Underrated empires?
Underrated empires.
Underrated empires?
Underrated empires.
>A law 1912 by the Austro-Hungarian monarchy recognised Islam as a "state religion" and officially allowed its presence in what is now the Czech Republic.
The Holy Roman Empire of course!
I didn't even know this was a thing until yesterday.
Every night, I stroke a picture of Franz Ferdinand with a tear in my eye, while repeating "You were too pure" over and over.
Also Czar Nicholas II
Mr. Mumbaso, please
Coolest underrated empire. Re-creating the North Sea Empire as Norway in EU4 or CK2 is the funnest thing ever
Nah mate, it was a mess, a prime example of why multiculturalism is unsustainable.
>Coolest underrated empire
You fucking what? Pic related
Britain is a mess. Literally every other country within the union hates England but only stays to bleed them dry financially.
Austria-Hungary was actually quite stable, economically, socially, politically, and would never have collapsed if it hadn't been on the losing end of a war. Also, France's involvement in the collapse was heavy, and they basically guaranteed it would be destroyed by protecting every single army that marched in on Hungary, even when they were betraying treaties and prior agreements.
>it was a mess
In what sense? It was economically stable and actually relevant
North Sea Empire was the second-largest Western Christian state, other than Francia.
Brazilian Empire
Only rural and suburban retards supported Trump.
All the city people voted Hillary.
Vikangs didn't need books cause they had memory and shit.
Mexican Empire was better than you fags
Only relevant leader was Pedro II
Vikangz are cool not because they were cultured or civilized, but barbaric in a vital and expansionist kind of way. They're correlates of the Dorian
Nah they got BULGARED
The Chechen is right, you know
I just don't get why the fuck we didn't force them to learn German and make them abandon their languages.
>vital and expansionist
>never expand beyond their frozen shithole
The Austrian Empire is underrated, Austria-Hungary of the 19th Century was barely functioning.
>What is the entirety of riverine Europe and North Atlantic
Only because we leech of America and get away with it.
You certainly tried, but the Hungarians beat you in a war. You called in your Russian allies to keep them in the union, but after you saw that Hungary was more powerful than Austria, you had to make a lot of concessions to them to keep them from rising up again.
I agree, but the culture was a great part of that. They weren't really expansionist though. They went far but not for their nation.
That's true territorially, but they did raid as far as Italy and a group of them did go all the way to the Byzantine empire to become a high ranking guard of the emperor .
Is that what you look like tyrone?
Plz stay away
>I agree, but the culture was a great part of that. They weren't really expansionist though. They went far but not for their nation.
Realistically there's no way a Scandinavian kingdom (much less tribal holding) in 900 has enough manpower to hold any land beyond the Baltic. It's a miracle they managed to nab most of Britain at one point, if you consider the demographic differential.
Austro-Hungarian Empire was a meme and it was bound to collapse.
National Socialist German Utility Workers Party
Poland-Lithuania was a meme.
Because Germans only made up a fraction of the population, if it came to a revolution we would have lost everything
Commonwealth survived longer than 2 out of 3 Reichs :^)
>got BTFO by Italy who had just lost a war to niggers
This 'empire' belongs in the dustbin of history.
I think that Vikings were more concerned with taking wealth and slaves to bring back home rather than expanding the size of their home. This is a better idea to me because it puts one's own community first while still feeding an individual's sense of adventure and desire to distinguish himself, and it doesn't lead to rampant race mixing like some empires that stretched beyond the lands of white people did. You could say its bad because they were prospering at the expense of other whites but that's what happens in any economic system in a white country anyway. There are only so many resources and they all belong rightfully to me and my associates.
the austrian empire and then the austro hungarian empire was shit tier in every way and it proved once again that multi cultural societies do not work but if austria would have never gained land in the east and south, austria would now be probably part of germany just like bavaria
Rome is overrated.
t. Persia
>Austro-HUNGARIAN empire
>Why is German not the only language?
Italy literally didnt BTFO anyone in any world war. Austro-Hungary was defeated by the Russians.
That's actually a meme. An old meme repeated hundreds of times but a meme nevertheless.
If you look up actual statistics and actual writings of the time this becomes crystal clear.
Literally Fake News
SEVERELY UNDERRATED. Could literally be Hitler's Germanic Reich if Gustavus Adolphus didn't die.
"Byzantine Empire" is a lie. It was the Eastern Roman Empire all along.
It was Italy that brought it down no matter how you spin it: en.wikipedia.org
>Shitty multicultural failed experiment
Im glad how in university how we learned that multiculturalism was the cancer that killed austria-hungary, even american unis wont defend the multicultural cuckoldry that was austria-hungary
>those stripes in Anatolia, Syria, Palestine and Egypt
"T-this land is really Persian and totally n-not Roman I swear"
Holy shit sven!
That was you??
What happened....
Wow an accurate and relevant comment with that flag, good job Leafbro
Now that's a good one. Roman Empire technically lasted almost 2000 years if you go from the times of the Republic to the fall of Constantinople.
And? Who is more cucked nowadays? Germoney
austria hungary was a mistake
all i want again is HRE 2.0
Hahaha The only Viable negroid empire in the history of ever.
>United States
>you will ALWAYS read that as Cunt and allies at first only to realize it's actually Cnut and allies
these are all missplaced by a alot
also, wtf is albania doing there
You want a shitty confederation full of dutchies and counties fighting against each other while LARPing as Romans and not controlling the Papal States?
we wuz 4 real
das rite cracka albino boi
If you read how the Swedish empire collapse, it's quite miraculous. But perhaps destined to happen, as Sweden could never hold territory in the northern European plain.
Sven got molested by Russia repeatedly.
the byzantine empire literally is another name for the east roman empire, nothing more
you could say that basically but then again, it wasnt really an empire before because well.. it was a republic lol
>fight Russia
>fight Serbia
>fight r*mania
>still have initial victories against Italy then hold them off until the USA joins the war and your retarded minorities start revolting for independence
kys monkey
Both are caucasian regions. Something something related Indoeuropean root words
rather that than to be affiliated with balkan shitholes
i dont even care about larping as romans
Oh poor sven that must have really sucked..
Is that why they are so cucked?
Damn Russkies..
those "balkan shitholes" would be incredibly powerful if they could unite
I know a perfect solution for that
Top 3 based empire in the last 600 years
American colonies, e.g Manhattan "new Sweden".
what he said, austrobro, please accept this if austria didnt affiliate with those balkans and other the other eastern faggots, austria would be a german state now and not independent
nah fuck off m8
they're already united by their genetics you diluted :v)))
The Bosnjak one should have this flag in the background
Assyrians were badasses, basically a mix of Roman legions, proto-Achemanid Persian culture, and Mongol atrocities.
If there was no Edvard the cunt Beneš, there would be Polish-Czechoslovak Confederation.
Today, it would be extremely powerful country on the military side and on the science side.
Also no mudslimes allowed ofcourse.
Not the real flag of course, this is even more ideal one of big slavic empire.
And no Russian invasion. Great independent brotherhood.
Assyrians invented zerg tactics
"we were btfo by every people we encountered"
t. Persian
My kind of thread.
Das Mehm kannte ich ja noch garnicht xD
>German alliance comprised mainly of Turks, Balks, and Arabs
Like pottery
Post actual empires that lasted more than 1 century please.
Multiculturalism gone wrong.
It was literally a fuckfest of Germans,Slovenes, Croats, Romanians, Czechs, Austrians etc all striving for independence
Empire of dirt
You guys achieved nothing but making the worst country of all time..
t. Faruk Öztürk
Severely underrated empire with a hilarious name: the Göktürks
Bring dich um.
The Khwarazmians, known far and wide for invoking the wrath of the Mongols
>Norway never did anythi-
Except it qualifies as an empire. What mexicans did to their country is their doing.
Sure you got a point there but if you look at similar empires alot of the colonys were actually worth something.
Like seriously mexico...
I dont even know what to say about that
I thought Vikangz didn't have a concept of "Norway, Sweden and Denmark" back then.
What is Austrian popular opinion on Austria-Hungary today? Is the Hungarian part considered subhuman?
Ask /his/
very a e s t h e t i c, only needs Östergötland, that last bit of Kola, the rest of the Scottish highlands up to that weird cutoff point, and its g2g