What's your opinion on nationalism Sup Forums

It depends on the nation. I'm an American Nationalist, or "patriot" for vanilla fags. If you're American (citizen, a LEGAL citizen) you matter more than any other shit from another nation. America First as simple as that.

Irrational and leaves you open to exploitation.


If everybody was nationalist there would be world peace aside from some border disputes.

Sadly nationalists here are all cucks and im classed as an ultranationalist and banned from most of our political partys,

A common argument I've heard against nationalism is that it provoked WWI but in my opinion it's more chauvinism


Oh wow what a laugh. No borders,

>England for Everyone!
>There are no british people!
>Only brown people have culture!
>just stick cocks in my mouth gimme gimme gimme

Losers that cling to the accomplishments of others

>there would be world peace besides for some conflicts

okay, thanks for the info

Nationalism is like alcohol.

In moderation it's a good way to find common ground between people and let folks from different backgrounds have a good time together.

Taken to the extreme it turns you into an incoherent violent lout that nobody likes.

How does nationalism help different types of people have a good time together?

>Changing the quote
Neck yourself

Once same areas are sorted, ukraine/transylvania ect.

Everything will be peaceful

So you don't believe in countries you commie retard?

What the fuck is wrong with you

How come the most violent countries in the world are the multicultural globalists, then?

Did you know that Sweden is one of the biggest producers of military weapons?

America and EU also have tons of wars going on and have continuously for a century.

ISIS is globalist. The Soviet Union was globalist.

That's the thing about borders, they're never just 'sorted'. As long as you have aggressive centres of power (e.g. stronk nationalism), you will have conflict. See the entire history of nations for more information.

It's a good thing. Like loving your family.

An important part of any countries identity.


Also what's the diffrence between patriotism and nationalism for you guys ?

Nationalism is also globalist with that reasoning, since a nationalist country also has to operate across the globe.


Usually patriotism is light nationalism.

Then leave mohammed

The would should constant of nation states waring to see who is indeed the best at warring

it's the only thing we have left to stop us from being serfs again

I was going to but then brexit will probably trap me in here. Whoops :^)

This is what I think.

It's the only way.

which is the same thing basically

As sad as it sounds, this was the first red pill I took.
Im now full on NatSoc after reading into globalism vs. nationalism

That's a silly comic. Reminder too that nationalist ideas irreversibly changed culture throughout all of Africa and the Americas. There's a reason why central and south america speak european languages.

No that was Imperialism. Two mutually exclusive ideas. Now begone cuck.

Brexit was about stopping immigration not emigration you mongoloid

Loving and wanting to protect your country , traditions , values and people doesn't mean hating others.

By preserving culture, thus allowing diversity. Remembering, separated colours are diverse. Smudging them into brown isn't diversity, but instead hegemony.

It's what Erich Fromm rightfully calls a secular religion. It always irks me when leftists mistakenly compare jihadists, islamic terrorists, et al. with conservative/fundamentalists christian sects (like WBC) when qualitatively and quantitatively their real counterpart is the average *patriot*.

Needless to say I think very little of nationalism and nationalists and, in fact, consider them the single biggest threat to world peace and human kind.

>your country
what do you mean "your"? The only thing which can discern me from you is culture. This is why we don't give a shit about i.e black people but we hate "niggers". It's not globalism that destroys "your" country, it's cultural nihilism

They go hand in hand, they're arguably the same thing, both results of authoritarian stronkness

>What's your opinion on nationalism
good opinion

A very good idea.

bretty gudd :DD

So limiting emigration was just a mistake?

There's no rational reason to love people that you don't know, just because they were born under the same government.

Nationalism by Sup Forumsnationalist is pretty cucked.

"muh police state to not let muh wife fucking jamal, it's fine if she fucks the police officer for a residential permit in a new area, no this is not like communism we are white hurr"

By "my country" I mean the place where I'm born so did all my ancestors and that I want to protect what they did . Also in my opinion the patriot is a simple person that likes and is proud of his own country but is too moderate to act to protect what has been achieved.

Russian nationalism is perfect for everyone.

I don't see a problem with having pride for your country.

>posts emoticons on the internet
obvious XX chromosome is obvious, therefor opinion discarded

We share the same blood. Like an extended family.

Nationalism is about segregating the differences. People are different otherwise just by being people. Even within a nation we form groups.

I'm not "loving" all french but I want to protect my culture and our way of life

>They go hand in hand
At one point they used to, but correlation does no equal causation
>they're arguably the same thing
No they aren't.
>both results of authoritarian stronkness
Meaningless statement.

No rational reason to like your own blood too. I've known plenty of people with fuckhead families.

>so did all my ancestors
yeah be sure about that. I don't remember France being france for the past 2,000 years on top of that

There's been more nationalist governments that weren't expansionist than the opposite, there's been like 8 colonialist nations in total and only about 3 that took it seriously enough.

fpbp, quite

>There's no rational reason to love people that you don't know, just because they were born under the same government.
Love for one's society and what it stands for is the only thing that helped any civilization ever to grow and expand.

Protecting the positive aspects of culture, I could understand that, but just 'my culture' isn't reasonable. That's just tribalism.

Nationalism is good for immigration policy and personal motivation but retarded when it comes to the economy

Reminder: you're not a nationalist if you don't believe in every nation's right to self determination and nationalism

Nationalism is modern day tribalism.
And tribalism is a natural part of humanity.
When you deny a basic thing like this you get what you have now: degeneracy and decadence.
You can't build a house without foundations. It will be too unstable, and won't last.

Natural part of humanity is also living in caves.

>There's no rational reason to love people that you don't know, just because they were born under the same government.
All you shitskins say this. I guess you don't have the concept because you're cowards and have no empathy. You always run from wars. Never help anyone in need, only take out your phone and try to get a "cool video". You do not concern yourself with wellbeing of people, only yourself.

That is why we don't want you here.

For us nationalism means unconditional love for our fatherland, our people. We'd do anything to help ourself as a nation and to defend our country. We have an identity as people, collective memory about all that's happened in the past. If you think there is no rational reason to love your own people then you'll never love anyone which brings it down that in globalist world, no one matters, there is no love, no one cares. I'm not going to live in that kind of world when there is an alternative to live as a nationalist.


There isn't much of a difference; every person I've talked to who calls themselves a "patriot" had at least some nationalist tendencies. They avoided the term nationalist because of its association with facism.

You're denying a society one of the laws of nature. Just because your society wouldn't be tribal, it doesn't make other countries non-tribal as well. Let's be practical here.

"Learn to love the battle axe, for if you don't, someone else will." - Jack Donovan
Btw, nationalism (patriotism) doesn't automatically exclude free trade and a free market

No that's seeking shelter.

People prefer to be around people like themselves. Both ethnicly and culturally.

The fact that you had to use 2/3 of your posts on accusations and namecalling speaks a lot about your ability to reason.

There's a reason to improve your country (and the world by extension), but nationalism makes no sense by itself.

Not being nationalist doesn't mean defenceless. Countries without strong nationalism don't necessarily have weak armies. It's what you do with the military power that matters, and if you're intent on showing the world that you're strong, conflict inevitably arises.

Shall I equate nationalism too to some vague term? Calling on naturalness as an argument is full of flaws.

They also say opposites attract.

On a personal level, I never can predict who I'd get along with and who I wouldn't. It doesn't seem to follow more like me = like them better

An inspirational speech user.

Well I guess you can't even read. No shitskin ever has known reason anyway. There's a reason why you're not liked anywhere you go, not in your country of origin and not where ever you'll migrate.

Don't you get it? Without pride in your nation your culture dissapears over time. And such a nation has no reason to exist,

100% that time, gj

additional information: I'm probably paler than you are

>The fact that you had to use 2/3 of your posts on accusations and namecalling speaks a lot about your ability to reason.

You ignored all of his reasons. Your post failed right here, you are basically ad homineming the ad hom, yet with no reasonable content to follow it.

>There's a reason to improve your country (and the world by extension), but nationalism makes no sense by itself.

Your teenage idealism does not work here. Many people want to decide the path their country will take, rather it be living in trees or not. That is why nationalism makes sense, we are not all the same.

Culture does what culture does. Being immensely proud of eating chips as an Englishman doesn't necessarily mean people are going to like doing that forever.

It still doesn't make you white, saracen.

If that is true then you truly do have a mental illness. I recommend you move to a non white country to fulfill your urges. You are like the liberals here that threaten to move to Canada or Netherlands but never Mexico or Nigeria. Funny all white Majority countries. Countries that have a good formula that you want to ruin with globalism. Kill yourself kike.

You're not namecalling too by calling me a teenager, are you?

I want to decide the path that my country takes too. That's just democracy.

I'd probably move to Korea or Japan if I knew anyone there too. Or Asians don't count?

>There's no rational reason to love people that you don't know
That's the point of nationalism though u cuck, if you live in a country where people have the same/similiar language, religion and traditions then you do actually know those people, making it easier for you to go talk, relate and form relationships with them, something that's much harder than when you're dealing with a bunch of random blacks and Arabs who speak differently(even if it's the same language), have wildly different customs and ideas.

Patriotism(or civic nationalism) is loyalty to a country, it's laws, constitution and history, Nationalism is loyalty to an ethnic and/or racial group. Patriotism in a ethically heterogenous nation however only works when there isn't a significant amount of in-group preference in any of the various groups within that country, else you get shit like America where patriotic whites just get dispossessed by various groups of minorities.

So what you are saying is a nation should exist just to have power?
Now THAT kind of nationalism leads to wars, not the other kind.

Yet if you ignore his ad hominem, his points are pretty solid. Try addressing them
You keep insisting that nationalism inevitably leads to conflict. You act like you've never heard of moderate nationalism, which essentialy means patriotism. There are many branches of nationalism, be it liberal, conservative, anti-colonial.. Without these, you wouldn't have the Great French Revolution, for example. Or without liberal nationalism, my country wouldn't exist, czechs would still be a part of Austria.

Nationalist countries won't necessarily intent to prove that they're strong. And you won't have a truly strong army without people loving their society so much that they're willing the pay the ultimate sacrifice to defend it.

I believe its good.
We should always put our own nation's interests first and instill great pride in our nation.
Better then being a bunch of liberal faggots who want to bring in a bunch of tusken raiders.

I never said I did not name call, however I still offered points that you never rebutted, and you never rebutted the fin user either. Democracy spoke in the US in favor of Nationalism, and it also did in the UK with Brexit. Your time is over, the pendulum is swinging.
If you enjoy being slaving work culture and the lack of freedom then sure. But they really do not count because they are far closer to equals than shitskins are. They are very respectable. Even Hitler knew this.

It brings only death and destruction and is a serious threat to the human race in the atomic age.

Wtf I hate borders now


There is a thing as human nature and ideologies going agianst it almost exclusive end up as failures. Humans naturally have in-group preferences, meaning that they prefer people that look and act similiar to them and this is especially true among non-whites.

This means that if you have a stable ethnically homogenous nation and you add in a bunch of completely different people and culture then that nation will end up getting either taken over or changed beyond recognition. Globalists/multiculturalists are still deluding themselves that no such thing will happen in turn leading to massive chaos and resentment.

As an ideolgy it is pretty great, it simply aims to unite all classes together in favour of the common goal of working for the benifit of the Fatherland.

However surley everyone can agree that it is lacking in some aspects and there is room for improvememt?
I think this is because it stubbonly leans ever so closely to the right, that it fails to recognise that a couple of the left's policy standpoints are suprisingly great and worthwhile implmenting.
Such as...
>Free education to citizens.
>Free national healthcare to citizens.
>enviromental legislation.
>animal welfare legislation.
>workers rights legislation to prevent financial exploitation.
>a living allowence for those who have contributed to the nation their entire life.
>Nationalisation where it works well and in practice such as the central bank, military and public transport to name a few.



So Nazi Germany then?

OR the resulting massive chaos and resentment is the true goal of the globalists/multiculturalists, at least those in high places of executive power. You gotta admit, they're no morons, they're at least slightly intelligent and educated people, after all.

secessionism all the way
nationalism is for power hungry faggots

Doesn't have to be national socialism. Ever heard of liberal or conservative nationalism? Probably not.

Destroyer of nations.

Nationalism was more a product than cause of WWI.

Fervent nationalist and militarist.

What i meant is that you pretty much described Germany from 1933 to 1945.