ITT People who did nothing wrong
ITT People who did nothing wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
Where are stormfags?
Thats a fucking lion
He was a big guy
He literally is the jew though
If somebody posts Griffith I'm going to loose my shit. That white haired bitch nigga did everything wrong
>mass murderer
>nothing wrong
inb4 dem germans did it first!!1!
just because someone robs a bank does not make it ok for you to rob a bank
Is this bait or did you forget to change VPNs?
gotta HEIL
Not a single thing. May their sacrifices not be in vain gents.
>pay respects!
>murdered his own brother and tried to kill his nephew
>literally adopted a policy of "no borders" in the pridelands
>pridelands got swarmed by, hyenas
>overpopulation leads to overhunting
>pridelands slowly become a dry wasteland
he's the "lionification" of Merkel, really. Just before Simba showing up, the other lionesses were considering to leave the pridelands forever
youre a fucking moron
user! We have to spread the blessings of globalism to the world! Don't you want everyone to be happy and safe?
>45 posts
>no fuher
What happened to Sup Forums?
Too obvious
gee, you must be new here
for you
This is 1 dope haircut.
Lul at Varg.
It was Self Defense.
Because we all know the obvious answer so we don't need to.
For Queen and Country
This. Just business.
Completely innocent. Truly a great man.
Bring the gas
I'm not afraid!
and finally
Holy shit based Quads. Pewdiepie really is /our guy/
Scars practically the embodiment of 21st century germany. He did a hell of a lot wrong letting the Hyenas in ..
too far senpai
No, fuck you
and fuck you
Fucking scarr murdered his own brother, he was also a shitty ruler and starved his people, low effort bait thread.
Literally only wanted to spread prosperity and wealth with the uncivilised world and to secure the existence of his people
I don't understand your anger.
Scar would be a liberal.
Saddam senpai
>Not one mention
>yfw Giovanni is like a fictional (yet criminal) Trump who did create a shitload of jobs
Scar killed his brother and tried to kill his nephew + he is a fucking nigger.
>tfw your brother gets to bang Mercy because the lead writer uses him as his self-insert
>tfw everyone thinks you're shit because 95% of the people who play you don't understand how to use the Storm Bow.
>tfw in the right hands you're a better combination of both Widowmaker and McCree with one of the best ults in the game
Hanzo had a hard life.
Why ? He is totally right.