What does Sup Forums think about Indian economy?
India's inflation hits 5 year low at 3.17%
The economy isn't as strong as others as the result of the government's bungling. People are living in squalor due to the caste system. That shit has to end otherwise poverty and suffering will continue.
caste is only hindu shit
the people are living in squalor and garbage aside from caste stuff
The govt. "bungling" is being reduced. Most clearances have a single window system and corporate/personal tax cuts are slashed. Majority of the country's personal income is not taxed at all. Middle class is taxed at 5%. The rich are taxed at 20-30%. Corporate taxation is being cut too. Balancing inflation, infra spending, education spending, cutting PSU spending has to be balanced with the tax rates.
You don't know the reality of the caste system. Being upper class is a huge liability. Lower caste people have affirmative action in everything. Schools, colleges, jobs you name it. Your view is extremely blue pilled and parroting liberal propaganda.
No. Muslims and Sikhs have caste too.
Indian growth seems to be mainly fueled by population growth and so building the infrastructure for such a large population with a shitty GNI per capita could become a problem for them in the future. But i'm not an economist so I could be spouting absolute shite.
True to some extent but the population/land is so huge that you can keep growing the economy over decades/centuries. I live in a state with high per capita/HDI figures/well developed but the growth is at 11-12%. Stuff is being torn apart and rebuilt. Yet the infra spending interms of %age of economy is still low. There is fuckload of FDI flowing in and indegeous startups are at an all time high. Some of them may survive, others may go away.
>Being upper class is a huge liability
Could you explain this further? I'm genuinely interested.
Its a shitty mess just like your streets. Like China, the recent gains to Indian wealth and modernization are too unevenly distributed. A pause to consolidate and absorb the advances made over the last 20 years in needed. Maybe not today but soon or you'll come crashing down.
It's like being a Hwhite male in the United States but the user is being a little too extreme about it only 1 percent of the total jobs in the country are reserved and the only reservation they get is in government colleges private institutions are free from the obligation
Upper caste gets cucked everywhere.
We have four main groups on which caste are measured highest being General then OBC(Other Backward classes) then SC(Scheduled Caste) and last ST(Scheduled Tribes) it was a major blunder giving reservations starting fromST till OBC and keeping General fucked up. In short General is fucked real bad.
What ST will get for mere 40-50% General will get it at 99%.
Caste wins over Talent in short.
Affirmative action my friend
There is affirmative action for women, lower castes in almost everything, even politics(but to lesser extent). A higher caste student needs to get 95% to clear the entrance exam to a college, but 60% would do for a lower caste student.
Heh. That is the case almost everywhere. In India food is free for the poor, agriculture is not taxed and subsidised, education till 12th grade is 100% free so it is not hard to become rich. Almost all rich people here have rags to riches stories behind them here.
Man, India. Looks like your economy is going down the shitter.
I'd still bang that,Desu
it's nothing, they have growth because of a demograpic boom.
In the end they're still brown and won't amount to nothing much.
>Demonetize 80% of your physical currency overnight without giving the people any advance warning
Bravo Modi.
>only 3.17%
Jesus Christ
That is because most people weren't paying any taxes and stockpiling money. Also this was done to weed out corruption. Overnight unaccounted wealth was useless.
It is a good move because those who used the poor to get back the money had to give them a cut so it was wealth distribution without resorting to communism
India's economic growth index for 2016 is 7.6 % while inflation is 3.17 %, this mean that economic inequality grew? The income weren't well distributed and problems aren't being solved. The gap between middle class and lower class is now bigger.
superpooper by 2020
Even our zika favela niggers knows how to use a fucking toilet you filthy subhuman.
Not really. The poor some years back had to sleep on roads. Now they have concrete houses with loos and shit. I have seen this first hand
>muh poo poo poo
Kek. Your economy and country are seriously in the shitter, you mongrelised ape. Keep venting your frustration here
Actually India's economy seems to have a lot of potential, especially compared to the other BRICS. Russia and Brazil are completely stagnant, China is slowing down, and South Africa is crashing faster than a meteor. But India's economy is growing rapidly in a very positive direction.
Always wondered something, where do these poor people get all their vegetables/flowers/trinkets to sell? Some of the poor people sleep on road sides and in slums so theres no land for them to grow stuff, do they have relatives in their towns grow vegetables and send them to the city to sell?
Was watching this video on youtube about mumbai slums and this grandmother raising 3 of her grandkids was selling watermelons and she had a bunch of them(10 or so).
How does it work, do they steal them or what?
No generally they go and buy them from the farmers market (its where real farmers come to sell their stuff)
it's fine
any attempt at weeding out corruption (without causing a war) in china & india is good, it's seriously 'the thought that counts'
They buy from the wholesalers on a lease and sell them. The reason for the slums is because legal land is extremely expensive in Mumbai.
In India, you can't go hungry. Food is free for the poor. Housing obviously isn't guaranteed by the state.
Do they have to buy a large quantity? What do they do if they still have stuff remaining at the end of the day? Do they haul it back to the wholesale office?
For poor people, is it the lack or jobs or they dont want to work? Im not talking about cleaning sewers and sweeping streets. Are there not many minimum wage jobs they can do like working at a store? Or do they not want to do work and would be happier begging for money?
Most of the begging you see in India is organized crime
And yes they need to buy a minimum quantity but it's generally not that Large most of the stuff you can get in multiple of 5kg and if they are perishable goods they can't take them back
And sadly user we have so many people the store jobs you are talking about are coveted you need a education to do any decent job in India and education dosent guarantee a job.
Hey guys, thanks to Sup Forums I just chased away "Windows Technical Support!"
All I had to say was "Why do one billion people not eat with their left..." ::CLICK::
Thanks, Sup Forums!
its funny because USA was seen as india/china of the world in the 19th-20th century by britain. And japan was seen as China is today in the 70s and 60s. SUPERPOWER BY 2030!
India really needs less government, for now at least. What is the point of a government if you need to bribe your way through everything?
I also wish the economy would grow faster. Since its still a free market economy you can actually do business there and do it well if you're an American. I'd probably raise tobacco or hemp there and sell it in the US.
Except for the fact that the US had actual, you know, toilets? And used them?
If it helps India destroy Pakistan, I'm all for it
The two who understand that paki problem are Israel and UK, in time desu in time
There's like a billion people in India and I can truthfully answer noone in America ever thinks about them. But when they annoy me in English speaking forums all I can think about is designated shitting streets