Let't settle this once and for all, which of these are white, and which one aren't?

Let't settle this once and for all, which of these are white, and which one aren't?

They are all white.

All of them are white, at least until we purge the nigs and spics

they are all white, stop trying to divide Europeans, all whites need to stick together

This is now a roll thread

all except dinaric, those are turks


ask yourself this simple question
>if they are not whites what they are ?
asians? turks? niggers? indians? arabs?


True they are all europeans but most of them have more admixture from other continents.

Dinaric isn't white, appears to have been culturally enriched by turks for many generations

rawling for the choosen people

Super Positive Asian Rolling Chang

look at the color of eyes - will answer your question




Rololing for a slav because no other race can come close.


ir lacks the zero
spic,kinda accurate since the guy resembles me the most. the end.



Why kek

Thinking we should stick together led to the fucking EU
Screw this bullshit.
White people are not compatible with other white people.

this must be your first day on Sup Forums if you genuinely believe every single european country wouldn't happily watch any other european country die out and be replaced.

pretty accurate

kneel before your nubian king

>ice gook


kek. it says that is accurate, what did you except.

They are all white
Op you remind me of a dude who was very insecure about his race

roach get

They are all light skinned Europeans. Jewish trickery tries to drive a wedge between the various white peoples because they know we are unstoppable when united.


give me dem nubian kangz


less go

i said it was accurate. comon be realistic kids.

holy fuck east baltic looks like an exact drawing of me

this guy here is a succesful guy folks
He just managed to get all the attention

Digits have spoken.

Africa starts at the Pyrenees.

"White" is a globalist concept.

All of them, fuck off kike. -__-

lmao atleast you a spic is better than being kabyle right?

why am i replying to myself.


they are all white, stop trying to divide Europeans, all whites need to stick together

pls no poo pls no poo


Niggerdom actually starts with you, fagmerica


fuck guess i gotta throw my toillett away


The Irish are white

whats a 0 tho


>Nubian King
>not KANG

Alpine and Dinaric are not white, Mediterranean are honorary white.


Nordic except for my nose but no one else in my family has the same nose.

They are all niggers.

Are you sure?



>mfw repeating integers confirm I'm a kike

omg another Algerian. the numbers of Algerians raised 100% on Sup Forums
>btw i know you are D.R.S
i swear i am doing nothing bad.

Yes why would you base your evidence on a cartoon older than your mums muff?

This. The whole argument of "who has superior genetics" is bullshit and divisive. It reeks of (((subversion))) tatics.

If whites actually got their shit together, with the jew demon off their back and moving toward a progressive and positive future in white homelands, then you could focus on such a petty argument(if you really wanted to).


Dinaric is clearly Turkish. Everyone else is white.

roll... inb4 kike


Depends on your ancestry, if completely celtic then you can pass, if you have what they call black irish then you are not completely white.

Kike faggot kys

tfw the 55% of israel coming from russia confirms you are a kike.plus the degits

Trips gentleman pls.

Oh the black Irish are niggers. They were forced bred with the blacks in the days of slavery.


Im Nordic but comparing to that picture i have more of a Mediteranean forehead and nose.

haha what makes you think that i am from the drs freind haha *worried laugh*

no but seriously tho i rarely lurk Sup Forums, im usually always on /fit/ or /wsg/ but sometimes it gets boring so

lets do this


you're a rape child.

But you have no ancestors who could have been niggers or survivors of the spanish armada?


My grandfather was Italian but other than that all Irish.
Ireland is 95/96% white, the last frontier in Europe it seems


Fuck off with this divide and conquer shit. If you're European you're white. I do not consider Turkey a European country so no they're not white obviously



Hey hey goyims!! :D

Then you are white?


This picture is not accurate at all. This better

asasas ROLL!

we can divide white race when white race will be the only race left on the planet


i understood. its good to know i am not lonely here. kek bless your gains sister.


As an American honestly only the Nordic and Mediterranean strike me as white. Alpine as 3rd place. White, but "off." "Ethnic," in our parlance.

Even if I didn't have labels those are the faces I would chose. Just my personal, or perhaps the American, stereotypes I suppose.

Sometimes I think America is more white than much of Europe, as our ancestors are from 200-400 years ago and you guys have mixed up so bad in the past 150 years. DNA tests will prove this.

Nordic front of face and east balttic profile masterrace here

Come onnnnnn cuck

I love how the noble white man has been relegated and reduced to a simple, and accurate, "cuck"