>This is a reminder for those clueless cucks out there
The Real Face Of Female Evilness
My daughter has a very good idea that I have a good bottle of acid and a good pack of stones on the other hand
Just because you can't get a woman, doesn't mean they're all bad, Eliot.
Go spread your jewish propaganda somewhere else.
> humiliation fetish material
> proof
You faggots are worse than leftists. At least they, for the most part, don't pretend that their retarded arguments are backed by reason.
This is just a picture of a pretty lass with a caption that could've been written by anyone at any point in time. The only thing this proves is that there is at least one other person who would be interested in seeing this.
Seconded. OP is a fag.
tell me how you are in love with her, fucking clueless cuck.
By the way where did you find this? pretty hot.
Never trust on them. Cause Trust and loyalty are not even found in them. Not their traits, so dont expect it either
This. Partners should be vetted for being of descent heritage and social standing
Fag you said, woke I said, fuck off leaf cuck
>he he yes goy don't reproduce and have white kids
>reproducing is for blacks only!
Fuck off kike.
Not all women are evil you're just a PUSSY for not keeping them in check
I'm a hot guy, so I don't have this problem.
Also, nothing is stopping you from lifting and becoming an attractive lad.
Try not to blame the women for your failures, bucko. Set your life straight.
>Man who works for him
Sounds like a plus to me. I'm not going to keep lazy good for nothings around. And I'll at least know he's got a good job.
If he's a good son in law, I might have over the business when I retire. If he's bad, well i know where he lives.
post that is referring to:
follow-up a year later:
remember parental DNA test
Did a woman dump you or something?
tell me more, you slavic little cuck
>write text over pictures of women
>waaa women are whores!!!
No shit, that's why he was hired
No company works on meritocracy
20 bucks that these were made by men with cuck fetish.
my daughter has no idea that the man who works for me is actually me in disguise
>write text on women
>waaa men are evil, down with the patriarchy
its an app where whores update their degeneracy lifestyle. Its called Whisper.com Look it up, you cuck
Never reveal your finical cards boys. This post should be required reading for all men at the age of 21.
my daughter has no idea that she is the man who works for me
but...it was accidental..
my almonds have never been this activated
The man who works for me has no idea my daughter has an affair with me
>dat flag
>not a whore
>pregnant by 4 guys
Can't be real.
Why would your dad care about an affair? Doesn't she mean her husband?
duh sherlock
Looks like that guy just won $20
dont be fooled fellas
If no money changed hands...Why would she have sex with them?
>A Fucking Scandi
Scandinavia: Not even once.
cunt will always be cunts
>be talking to this girl for 4 months
>really falling for her, but taking it slow before I ask her to be my girlfriend
>go up there last night, bring her a valentines present because I work on valentines
>she tells me she fucked another dude few nights ago
fuck guys, why do these feelings hurt so much
>fuck some random sloot I met online
>fuck a lot over the course of a couple months
>nine months later a baby pops out
>have talked to her for awhile
>creep her facebook
>tfw you see the "father's" face as he "proudly" displays a baby with a striking resemblance to yourself as a child
>tfw I crushed his fucking soul without ever knowing he existed
I didn't even know she was in a relationship while we were fucking. I actually didn't find out until I started reading the comments on the baby pics. Women are whores.
>leredpill reddit edition
>linking to it
It's time to get your coat faggot
>haven't talked to her for awhile***
this is for you mate.....
>Boo hoo, women are evil and will hurt my fee-fee's :___(((
Fuck off you FUCKING CUCC
They must be DOMINATED, treated like the FILTH they ARE!
If you're a WEAK NERD and lack the POWER to LEASH the THOT, it's not her fault to cheat on you... you shall be KEKED by the C H A D
spanish manlet gets it.
I'm just going to deadlift my feelings today.
I, too, used to fuck this married chick while she's stay at home mom and living her husband's home. She's kept telling me as if I'm interested her bullshit. how she doesn't get enough attention from her husband and she needs to get it somewhere. Women are immoral by nature.
why the fuck would a 8-9 stay with a 5, you pathetic cuck. The guy should have sorted himself out to match her
>implying I give a shit who my whore of a daughter fucks
>if the employee she's fucking tries to use this to climb the latter I just might as a joke, and when she gets married I'll use it as an excuse to cut her allowance.
In the end I'll wind up saving money.
says a lot about the disparity in the sexual marketplace when you need to pay a woman to seduce your husband but you can snag ten dicks on the way home from divorce court
You're right, but the legal system is stacked against men in many western countries. I can't entirely blame them for giving up when they risk jail and financial slavery if they try to actually control their women.
Those who wait are at the mercy of those who don't.
he's an idiot if he thought she'd stay with him.
he should have improved alongside her. it wouldn't have kept her loyalty, obviously, but at least he'd have an easier time in the wake of the breakup
Like as if they dont have brains....lol
>defending female hypergamy
You're either a woman or the actual cuck in this thread.
because you somehow believe you are special and deserving of something nice and that this excludes you from the same bullshit the rest of us have to put up with.
if you don't get a woman before college and keep her from going to college she's going to get filled with lots of dicks.
Based vodka
>paying an allowance to you kid
You've cucked yourself, faggot.
>plebbitor detected.
Women have no concept of honour or understanding loyalty as men do. You're the cuck if you don't get this
don't blame the girl.
he probably dumped her when she got thin because he has a fat fetish.
Not defending him, he's a bitch, the point is that female hypergamy is a real thing.
low standard britbong fuck cuck.
she really should have not fucked the weirdo that she didn't want to stay with forever. that's pretty gross.
There are thousands of men doing some fucked up shit to women too. I know many cases of married men leaving the wife alone with children just for a younger women. I know families destroyed because men can't be loyal with the wife.
When women realise men are shallow, they discover being mean with men isn't morally wrong.
What is Hypergamy?
the attempt to be as non-monogamous as possible.
I.E. being a slut
How do you call a men who is as promiscuous as a female slut?
Redpill: She was motivated by him to get into shape because she didn't want to settle with an omega male, not because he is in any way inspiring
>My dad
Try "my husband"
the guy shes with now doesn't look like a lifter, he just looks wealthy and has a handsome face.
What was the "5" supposed to do? win the lottery and get plastic surgery all over his face?
You know thats ridiculous, right? you obvious femanon shills
>ITT Fat neckbeards crying that 10's wont fuck them but who would never fuck lower than an 8
We need a group for clueless cucks, like some sort of a klueless kucks klub
Men and women are not equal
Fucking this.
Stop crying and improve.
t. obese numale with a cuck fetish
try to get a women into his own range maybe?
Actualy, he should have settle with a landwhale or something.
Ugly fucks can't expect a hot gf/wife
The image is literally an example of hypergamy and briffaults law. I get it, the thing I don't get is why you're so upset at an image like this when it's verifying what you're raging about.
At no point did I comment or qualify that I feel bad for the nerd, and yet here you are getting hyper emotional about an image.
I'll be fair, I'm convinced you're not a chick, but you need to handle your emotions.
or maybe I'm setting her up to fall in a funny way.
If you were attractive, would you settle for an ugly woman?
Men are just mad that women can find another willing partner within a week of breaking up.
For people like you feminism still exists
>a week
lmao. all a girl has to do is dload tinder or go to Starbucks
If she is attractive. Ugly women have it harder
>fuck guys, why do these feelings hurt so much
You sound young.
Honestly she sounds like a young ho, not worthy of your attention. Move on to better things bro.
Or blueballs, have a wank.
All women should be locked up in chains and turned into slaves.
It takes a shitload of skills, characteristics, charisma, and physical appearance to be a male slut, to be a female slut, all you need to do is show up, and open your legs whoever approaches you. Not a single skill or personality or even looks needed. Educate yourself, you third world peasant cuck
she was a landwhale in his range.
We all know that their money comes from (((someone))) else
>briffaults law
I'm 100% convinced you're a redditor from their "leredpill".
A bunch of pathetic butthurt nu-males who circlejerk each other about not being able to get laid in their teens and have to try and use devious methods to try and get sex.
It's literally the most pathetic thing on the internet.
Not at all.
There is always some neckbeard willing to fuck a manatee
Can someone honestly tell me what women are good for other than baby making?
Yeah I have read a few times they won't actually bring up being in a relationship when fucking a dude...
I'd say you could've avoided 'crushing his soul' if you abstained, but what would I know.