Professor dropped some red pills on my brain

After class I got into a discussion with my economic professor. He dropped some fucking crazy thoughts on me, wanted to hear/pol/'s take.

He tells me the EU just tried to buy Italy's military. It wasn't about bailing Italy out. To be honest, I know nothing about this.

He then went further and told me the EU, much to the credit of conspiracy theorists whom are correct in this context, are trying to form a one country Europe, primarily under German control. He said they're peacefully achieving what Hitler couldn't.

So I asked what's their end game? Why do this, and why does it matter if it seems that's what Europe wants. I mean, nobody is fighting it.

He said the EU most in most likelihood wants us to engage Russia to both weaken the US and also to unite the EU as one country.

He said the plays economically are all in line with this outcome...a weaker US and a united one country EU with a united army to compete with the US and gain global dominance.

Seems pretty heavy, never heard a PhD educated professor drop alex hi Jones tier conspiracy. What say you Sup Forums?....Trump gonna save us before the EU forces us to fight Russia?

Other urls found in this thread:

>euroskeptics have been saying this what they've wanted for years (literally since its formation, when they used to say "lol it's not a political entity)
>Politicans within the EU literally calling for a USE right fucking now because of economic and "political problems" (right wing populism)
>EU politicians in the 50s talked about how they wanted a europe wide beurocratic autocracy by stealth

He is bang on the money, and I guess attacking russia with a reichstag fire or operation northwoods like event they could achieve it through "needed emergency powers to given to the EU to defend the great continent of europa. And people wonder why we left the EU.

What a bunch of retarded bullshit. YOU are the radical warmongers pushing for war and confrontation with Russia while European nationalists would end the sanctions immediately.

I won't even get into the rest of this lizard people horseshit.

>What say you Sup Forums?
He doesn't see the big picture but he is piecing the pieces together as best as he can. He is more right then wrong.

>Teh Germans are EVIL!!1!
wow how original and red-pilled

Remember when Farage said they were making an EU army (lel) and everyone said he was just paranoid for thinking so?

But he didn't say it was the Germans you cunt he just said it'd be German dominated, which the EU already fucking is

we all remember Nick Clegg autistically moaning about how it was a myth and fantasy, euro skeptics have been right on this stuff since Enoch Powell

>eu forcing the USA to do anything

this must be the work of an enemy's CTR

Why are economics teachers so based?

>Mine told the class to look into (((freemasons))), cause, according to him, they rig the system.

>primarily under German control
kek, Germany isn't even in control of Germany. How the fuck can they be in control of the EU?

The (((bankers))) owns Germany and have massive influence in other countries and the US. They aren't on any ones sides but their own and they will use and deplete other countries to further their goals, they wouldn't have any issues at all with sacrificing the whole population of Germany (or the US) in a war against Russia.

reported for being a faggot.

one country can't have a clusterfuck of states inside it that can't communicate with one another. maybe us annexing Mexico could work as we are mutually fairly familiar with one anothers languages.

the US is the optimal size with one language, and outside of the civil war we all get along much better than the euros would if they had to pretend to all be under 1 flag.

Slow and steady.

Get a load of these Nazis getting awfully defensive, they know we're onto their little tricks.

the UK can barely keep Scotland, how the fuck will Europe not have a new state each year meming for independence?

That is not as crazy after I read the second time.

Never saw that one before: Germany trying to buy the italian defense industry.

Its seems at least reasonable.

But EU will never become a "country" because different of US, they dont share a common language or history.

That would never work.

How come Deutschfags are the only country that always defends this? I mean I've seen other flags say pro-eu things but its ALWAYS Germany?

>He then went further and told me the EU, much to the credit of conspiracy theorists whom are correct in this context, are trying to form a one country Europe, primarily under German control. He said they're peacefully achieving what Hitler couldn't.

oh shit, the goyim knows

The germans didn't share a language with the Czechs...

I have had professors that are red pilled just they have to hide it. As for the one EU army and superstate, the average Sup Forums user knew this. We knew Italy rejected a referendum to to my knowledge abolish parts of the government while making Italy more pro EU, so pretty much yes the Italian military would be in the pocket of thee EU.

It wont end well guaranteed the EU will not become some super military with a unifed populace. Athiests and jews want this,but it will fail.

Civil strife awaits European states with high portions of Muslims. Separatists are at a all time high. The welfare states of Europe are buckling.

It's because Germany milks literally every other country of its wealth through the euro

We will never be slaves!!!

The next economic collapse will come from Greek and Italian debt, EU needing more money to accommodate for migrants, Sweden's public services collapsing etc. Europe's economic collapse will bring about a golden age for European politics but it will cause a lot of pain and suffering

Your professor is retarded.

I would think allianced under Belgium rule. Just my two cents.

>United Europe

>Peace with Russia.

Pick one. One.

>Germany never won a war
>Brazil never lost a war

>american education

Who else starts the shit in Europe? Its always Germany. Since the time of Rome you faggots are uppity af.

So where does all the islamic refugee migrants come into this? Seems like it would botch the whole thing unless they are planning on somehow turning all those young male migrants into cannon fodder for their interests.

Germans are the Jews of europe

more neccessity for higher taxes and centralised control to deal with a multi-national problem across europe. Putting in a time of crisis always works to increase government control (reichstag fire, Patriot act, etc)

Maybe a mistake made by merkel?


mad your plan was exposed, kraut?

>Implying EU isn t an anglo conspiracy to ruin europe and russia once again.

who is this cartoon character

We already had this thread

Anyone with a brain already knows that the EU is an attempt to create a United States of Europe, with very limited success.

The EU states have been trying to unify their militaries for several years now.


Frog bastards with their bs as always

I think its very much true. Remember:

- The largest economies: 1. EU 2. US
- Most dire competetors: 1.EU 2. US

Geopolitics are for lunny brainwashed illiterate dumbfucks. Economics thats the science for real men.

Both will try to use to use Russia and China in their game. Modern World is 11d chess.

>American education


See you in WW3

a united europe will never last long, it would look like austria-hungary on a larger scale

>brazil winning a world war

I doubt.

WWIII will last 45 minutes tops.

We will not be able to do much in that timeframe.

we could have had it sooner without a war but you guys invaded iraq and prevented it

now we can have it with iran but that's a trap :)

the muzzies are dissuasion to keep out the jews

Mister 2 tooth is kind of irrelevant nowadays tho, and its pretty funny bec1use its so obvious he wants the EU and himself in it stay relevant while more and more people are turning against it (and it shows in the political climate) which gives us guy having mental breakdowns about "right wing populists"