This is a genuine question. I notice that liberals dominate television comedy and talk shows, and yet it is the right wing memes that seem to dominate the internet and give the most laughs. Why is that?
Why are right wingers so much better at memes?
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Because they are edgelords and more kids are getting on the internet now.
we have Kek
when you're right you're right, and the truth is usually the most humorous
Memes arise from common folk and in general left wing is top > down and right wing is bottom > up.
Checked for Kek
Be offensive, be truthful and WHAM!
You have the winning formula. This is the reason leftist memes are so shit, they lack both.
Their heads are so far up their asses they are getting transmission interference so they can't connect to the psychic gestalt that lets us focus latent magic ability.
I am sure you have seen tons of liberal memes or comics edited by Pol, have you seen the inverse? They are terrible, they are unable to keep the text short they have to include every possible demographic or group, they are also unable to make a simple funny criticism to an ideology without getting all preachy.
what grows in fire does not wilt in the sun
Good humor is pretty much always at someone's expense.
Guess which political side coddles people and tries to stop itself from hurting people's feelings?
because they are made with love, and not anger
Kek speaks!
Our memes are made with love.
Praise Kek!
That's what I want to understand, the particular humor that comes with memes (even phrases like HIGH ENERGY that was popular during the election) seem to totally elude liberals. It's like their brains don't work in that way
Because fewer people laugh at things that don't have elements of truth to them.
Because pc culture isn't funny. Back in the day christian conservatives were the killjoys who couldn't take a joke and the left were the funny ones. Now its the other way around.
Right wingers are better at everything, it's just that (((they))) have a harder time keeping us off social media than they do TV and other forums.
It's gatekeeping and nepotism.
Right, we are the new counter culture.
Hollywood is funny because they tell us jews are funny and we are supposed to believe it.
Memes are so much funnier because nobody is trying to impress you. You laugh at it for free and nobody gets paid for memes.
The meme industry is what Hollywood looked like when actors got paid as little as you and me.
It's very pure art, thus more likeable.
It takes intelligence to understand droll humor, sarcasm and irony.
Get out (((CNN)))
Traditional media censored alternative views, so they went on the internet instead.
Bless you Kek
Because they tell the truth in a funny manner.
The Right is terrible at memes and got outmaneuvered by the Left on this front at every opportunity. But that was the neocon/libertarian right, which is on its death bed now.
We've finally dug up our real heritage and rediscovered the old nationalist Right, which was and always will be master of propaganda and aesthetics.
Think of the funniest cartoon you know, its probably looney tunes. 75% of that show is Bug's or Daffy being a dick. There's something about the
Weaponised autism.
This is the most likely answer. They purposely keep right wingers off the air, but with social media and online distribution it's becoming easier for the right to bring forward their brand of humor to the world. Best part is that it's apparent how much better our shit is to theirs now that competition has been opened up.
I watch shit I used to find funny and now it all just seems to weak and forced.
Not only that. The left forced christians conservatives to grow a pair while they refused to do the same themselves and now they wonder how they can have crowds of people who identify as christians laughing with them but once christians start joking about the "special groups" the left throws a fucking tamtrum.. Now that pc is going out the tables will be probably turned again and conservatives will be the unfunny ones.
It's all about power dynamics..
Memery is art. Like art it can be exhaltatious, degenerate, obscure, direct, reactionary, traditional. But make no mistake- memery is taking on the role of contemporary art. It is the new form of social discussion and communication and commentary on the time, IN THE SPIRIT of the time. In the methods of the time. Old art is not dead, but its vibration is weak and its frequency low and staticy.
Memes get mindshare. They are viral down to art
because virginauts
Because right-wingers are not afraid of self-irony or committing though-crimes like the left.
Right wingers are not constrained by political correctness, and thus are free to make funny, original memes that can express their true feelings: most differences likely stem from this.
Leftards are slaves to political correctness, and are in constant fear of offending some minority. The only offensive jokes they can make are half-hearted attacks on "privileged" groups, fueled by anger and frustration, or self-deprecating "white guilt" """""humor""""". Often times, they just wait for the MSM to tell them how to be funny: they rely on their late night (((comedy))) shows to tell them what jokes are appropriate to say.
As a former Democrat who grew up in a super liberal household, I can confirm all of this.
They cannot see memes as just that, memes. Sure many people here in Pol see memes as muchas more too but when we make ours they have a certain air of, idk "irony?" Cant explain, something normies can look at and if they don't agree with the point they can still chuckle and tell themselves its just a meme a joke and the creator was just being funny and doesnt actually believe that stuff. Thats quite impossible with liberal "memes", only one read and everyone can see the creator cares waaaay too much about whatever is being shown and you are left with either agreeing 100 percent with his views but not laughing 'because this is not a laughing matter' or not being able neither to agree nor todo laugh because this is clearly trying to preach not to be funny.
non-offensive humor isn't funny.
The left find everything offensive.
The right is infinitely more interesting to people (thus Gen Z) once we get the ball rolling, the left is boring and soppy, the right strong and shocking.
It's not funny if it doesn't offend someone.
Humor is subversive. This is why authoritarian/totalitarian states never develop or allow humor.
>ever seen a russian comedian?
If the right were in charge it would be harder to make these memes.
>advantage: underdog
At the same time, the left is terrible at making memes because their whole fake ideology is about not being offensive.
>but vitality is undeniably a factor of the OUTRAGE (or humor) a meme stirs up.
intelligence (kek)
This (((antifa))) chick explains it pretty good while trying to hide her nose
Funniest show might be Drake and Josh (seriously)
I think it is because liberals are smarmy fucks and always try to educate you in one way or another through their condescending memes
we just meme for the sake of memeing
Post modernism is dying.
My nigger
also, because the left's ONLY allowable target is straight white men, you start seeing screes of "jokes" targeting this one specific group, and pretty soon get the idea that the author has a serious problem
Talk to us oh almighty!
Liberals dominate (((comedy))) and (((talk shows))) by design, not by any natural processes from the free market of ideas, as that's all been heavily regulated. Right wing comedy is much funnier but the brainwashed leftists feel the need to be outraged and offended constantly and protest if anybody hurts their feelings.
> why do things that please me look more pleasant than things that don't please me
How many memes would the alt right convert into own?
Stop him.
Can we get Trump to roll back the culture regulations to make it easier for us to capture those mediums?
Think about it, what is the left going to say? "Oh, that evil Trump freeing media for more free speech!"
The muh hate speech argument is dead.
Its funny as shit when you dont care about offending anyone
Because they are smarter. Memes are actually an advanced level of comedy in my opinion because of the extra layers they tend to have. Libtards just think it's a pic with some text
back 15, 20 years ago when things were a bit more balanced, a comedian could get everyone's attention by starting a joke with "hey, have you ever noticed how white people...." and it's be something pretty inoffensive, maybe a little risque, and we'd all have a laugh along at our own expense
now that the window has shifted so far the left that (((comedians))) are pretty much expected to shit on white people the entire time they're on air, the only way to get that "ha ha h-ey that's a bit edgy!" response is to trot out "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!!! :^) WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD DIE XDXDXD ITS JUST A JOKE BRO"
which is exactly what we're seeing
Because comedy is supposed to push the limit of the acceptable, and sometimes get into taboos.
Leftists don't want to offend anybody so it falls flag.
Confirmation bias.
the older left dominated tv a while ago and haven't adapted to the internet fully, aside from maybe Trump, with the younger left being too stuck up with lines that you cannot cross, which is terrible for comedy, humor comes from the unexpected and misery, the latter of which is frowned upon in the safe space generation. they have driven fucking Jerry Seinfeld away from college campus performance, and he's pretty tame.
On the right the inverse is true, the older are neocons and moralists used to dominate the right, but with the nationalist libertarian, Paulites,and Trumpeter movement holding the anything goes mentality with humor and disgust at all of the other non young conservative groups leading them into distaste for the neocons, shit libs and pink hairs.
All because I dont think we like other people telling us what to do.
It's hard to make funny memes of completely not shocking material. Leftists make memes that are like "end white supremacy!" "seize the memes of production xD 7 layers of irony joke" and it's like whatever this is G-rated late night TV Colbert style BS and what the pink haired retards find funny. Right wingers are edgy and cool and some of the stuff we make is shocking.
Because we say what we want and don't worry about triggering dikes, kikes, and anything in between.
>something normies can look at and if they don't agree with the point they can still chuckle and tell themselves its just a meme a joke and the creator was just being funny and doesnt actually believe that stuff.
the sesame street memes, are the best example for that. those dumps are filled with homo-degenerate, pedo, racism and other jokes. half of them could be straight from a soft corner of pol. The normies though, laugh at it all the same - because they find the theme of it to be in good humour.
>The muh hate speech argument is dead
Have you seen the state of your country? The culture has been completely subverted, people rioting over a gay man challenging their ideas and fines being implemented for not referring to somebody by their preferred pronouns. It's going to take at least 2 generations to fix this shit, and we have the entire corporate media and internet giants against us. I don't see Trump fixing this.
Humor is a function of the frontal lobe, an liberalism is symptomatically identical to frontal lobe brain damage
I want to fuck Kek in my dreams.
In here, we have several key advantages
1) absolutely nothing in sacred.
No matter who gets triggered, everything is a fair target, which means it's far more likely for something to take off
2) this isn't an enforced safe space
People have the liberty to post whatever they like. No matter how much shitposting they receive in return, there's nothing stopping someone posting any thread they like, even a lefty, provided they follow the rules.
3) people build on things
For every few reposts of something gets popular, which due to 1 and 2 we have a wide selection of topics in potentia, someone will add something new, and then someone will add to that
4) hatred only makes it stronger
The more we piss people off, the more entertaining it gets, meaning people have more incentive to post new and more inflammatory material
5) the good content stays
Because of the more temporary nature of an image board, the failed experiments of the past are swiftly forgotten until the good, or at least popular, content remains.
So we have a community that is malleable, has a whole host of things to chose from and doesn't give a shit about what other people think about it outside of how inimical it is to then, and will always build on the popular choices.
Now contrast this with the left's places of choice.
They have identities to uphold, so they work with safe material, not new or daring stuff. This leads to them dredging up shit that we burned through literally years ago, like the attempted Bernout hijacking of it's happening/advice dog.
They have safe spaces and special snowflakes inhabiting them, so they're severely limited in their material. Don't forget that what offends these people changes by the day, so even previously safe material shrinks ever further.
That's why.
Liberals are incapable of being funny because they thrive on restricting discussion and the only reason they have a presence in legacy media is because other leftists marched through the institutions and got rid of all the non-liberals that got in the way.
Their strategy would have worked if the media landscape wasn't being disrupted by the internet, where the non-organic liberal/sjw movements burn out by themselves or are outcompeted by right wing memes because liberals dominate conversations by restricting what is permissible to discuss and the only adaption possible for them is to further restrict the list of acceptable discussion topics, while right wing discussions have the built in advantage of having a constant small list of banned topics while permitting the ever growing list of discussion topics that are inaccessible to liberal groups.
Ultimately, all liberal discussions will end up as meaningless and repetitive regurgitations of the typical SJW sophistries where everyone outside the core group leaves as their interests are deemed to be inconvenient/problematic, ensuring that SJW culture reaches an intelectual dead end while driving the center further to the right.
because capitalism and fucking lots of women without having kids always wins
>using the fucking Shibe for this pic
>“Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!”
>ITT: gud shit
Because they own those platforms. In the internet roughly anyone can throw around their piece - and this is frightening, as the leftist media would say. Under the circumstance of free competion it is no wonder the best come up at the top. Meanwhile the other mediums payroll those whose humour aligns with the agenda or whose performance attracts the most money.
Half our mental energy isn't dedicated to earnestly supporting equality / denying reality?
The rush from speaking the truth encourages more truth-speaking.
Jonathon Bowden, world's best orator on the subject:
It all started when [s4s] invaded this board in december a couple of years ago. Ever since then this place has blossomed into a memefield.
We don't give a fuck about having the " moral " high ground, we can joke about ourselves and non offensive humour is only funny for children.
The left has eliminated the ability to shock or to think differently.
Clinging on to the media of a past generation to tell them what to regurgitate.
Plus there is something about being anonymous and the quantity of daily shitpost.
You cant pin a face to a phrase or argument, so you can forget about a personalized ad-hominem or being praised only because you are something or other in vouge.
And the only shit that sticks its the really good or really bad shit, and even then it changes continually.
That shit is good.
non offensive humour isn't even funny for children
Compare Nazi propaganda with Soviet propaganda and you have your answer. There was always a subtle humour to Nazi propaganda.
We control the dark corners of the internet now.
We are all Spartacus when we post here.
Because liberals can't laugh at anyone or anything that is "problematic", which is everything. So now all liberals can do is post "I was like now I be like" memes.
It used to be the right that was insufferable, don't know when it flipped.
Comedy = Tragedy + Time
Lefties would never make fun of tragedies
Witnessed. Praise Kek.
>Ah, you think the DANK is your ally....
Because memes are comedy, and comedy is about being at least a little bit subversive. And the Left is now the establishment, at least in the media and entertainment industry. The reason all the late night comedy and talk shows have become spectacularly unfunny is because they are attempting to bolster the establishment, not tear it down.
>But Trump is president, he is the establishment
They see him as an outsider, an invader who has usurped what is rightfully theirs. So the attack him while spouting propaganda to bolster their own side. And it comes off that way.
Because people on the right laugh at what's funny, not just what someone in authority tells us it's ok to laugh at.
>We control the dank corners of the internet now.
>Wolves can be domesticated in 2-3 generations
Because secretly, everybody likes an offensive joke over a safe one.