
Fash is an aspect of nu/pol/
Neither. Sup Forums is politically incorrect. They should be against both.
learn to green text
I can't be bother to learn your little internet rules.
Where's the option for communist leaning?
at /r/politics faggot
Morally libertarian
Practically fascist because libertarianism can't work with all these scumfuck shitskins intentionally ruining our nations
Stop spamming your (((Zuckerberg))) fueled psyop, shill
Why no conservative?
based it off this
Kek, what have (((conservatives))) ever
This, Libertarianism is a pipe dream
This is why we need liberal death squads
Conservative-liberal is the same ideological dichotomy as Fascist-libertarian. It's big government vs. small government
Fascism is a childish stage you grow out of.
>be a fascist as a teenager and a young adult
>slowly mature and grow up and learn about the world
>realize that freedom and liberty are the most important things
>become a libertarian as an adult
Fascism is literally for edgy teenagers.
Cancer all cancer, including the left. None of these are even close to being agreeable completely to call yourself one.
better red than a lolbertardian desu if it came to that.
>the perfect environment for somebody to come in and take your freedom, or for jews to take control of you entire monetary system
yeah, and like, what if everybody just got along with each other? we like, wouldnt even need any laws even. and if everybody shared as a community then there wouldnt be poverty and everyone would have whatever they want for free
I'm a closed borders libertarian. And for the rest, buy a fucking gun faggot.
But I want a fascist government that is socially libertarian...