Why is it so hard to believe that human caused CO2 emissions cause the sunlight to get trapped inside our atmosphere and escape less, causing the heating of the atmosphere and melting the ice caps?
Climate Change
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Because people like you are the ones shilling for it.
you mean IQ 145+?
Because we had no summer this year in my city therefore anecdote. Also, gas gaza
Yes goyim, climate change is real now pay your carbon tax for breathing.
Cos the ice caps are growing and not shrinking, you fucking kike.
Because there really is no way to scientifically test it. There is no control group, there is no actual manipulation, its just correlation, and inference.
>the global warming isn't real cuz it's very cold here
this argument every time..
What global warming actually causes is cold places get even colder, and hot places get ever drier and hotter
Oh veyy!
>Shlomo thinks the bong gave him a sarcastic response.
You got your answer. Many people don't trust kikes telling them to embrace Marxism or the world will burn. Get some non communist spokesmen to peddle your lies and people might be more receptive.
Fake news
Because the models that incorporate this hypothesis have no predictive value.
I hope it gets warmer. This winter has been brutal and I could do with less snow.
Gazing through the window
At the world outside
Wondering will mother
Earth survive
Hoping that mankind will
Stop abusing her, sometime
You got the first half right, now prove the second half. If you show me any evidence that human produced CO2 will create statistically significant warming of any kind Ill donate $100 to whatever green bullshit nonprofit you want
Some ideas are so ridiculous only intellectuals could hold them.
Such as cuckoldry, and the infection of SJW in academia.
>Why is it so hard to believe
Because I have education and can do basic research?
Why is it so hard to believe that god created life on this planet and intentionally designed a horrifying kill-or-die environment, causing untold levels of suffering simply to exist?
Because of the lying pieces of shit that tell us conflicting catastrophes await us if we don't fund them properly.
also gas yourself jewboy
>global warming actually causes is cold places get even colder, and hot places get ever drier and hotter
how convienent
Don't care desu won't be here by then. Gas gaza, thanks in advance, death to all arabs
That's not hard to believe at all. What's hard to believe is that taxes and regulations are gonna help. How about a full import ban on anything produced in China or other cheap countries that shit on the environment? Oh right, Schlomo wouldn't get his globalism shekels anymore, my bad. You cunts are adding insult to injury.
This word again.
If you had a proper education, you wasn't in the Russian Federation.
Show me the study that actually proves that a clear gas traps more heat than another clear gas. People have always just assumed it's true, but I've never seen proof
because thats not even what the """""climate change""""" scientists say it is
they say that co2 emissions cause an increase in carbon in the atmosphere which causes a positive feedback loop with the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere which is what actually causes the heating
but for some reason they cant prove that the positive feedback loop actually exists
>clear gas
yes look at all the sunlight totally escaping!
It's not hard to believe, just hard to prove. I don't think we should be wasting so much money on something that's generally useless for us.
That's completely false. You're ignorant as fuck
((((((((((((((((A jew is posting this))))))))))))))))
I really don't understand Sup Forums denial of AGW. In most controversial subjects they bring up clever statistics, publications and facts.
But here they rely on:
>muh cold winter
>muh conspiracy
>can't prove
cause if the ice caps melt, then I can live in antarctica, and lots of places will be able to grow food which are too cold now
besides, earth had 5x today's co2 during the jurassic era, earth will be fine
we're overdue for an ice age though
look at the vostok ice core
if there's enough global warming, we could skip the ice age
>clear gas
c02 is a trace gas in the atmosphere. it ain't doing shit. Truth be told, the earth probably should have more c02 in the atmosphere.
Ocean acidification is the ongoing decrease in the pH of the Earth's oceans, caused by the uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere
Here is more science that global warming deniers have no understanding of.
It's an Arab, or worse, an Israeli leftist
That picture is so dumb. Distance causes distortion. Making the balls the same size doesn't mean they were taken from same spot.
guys, we should only look at the past 50 years
it's really statistically significant
>cause if the ice caps melt, then I can live in antarctica, and lots of places will be able to grow food which are too cold now.
But Australia will be a scorched desert.
>besides, earth had 5x today's co2 during the jurassic era, earth will be fine
Earth will eventually survive, but not without triggering mass extictions and chaos in human societies.
>we're overdue for an ice age though
>look at the vostok ice core
>if there's enough global warming, we could skip the ice age
Let's us first get hints that an ice age is starting, then we could release just the necessary amount of CO2 to avoid it.
Jfc you are dumb as shit. Human civilization pumps trillions (t-r-i-l-l-i-o-n-s) of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Oceans absorb that naturally and then release it some time later, but our planetary systems were not designed with human industry in mind. The amount of co2 in tonsheimehe atmosphere today is completely unprecedented in earth history. Just fucking kill yourself you slow minded trash. Probably no point in explaining it to human garbage anyway. You'll just ignore it as is your entire MO
Too many reasons to list that debunk it. But here are two:
1) Average thermal radiation escaping earth ( outgoing radition/greenhouse) is 235 watts/m2
The CO2 molecules will absorb this, and emit a lower energy photon, that will not be absorbed again. Some infrared also radiates to space. Because the radiation is finite, the absorption is finite. Once all the infrared is absorbed, adding more CO2 does fuck all.
2) Read a thermodynamics book. Consider the following:
a) Earth's core has a temp: 6500C, volume: 8.939 x10^18 m^3
b) Core shell temp: 4000-6500C, volume: 1.719 x10^20 m^3
c) Mantle avg temp: 400-900C, volume: 9.199 x10^20 m^3
d) Crust avg temp: 200-400C, volume: 5.054 x10^19 m^3
e) Oceans avg temp: 1C, volume: 1.386 * 10^18 m^3
3) CO2 sinks ( plants, carbonates via ocean & rain absorption, destruction by cosmic rays)
No matter how hard we try to cause a runaway greenhouse effect on earth, we can't.
BTW, earth isn't a glass greenhouse. Retards in the 1970s memed this into our heads because Venus has an atmosphere much more dense than ours, which acts more to seal in the heat.
Climate change tards will be regarded the same as we think of people testing witches with the float/sink test.
>CO2 emissions cause the sunlight to get trapped inside our atmosphere and escape less, causing the heating of the atmosphere and melting the ice caps
No one denies that, its called the greenhouse effect, it is a well known scientific concept.
The question lies on which scale does human civilization and specifically, the industrialized world contributes to that problem. While there is indeed an increasing amount of CO2 and other emissions sent out due to more industrial activity, deforestation and more cars, etc. The impact is still hard to measure and the actual climate scientists who dare defy the "MUH 97%CONSENSUS" bullshit are vilified by the scientific community, leaving no room for actual research without being called a "climate denier" kek
TL;DR The greenhouse effect is real and problematic, but not a death sentence for our species at least for another couple hounded years.
I believe it, but if my life sucks, I'm going to make sure everyone elses life sucks too
Not to mention, plants and trees grow at much faster rates with more co2 in the atmosphere. It's the answer to curing world hunger
Pic related is how much a tree grows at different concentrations of c02 over the course of one year.
Ambient co2 on the left and increased concentrations moving to the right.
convincing argument user
>at least not for a couple hundred years
Wanna know how I know you're ignorant? How long do you think we can keep consuming oil at this ever-increasing rate? Hint: less than a couple hundred years my dude
The part where only white nations have to do something about it.
>But Australia will be a scorched desert.
Do you even know what a prediction is? I don't think you do.
>denial of AGW
I don't deny it. I'm simply not convinced with the evidence as presented.
I don't disbelieve climate change. I disbelief that the West can do anything about it. The best people aim for is fucking the planet 30% less per year. Does that sound like a solution?
Now consider India and China both, alone, are worse than the USA and western Europe combined for the environment.
It's a non-issue because it will not be solved. We're already fucked.
Even if you don't believe in climate change, do you still believe in the poisoning of the air and water through all these factories?
You are a faggot. Yes this is an Ad Hominem attack.
CO2 has been 10 times higher than now. Why wasnt there a runaway greenhouse affect? The earth should be boiling and scat porn was never invented by degenerates
>possible solution gets completely ignored
>"well I guess that's it then"
You're literally not even trying. You're useless
because scientists were claiming a new ice age was coming in the 70s using the exact same information
If we covered the earth in solar panels, we would make enough power to run the Aluminum industry. That's it.
Oil and Nuclear is all we have right now. Anyone who says otherwise has never done the math.
Still waiting for your argument user.
This week we broke record high temperatures in Texas.
We were in the mid 80's F or 30 C.
The records we broke were all in the 1911-1913 early industrial age era. We just broke some of those records this year.
The earth was hot before everyone had automobiles, lawn mowers, and thousands of power generators for; electricity in most homes, HVAC demand, streetlights in every city, airplanes/jets, the list goes on.
But sure OP, humans are causing global warming. Just tell me who to write out the check to.
If you can understand that Sup Forums isn't one person, how hard is it to understand that "scientists" =/= one person?
the people who pay the scientists for certain outcomes of the research are still the same
just plant more trees
Oil is pleb tier energy. It's completely unreasonable to continue using oil. Nuclear is a better alternative. I never said anything about solar but that would be good in addition to nuclear. Just stop pretending like using oil as fuel is in any way, shape or form not bad for the planetary environment
>Melting the ice caps
But they are growing hahahahahah
This. We are playing the role of a guy with a vacuum cleaner while China and India keep dumping buckets of sand on the carpet.
What's the Fucking point?
Why is it so hard to believe that mohammed was the last prophet and islam is the true religion?
>If we covered the earth in solar panels, we would make enough power to run the Aluminum industry. That's it.
>Oil and Nuclear is all we have right now. Anyone who says otherwise has never done the math.
It is quite the opposite. 1m2 of solar panel can deliver up to 150W. 1 ha (10 000m2) can deliver up 1.5 MW. You would need a tiny surface to supply humanity's energy needs.
literally info wars tier tinfoil nonsense here
In reality we'd be fucked if the earth cooled 10 degrees. If it warmed up 10 degrees we'd have actually more land suitable for farming.
If you think science is more about money than curiosity leading to truth, you're dumb and I won't waste my time talking to you. If you aren't a scientist in 2017 then you are slowing humanity down and you should purge yourself.
Likewise if you believe the majority of scientific research comes from authority, and not peer review, you're an idiot.
Piss off.
Climate change advocate: I think we understand how a 4.5 billion year old planet, located in an outer arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, works. I know it has tons of inputs, many we have yet to discover. I know it has feedback looks, many we do not understand. I know that this system is non-linear and chaotic. I know the predictions are based on out incomplete understanding.
But I think we should create a new global commodity, called carbon pollution, that we can tax. This way, we can fund our one world government in the model of the EU.
I'm not a scientist, because I think consensus matters. So I'm an evil globalist at best or a useful idiot. Time to kill myself.
From what I understand Global warming is like being on a swing.
If you look at other planets with high density of green house gases what happens is that during the "winter" they become extremely cold and during summer they are hot as hell.
I guess this will apply to our planet too right?
Our winters will become more extreme and overall deadlier and our summers will be scorching hell holes; which kinda supports the data.
>implying humanity will still depend on fossil fuels in >100 years
>implying you even know the answer to your second question
Alarmist detected, whatever climate catastrophes await we will find a way to adapt, as we always have. climate prediction by alarmists have almost always been proven false, hence the reason why there's still coast cities in the current year.
that is precisely the point, our atmosphere composition has been ever-changing for almost as long as we have existed, earth has its ways to regulate its own temperature and we don't fully understand it yet to claim the world is ending, unrustle your jimmies
That's a really simpleton view of the interactions involved. The perfect greenhouse model != earth.
wow this Alt Right kid really lashed out uncontrollably.
all I did was point out how dumb his LARPing was
scientists still gotta eat user, and there's no money in merely satisfying curiosity
the fact that you hold scientists above corruption means that you are pretty naive
>If you think science is more about money than curiosity leading to truth
I see you've not had beg for research grants yet. Wait until you're a PI and then let me know how much curiosity is leading your work.
How is uni these days anyway?
You have no power here, Shlomo. Go preach your bullshit elsewhere.
>But Australia will be a scorched desert.
already is
>but not without triggering mass extictions and chaos in human societies.
no compelling evidence this is true
>Let's us first get hints that an ice age is starting
you will see this year :)
>What global warming actually causes is cold places get even colder, and hot places get ever drier and hotter
Just like in a greenhouse! You know, people only use greenhouses to flash-fry their produce in the day and freeze it to death in the night! Certainly not because it provides a uniform, comfortable temperature across multiple seasons.
Which is why Mercury, with its non-existent atmosphere and zero-CO2 has a perfectly uniform temperature across the entire planet and planets with strong atmospheres vary by hundreds of degrees between day and night cycles!
Funny. How. That. Works.
> human caused
oh how arrogant are you to assume that we have that much impact upon this earth.
Except they have atmospheres of different elements than Earth. Or no atmosphere at all.
These 'high density' planets are at such an extreme levels that we'll be long dead before it reaches that point.
Because you can;t prove that we are actually causing it.
All you can do is pull bullshit assumptions out of your ass and skew numbers.
>t gullible idiot
literally fallacy of origins here
"We must stop global warming"
*the globe stops warming*
"Uh..... we must stop climate change!"
You idiot, global warming/climate change (or whatever they're calling it today) is a hoax in the sense that it is NOT man-made (like they say it is). Earth has been going through NATURAL CYCLES of warming and cooling SINCE ITS BIRTH. Furthermore, ALL of the planets in the Solar System are warming up right now. This does NOT mean that pollution does not exist, because it DOES. I am NOT pro-pollution. In fact, I am VERY ANTI-POLLUTION. It's just that I REALISE that a carbon tax is NOT going to stop pollution (and so do they). Free energy exists EVERYWHERE IN UNLIMITED QUANTITIES (like Tesla said) and it is COMPLETELY CLEAN. They are using global warming/climate change as a way to further their globalist agenda to establish a single planetary government. Remember: Global 'problems' require global 'solutions'. This is the Hegelian dialectic on a global scale. Not only do they want a single planetary government, but they also want to DE-INDUSTRIALISE THE WORLD via their global warming/climate change SCAM. Don't fall for it.
>if we're sinking why are we 100s of feet in the air
what a redundant image
theyre all going to die to "climate change" in the image - theyre just distancing themselves from it more than the retards who believe in it
>different elements
>teh erth is BIGG and peepl are SMOL so how could we do anything bad???
how can scientists ever recover?!?!?
quoted the wrong user. my jimmies aren't rustled. we are saying the same thing. I agree with you.
It's not hard to imagine when we know it's happening.
But it is hard to imagine that it will be a bad thing.
>No one denies that, its called the greenhouse effect, it is a well known scientific concept.
One that you can't reliably prove that CO2 causes. Methane, yes. CO2, no. Simple experiments fail when attempting it, and when you call them on it, they ask you what fucking light bulb brand you used -- fucking frauds.
Yeah, pretty obvious Co2 is released into atmosphere. That's why there is life on this planet. Do you travel in a transport machine with a combustion engine. Do you use hot water? Do you have a furnace, or AC? Do you eat food? If yes to any of these questions, then your argument is flawed. Your poster boy for climate change, had a $50,000 electric bill, one year. I can guarantee, every manmade object you come into contact with today, was touched by carbon based fuels, at some point.
This is what most idiots never think about. People wanting us to reduce fossil fuel use, are advocating for a return to the stone age, in the literal sense.