When did every comedian unanimously decide to become cucks?


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Every comedian was already a cuck.

He's always been a degenerate cuck. I feel like proper like him mostly because aussies sound good when they're swearing



Jim Jeffries was always a cuck tho

To be fair he's pretty good at Aussie bantering.

They've been holding back for 8 years. Don't you remember when Bush got all the flak? Now that a white man is in the white house again it's okay for people to make fun of him, you won't get called racist.

Aussies have a real boner for arabs. Trump upsets em

about the time carlin died

Everyone is focused on the loudmouth, but that wasn't the most crazy thing said on the episode.

The fruit Jon Waters said "If you want to fix black neighborhoods you need more gay cops".

Comedians like news reporters change with public opinion and those who do not get axed.

Imagine a comedian making jokes about how Hillary was total shit and so on... they end up like Geroge Lopez when he made the black joke a few days ago. Imagine a (((CNN))) reporter not commenting about Trumps blame crashing like (((CNN's))) Suzanne Malveaux.

These faggots have always been cucks and will always be cucks. The exposure of how much of cucks they really is quite noticeable these days.

Almost all famous absorbs the leftist ideology to not be seen as a rich fag for the common pleb so they can contunue to milk them for money,
Every actor, painter, and sportman has done it, they become leftist in all but economics to avoid any criticism and make people feel good about making them even more wealthy cause "he's one of us, a leftist"

I miss guys like Sam Kinison who would actually be controversial, not just rip on christianity 24/7.


>be Dennis Miller
>problem solved

The GOP has been staffed by incompetent hypocrites for their entire careers, so that's what their whole stchick is based on.

It strikes me as hilarious that the most controversial thing a comedian could do in the CURRENT YEAR is support the President of the United States.

literally the unfunniest comedian around

What the fuck kind of a fucking timeline is this where I find myself agreeing with Piers Morgan?

Has all of this gone too far?

clean the jizz out of your cucked ears

When did Piers Morgan become, dare I say it, /our guy/?

huh? since when does bill fucking mahr care about muslims?

Redemption arc.

I'm on board with Paul Jewseph Watson's affirmation that conservatism is the new counter culture.
Liberalism, pro degeneracy shit is about as mainstream and safe as you can be.
We happen to be right, too.



Considering he spend quite a long time being super anti 2nd Amendment on his show on (((CNN)))... he is most certainly not /our guy/.

He also have a interesting run in with the old humble water filter salesman on that show.


George Carlin died

It's what the current climate tolerates.

>In November, [Chris] Rock told Frank Rich in an interview for New York magazine that he no longer plays colleges, because they’re “too conservative.” He didn’t necessarily mean that the students were Republican; he meant that they were far too eager “not to offend anybody.” In college gigs, he said, “you can’t even be offensive on your way to being inoffensive.” Then, in June, Seinfeld reopened the debate—and set off a frenzied round of op-eds—when he said in a radio interview that comics warn him not to “go near colleges—they’re so PC.”

Up and comers can't afford to lose the young audience the way Chris Rock or Seinfeld can, so they have to appease the monster.

I'm not sure he is.
He says he disagrees with Trump and would have voted against him, but he just can't stand the liberal hypocrisy and hysteria.

I am 30 years old now, and I remember all this shit very clearly from when Bush was president.


Its makes perfect business sense as liberals WILL boycott you if you say somethign they don't agree with whilst righties will normally shrug it off and laugh at the next joke.

Jim Jeffries has always been a cuck. He's a complete faggot.

Jefferies has always been anti american. Typical liberal idiot.

Hillary wouldn't have done those things, she would have instated a no-fly zone over Syria and Russia would have bombed the shit out of us.

So yeah, don't think she'd have gotten to the "Choosing a cabinet" part of her Presidential Term.

Comedians stop being funny when they just spew the mainstream narrative.

I can't wait for all these cucks to be pathetic nobodies in ten years time.

It's mostly because they're all trying to copy Jon Stewart and/or Bill Maher. They usually fail miserably at it and it just makes them sounds the same which in turn makes them boring to watch

In Sweden, you get ignored and alienated if you go against the cultural elite, if you want any work or gigs you need to swallow and spew their propaganda.

Famous example is when the Swedish comedian Thomas Järvheden made fun of the immigrant youths in the suburbs and got no attention in media at all. And at the same time another has been comedian who wanted back in the spotlight made a pro-feminist video that got shared "a lot" got tons of attention, by the same people who shared it.



Every comedian that comes from outside America (save for Eddie Izard) sucks dude. Ever notice how all of their jokes are LOL MURICANS BE LIKE... it's because there is literally nothing of interest or entertainment going on in their own little pile of garbage country. The only time they even make a name for themselves is if they perform over here and the only reason people like them is because most Americans are retards who find accents hilarious.

Probably when they sign the (((contract)))

This. Anti gun people will always be anti america people and huge losers.

Its position you have to take if you want any sort of career in Hollywood, i'd do the tbqh

Colin Quinn was always pretty pro-Bush.

If he hadn't invented mumble rap, he might still have Tough Crowd.

Piers morgan was right. Of course when you explain the truth you get told to fuck off.

Underrated. That guy was blackpilled. Entropy m8, entropy.

Bill Maher is the only leftie that I unironically like. At least he stays true to himself and rants about sjwfaggs and mudslims unlike these other cocksuckers like current year man who defend them just because the right is against them. Bill Maher's a cool guy. And funny, he wastes all that smugness on the dark side of the force.

The left works better when they have a "the man"-type figure to operate under. Kinda like a girlfriend who will start fights with people knowing her boyfriend will step in before she gets harmed.

The left can virtue-signal all day long knowing that their dangerous stupid policies will never take effect because ultimately Trump is protecting them from themselves.

fag at the end nailed it

their greatest fear is that he actually makes the economy better and is a successful president despite them screaming hitler for four years

>When did every comedian unanimously decide to become cucks?
Sometime around when Belushi died, it started into a downhill trend. Much like movies, most "jokes" have been used in some way or another. A producer can make a sequel, but a comedian cannot tell a joke over and expect to make money.

American "talkshows" are the epitome of degeneracy.
Do people see this as entertainment? A bunch of stuck-up b-celebrities screaming over eachother, nobody listening to what anybody says. They all want to talk and talk while not saying anything that could even be suspected of containing an ounce of wisdom.

Absolute. Fucking. Garbage.
Also yes comedian are generally cucks.

Actually, later in his show on CNN when shit was going down about Snowden, he literally said "now I understand all those people who are pro-2nd." Later he after he left CNN he seems to have taken the redpill, he's been a lot more understanding of the hysteria being generated as a form of virtue signaling

them triple repeating digditts

it's a proven fact that every comedian becomes significantly less funny when they start caring about what certain groups think (ie. politics)

Comedians are edgy leftists.

While most oppose feminisms and PCness, they still hate nationalism, religions, and general traditions. Lenny Bruce started this kind of subversive comedy stuff in the 50s.

They are exactly the type of "useful idiots" Bezmenov talked about.

The only Sup Forums approved comedian was Bill Hicks, and I'm glad that lying cocksucker is dead.

Leary didn't steal his routine, the racist prick was just mad that his "friend" insinuated that racists were morons(they are). Hicks was highly racist. Why were they even friends?

if Hicks were still alive he'd be supporting Gamergate, would have a MAGA hat on 24/7 and would weigh 400 pounds minimum, and he'd spend 2/3 of his waking moments crying over Denis Leary being a better human being.

I know ED loves Hicks, but ED editors also have ED.

he hated religion, too. He knew what he was talking about.

that funny, how the hell is the fruity old guy the funniest guy?

Did you ever see that video of Bill calling a woman a cunt on stage and dancing around?

He was awoke.

This faggot used to be funny.
Then he decided whining and crying about Christians and conservatives while praddling on about his autistic son and his alcholism, while somehow trying to hold onto the notion that he's above you because he's an atheist.

He never shits on Muslims though, he doesn't dare.

>85% of Muslims can still enter the country
>crowd goes wild
Jerry Springer accomplished more on his shit show than this.

If I wanted to see fecal matter wriggling around I'd look in my toilet when I flush.

Because it's trendy now and not sucking Muslim dick would cause his shows ratings to drop.

You should go watch it since it's pretty short.

it sucks because Jim Jeffries banter on the Opie and Anthony show was usually good. I knew he was always anti gun but he wasnt so in your face about politics but one trip to his Twitter and you can see he has gone off the deep end. I honestly believe some Jew consulting agency is making all these celebrities and comedians do this there is no other suggestion.

I can't believe he's still relevant.
He'll invite you on his show, twist your words around, call you an idiot and not let you have a single second to correct yourself, because he knows if you could and did, he would be the idiot.
He has such a fragile ego he makes Donald Trump look thickskinned as fuck.

FUCK BILL HICKS! I'll go thumbs up a bunch of Leary vids on Youtube instead.

George Carlin had his short-comings, but he was unwavering on political correctness and the control of language. He would have absolutely raped the leftists today.

fucking patrice redpilling those fags

Here ya go.

I hate britbongers that look like babyfaces and go around saying "fock" alot


They've always been this way, it's just they've became far more politically active in the last 5 years or so. Maybe i just wasn't paying as much attention earlier to that.

He's Australian.

comedy is stupid cucks are stupid

is he wrong?

Nothing new on jefferies end

Dudes always been anti guns and anti trump, he does have really funny bits though

He hasn't reach Louis CK levels of pandering yet

When did Piers Morgan become right-leaning?


He's a GWB supporting cuckservative neocon.

You mean Bill "Israel must be watered by the blood of Americans" Maher?

Is Anthony Jeselnik still around?

He always seemed dark enough to be a right winger.

Fucking Patrice, dead but still owning these fools.


its not hard to be "right leaning" when the moderate left is so radical

Best comedian


Good god, that was hilarious.

dude jim jeffries is a fucking idiot

The world's so upside down that Piers Morgan is now /ourguy/ wtf dudes?

Jim jefferies is a retard

Look into those who produce and act in media. what you will find goes much deeper than pizzagate.


babbys first redpill: 90% of successful people in (((Hollywood))) are sellouts who push a political agenda.

I hate this chubby aussie cunt, going to america and spouting liberal nonsense. Faggot.

stop sending them here please

you can take fucking trevor noah and john oliver back too

last thing i want to see is some british faggot telling me how racist white americans are

wtf? he was doing really well then suddenly he sperged out with "MUH 1776", what the hell Alex?

The 30 minute story about taking his disabled friend to the whorehouse is the best long-format comedy bit I've ever heard.

Other than that, he's a terribly unfunny person.

I fucking hate comedians

Dude he's always been a cuck. I saw him live and talked to him after his show and he was limp wristed as shit. He got offended that I thought he was Wilfred kek.

He was a funny cuck back then, at least.
Now he's too preachy. Having a kid really ruined him, expect Bill Burr to go down the same route.

i can only apologize, i dont want him here either

Sending us John Oliver should be considered an act of war.

>"Calm down Bill there's no-"
>"Fuck off"
>crowd cheering
Is swearing and "literally Hitler" the only arguments these libcucks have?