Nate Silver and 538 have called it, Trump will be out by 2018

Nate Silver and 538 have called it, Trump will be out by 2018

say it with me:

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Tell me, did you spend the money from your CTR shilling to buy that pass or did Shareblue give you that money for a pass?

>(((Nate Silver)))
Pick one

there is no presidential election in 2018.

Drumpf is going to be OUT OUT OUT, idiot
>muh shilling
>only shills disagree with me
neck yourself Trumpfag, you are going to get BTFO in 2018, assuming your boy doesn't get impeached for war crimes before that

There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.

Kinda pathetic really.

Jesus christ shut the fuck up about Trump. Republicans hadd to deal with the nigga obama for 8 years why are you so childish. Deal with it.


Nice try, CREW

Nate shitanium is wrong.


Trump doesn't have to be very popular. All he has to do is stay more popular than his opponents while they look like retarded panic mongers.

The great problem of opposing Trump is that nobody seems to have mastered fighting with him while maintaining their dignity.

Remember when (((Jimmy Neutron))) said Trump had .1% chance of winning the election?

You do realize that would put Mike "shock the guys that like cock" Pence into office right?

people are just afraid to say they like trump because any liberal within 10 miles will start freaking out

it really is so easy to get (you)s here

why do so many of you reply to joke threads?

That and keep the economy better than Obama... which isn't that hard desu

No one asked me to be a part of any poll. Where do they get this data?

This will finally end trump
Says increasingly nervous man for the 45 time this year

>Nate Silver and 538 have called it, Trump will be out by 2018

Obvious Nate jokes aside, I'm not even a Trump supporter and I see the left setting up another bear trap to set their foot in later.

Here's how it goes. They brandish the negative opinion polls and push that meme hard, generating an additional few percent dislikes. They tout this for months as evidence DRUMPF IS FINISHED.

Then something good just happens. Maybe Trump isn't even involved. The economy gets an upswing. Terrorists are apprehended. The Wall turns out to be a great economic boon for destitute regions. Whatever.

Suddenly the left can't push the unpopular meme anymore, their artificial push to lower popularity just means the upswing is easier and higher. The "Trump Resurgence" narrative is born. He can now sell the idea (again) that the media is all bullshit and that he always knew the people were behind him.

Put me in charge of the strategic team for fucks sake you guys are fucking this up so hard it's painful to watch.


>nate iron ore

trump out pence in

It's going to be a great 8 years holy fuck

>Nate silver

You mean the guy who got everything wrong this election?

>nate silverstein

t. nate unununium

>Out by 2018
>Anyone other then Pence taking his place

Not even trying now are they?

there are only like 8 republican seats up for grabs this midterm
in order for the democrats to regain majority they will have to win every single election they run that year, AND the Republicans have to lose all 8 of theirs

The Republicans don't have to lose all 8 to lose their majority. The Republican majority in the senate is only 52 to 46.

But still, it isn't exactly likely they will lose the majority in 2018.

Actually, he's right
It's way too easy to troll Sup Forums these days. You only need to post pro-Hillary or pro-Communist threads and it gets 100+ replies.

My god its the same fucking posts in every thread. Get some new material.

Nate Silver also said Hillary would win the election. I remember arguing with a retard on here pretty often that was convinced Hillary would win because he got all his info from Nate Silver.

i know, but what i'm saying is the dems have to make sure they don't lose ANY seats, which will be nigh impossible

>what is humour
stop being so uptight

Trump doesn't have to worry about the dems trying to impeach him.They are kind of need him.
If 2018 is a disaster the Trump has to worry about Republicans.
2020 is far too important to risk.

That being said the dems have a base that is not reliable at all so I think 2018 should be fine.

In his defense, the "How I acted like a pundit and screwed up on Trump" headline was accurate, so he's not always wrong.

The Dems are screwed in 2018, the smarter ones know it and are trying to temper expectations. But the hysteria has a life of its own now.


this guy hasn't killed himself yet?


You do realize that you'll just get Pence if Trump is outed, right?


>There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
>Just anons larping for (you)s
>Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.
>Kinda pathetic really.

Lol, they just keep quadrupling down on the stuff that got trump elected. Liberals really have no self awareness.

Correction: Nate Bronze

What does that even mean?

The next election is in 4 (four) years in 2020...we are only 2 weeks into his presidency if you forgot.

If trump is impeached it will be Pence to take over and hillary will be fucking dead by then as she's literally dying.
And we all know how much you liberals like pence, eh?

>Nate Silver
Holy shit! Trump confirmed as Emperor for life!

Add it to the list

>Nate Silver
So, why is anyone listening to anything he says at this point?


you'll get electroshock therapy for this in 2018

>all of these TrumpIDF posts trying to discredit based Nate Silver
pathetic, he is a winner, you guys are zeros

We don't have to discredit Silver. He managed that all on his own.

>My god its the same fucking posts in every thread.

it's a bot that always gets digits also

can't believe they wasted money on that

Dude, they can't even push it now. The executive orders are mostly approved by the people, his own approval ratings are higher than Obama's and there's always BLM and antifa to show the ordinary Joes what the alternative is.
It's all going perfect right now really.

>his own approval ratings are higher than Obama
Trumpniggers have reached a new level of delusion

Obama would have won a 3rd term

I'll never get over how he got JUSTed irl. Was there anyone more BTFO in the previous current year?

>Trump impeached
>Mike "Deus Volt" Pence becomes president
I can live with this
Also if Nate Copper says it, it must be wrong.

Dude, Hillary probably won't even make 2018 with that brain aneurysm of hers

Nate Burntrubber predicting Trump downfall
>8 years confirmed!

You've lost it.

Did you even read it before posting it?

Anyone have a graph of Nate Silver's credibility?

>Nate "I just fucked up the career that was handed to me on a platter of" (((Silver)))
Shouldn't he have committed suicide by now?

He's literally a fucking joke

Is he polling the same people who gave hillary a 98% chance of winning? Lol

This. Nate Lead isn't as good at predicting things as he'd like people to believe.

If he gets impeached (which is just a trial; he'll only be removed if they convict him), then Mike Pence becomes president. If he also is forced to resign, then Paul Ryan becomes president. It's almost like these shills don't know how the government works.

If anything democrats are on the verge of losing more seats

>nate tin

>assuming your boy doesn't get impeached for war crimes before that

what war crimes has he committed?

He'll be right again.

Just like the candidacy.
Just like the presidency.
Just like the Super Bowl.


>polls hillary easy win
>really fucking wrong
fake polls btfo again by chinese forum poster

>>Nate Silver


lol no, Nate Silver is a fucking joke.

Also, there are 33 senate seats up for reelection in '18.

The republicans are defending 8 of them.

Do the math.

>Nate Silver and 538 have called it, Trump will be out by 2018
8 years of Trump confirmed

>lol no, Nate Silver is a fucking joke.
I have actually made ~2000e by betting against Nate Bismuts predictions.
He's a fucking prophet, you just have to know how to interpret his predictions.

These guys' seats are up for this coming election. I think we need a new round of meme magic to oust them

Kaine would be easier to do than Bernie

samefagging, suck many cases, sad.

Wait are you saying that pol likes to actually debate people they disagree with instructions of downvoting unpopular opinions out of sight?

Checked, also good pasta-trolling user

If Nate had half a fucking brain he would start saying shit like President Trump would be the grand ruler of America in order to get the opposite effect but instead now Nate has personally endorsed Trump and gave him another 8 years.

Mike "Old Testament best Testament" Pence

Lol thats not how you say President Pence retard.

For you and all your faggot friends sake, you better hope Trump doesnt die or get kicked out

So, 3 terms.


American polls have become a sort of "wishing well"—saying something is true does not make it a fact.

is there a good copy pasta what trump will not do and did not win and willl not win?

Not drone bombing enough children like Nobel Peace Prize recipient Obongo.

If reality was real, wouldn't Nate Silver be unemployed?

This timeline is weird, I need to go back to the right one. At least that one incompetence wasn't celebrated.

Obama is a good man, the only drone bombings he did were against radical right wing hardliner Islamic militants

>Trump gets impeached = Madam President

Mike Pence waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were trannies in the base. He didn’t see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Jeb! were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
Mike Pence was a vice president for two years. When he was young he watched the broadways and he said to Trump “I want to be on the stage daddy.”
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the pizza shop of D.C. he knew there were trannies.
“This is Jeb!” the radio crackered. “You must fight the trannies!”
So John gotted his electro shock machine and shocked up the wall.
“HE GOING TO ZAP US” said the trannies
“I will shoot at him” said the cybertranny and it fired the dragon dildoes. Mike electrocuted at him and tried to cure his degeneracy. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
“No! I must cure the trannies” he shouted
The radio said “No, Mike. You are the trannies”
And then Mike was Michelle.

Cmon I know you're shitposting but put a little more effort in

>Nate Kike

He's a Jewish nepotism beneficiary.

He's not good at his job but he still has one.

>good man
>bombs civilians and their kids with radio control operated drones
Positively causes one to ponder.

isn't nate silver pretty much "the man who is always wrong"?

>brain aneurysm
It's more likely Kuru.

Even if he gets impeached, you will have Mike "turning fruits into vegetables" Pence as president.

Stay delusional.

he was completely stumped by Trudeau today, Donnie has the intellectual capacity of a carrot

>Donald Trump has been President for a month. Here's how Bernie can still win.
