Why doesn't Trump go after the saudis? They are behind all the terrorism. They flew planes into your fucking twin towers, burgers. Why doesn't Trump do these cunts? Why is he going after say, Iran, instead?
Why doesn't Trump go after the saudis? They are behind all the terrorism...
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are you honestly searching for real answers and rational discussion on Sup Forums?
If you aren't memeing you should get the fuck out mate
>Why doesn't Trump go after the saudis
muh oil
o shit
Our business ties to the Saudis are simply too extensive
And as excruciating as it is to say this, they are also a very important intelligence-sharing partner who helps us track the many extremist movements in the area
Bin Laden's movement was inspired by his disgust with the Saudi royal family and its cooperation with America. They have a very strong interest in fighting extremism lest they be overthrown.
Obviously they undermine our efforts worldwide by funding extremist Islamic madrasas to indoctrinate Muslim youth to their salafi-wahhabist doctrine. But despite this they are apparently indispensable to us.
It sucks, I know.
He will eventually. Its all apart of the 5D chess game he is playing
And you can add juicy armament contract to the table. KSA has a huge military budget and buys a lot from American and European manufacturers.
because they denominate their oil export in dollars and buy 30 billions worth of arms from the u.s.
because there is a difference between the saudi government which is a pro US monarchy trying to fight the thing that threatens their rule (isis, islamic revolutions) and shit like osama bin laaden and abu baker al baghdadi who want to overthrow the saudi monarchy dictatorship and establish a caliphate.
this is like common fucking sense if you even remotely paid attention to middle eastern geopolitics
Why aren't we just taking the land?
Oh right, international treaties
>Implying non-violent Salafist Wahhabism isn't the ULTIMATE redpill
and turn saudi arabia into fucking what? Ohio?
there are two alternatives for that region, crushing sunni monarchy/dictatorship or full blown "islamic caliphate". democracy to reactionary gulf arabs is literally just islamic rule. there is no way you are going to instill a fucking "christian puppet government" there when 100% of the population is sunni muslims who dont like america for what they did with israel
Maybe because the Saudi government hasn't been the problem? The countries on the list are bad actors.
>take their land
who's gunna live on it?
do you have any idea how the world works?
do you really want to move from france to saudi arabia to increase the secular population there by force?
If you have to ask these questions, then you shouldn't be on Sup Forums, kid.
Simply, Saudi Arabia is, like Israel, untouchable.
exactly this. i hate saudi arabia/turkey/israel is much as the next guy but if you honestly think this is a game of NATIONALISMS VS NATIONALISMS you are an idiot. the 1950's and cold war is over. the saudi government likes us and we like the saudi government because we both share the same goal, stopping shit like isis/al qaeda from over throwing them and buying their oil
you are either a stupid biggot who thinks all arabs are bad or a complete moron if you think the SAUDI ARABIAN MONARCHY WESTERN BACKED DICTATORSHIP had anything to do with 9/11, its simply not in their best interest
Israel is untouchable. saudi arabia is very touchable (just like how saddam was), but theres literally no reason for america to touch it. the alternative there to western backed and pro west monarch rule is literally just full blown calpiphate, there is no local shiaa population you can fund in the hopes of maybe creating a sectarian bloodbath that could end in a shiaa government (and even if that does happen it will be fucking iranian)
there is literally no reason to attack saudi arabia not while the monarch that runs it is doing our bidding there for us against their own population
Wrong, Iran is behind the terrorism. Saudia just got a prize for his anti-terrorism effort by the guy that Trump appointed at the cia.
is that why iran funds hezbollah and houthis to fight isis?
>pro US monarchy trying to fight the thing that threatens their rule (isis, islamic revolutions)
members of ruling dynasty have sponsored al qaeda, isis and arab spring. dozens of people on u.s. wanted list, including bin laden, have spent years in saudi arabia in 'rehabilitation centers' before going back in action because saudi arabia has no extradiction with the u,s
this is like common fucking sense if you even remotely paid attention to middle eastern geopolitics. alternatively, if you're not a goatfucking subhuman
>burguers going after their masters
They will keep on being good fuckboys and fighting Saudi wars for them.
use your head comrade... why would the saudi government fund isis or al qaeda when history proves the only thing the saudi government wants is to retain monarchist power against their biggest threat? democracy/islamic caliphatism
i know it sucks but it isnt as simple as "de saudi governmet is sunni so they fund the sunni extremist groups". these groups call the saudi government kuffar and murtad every opportunity they get and do attacks on saudi police stations and government institutions.
they are a direct threat to their power just like how al qaeda was a direct threat to saddam husseins power (something we didnt realize and now we have the cluster fuck that is iraq)
>Why doesn't Trump go after Israel? They are behind all the terrorism. They flew planes into your fucking twin towers, burgers.
>Kurds heroes
You know they are the #1 Israel allies, right?
Because Saudi Arabia's investors own over 7 billion funds in the US.