6 garrlion in the holohoax amiright XD
the holocaust did happen, 6 million did die, prove me otherwise.
6 garrlion in the holohoax amiright XD
the holocaust did happen, 6 million did die, prove me otherwise.
Other urls found in this thread:
*world war
You're right.
They used jewish fat to make soap too.
argument refuted
the burden of proof is on you, kike
Hello, it must be your first time on Sup Forums am I right?
Oy vey, delete this goyim!
In fact 30 millions died in camps, and 29 of them where Russians.
>tens of thousands of stories from survivors
>millions of hours of research hours to create a global agreement it did happened
but no, let's listen to the edgy red necks who also believe the moon landing was fake and that the world is flat.
i'm not gonna deny the holocaust but the 6 million figure is long dead desu
Jews didn't win. Russians and Americans won. Jews didn't fight, 6 million died like dogs.
i keep seeing the same arguments which have been debunked
this is what happens when your'e spread out, unorganized, unprepared with no country, no army and have the country you live in suddenly turn on you.
Don't forget the six million! Always remember the sixty trillion! Do not discontinue contemplating the six gorillion! Always keep in your minds the six quintillion! Stop forgetting the six billion!
The Axis had a better K/D, they were simply outnumbered
Stop being a subversive parasite then. Implying 6 million died, which is false.
Don't forget the 5 million jew, goyim died too you know
I wish it did actually happen
>when you fight the entire developed world and lose so people say your political system doesn't work
Here jew
Can YOU prove the holocaust did happen?
Okay kike I bite. just try to tell me where the six million jews even lived before the evil nazis deported them? in all german occupied europe there lived about 2.4 million jews at most
>Hitler hated jews
>The Holocaust never happened
prove otherwise
d-day was a hoax :^ )
4 hours? are you kidding me fatass?
If you're not willing to meet us halfway, then what's the point?
This is usually the sign to abandon thread.
national socialism before it's been infected by hitler might be a good political system. i'm not debating that, i'm not educated in the subject nor do i care so much.
stop posting in shill theads.
can you send any "proof" that doesn't involve me listening to 4 hours of a poorly made, old, unbased with 0 sources youtube video?
Nazis are too scared to face people in real life so they sit at home in mommy's basement making memes.
Do I have to say more?
You're the one claiming muh 6 million gassed, where is the evidence?
1987: California-based Bradley Smith founds the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. During the early 1990s, Smith's organization places full-page advertisements or editorial pieces in more than a dozen American college newspapers under the headline “The Holocaust Story: How Much is False? The Case for Open Debate.” Smith's campaign helps to blur the line between hate mongering and freedom of speech.
>put up 50000 shekels if you can prove gas chamber is real
>get taken to court by shlomo shekelstien
>shlomo gets caught lieing three times about your family being gassed
>you have to pay shlomo 75000 shekels
KEK, I had to deal with the real deal of street violence. Middle class manchildren, actually living in their parents' basement and larping as revolutionaries are well behind on my threat meter, "comrade"
No one here denies that 6 million or so died, they just want to stop hearing about it.
before i dive into this, did you read all of this? even when zoomed in, i can barely make up the words
prove 6 million did die
*his family
I can read it all just fine
Either way, to you like to execute Croatian women?
Cause in my history book it said the soldier in pic was German and he clearly isn't
Lot's of photos like this
Sit tight, kraut, once we've driven the Nazis out of America we'll do a world tour to help clear out the trash in Europe.
My great grandad cracked a few nazi skulls already and I'm gladly willing to follow in his footsteps.
How do you explain your own little holocaust, Israel?
ITT: Oven-Dodger vs. Truth.
PS. If it did happen, why can't we study the evidence? And where in the hell IS the evidence?
anyone can make a story
evidence can be faked
but i do believe that the holocost did happen. people did die just not at the numbers that are claimed
I haven never seen any of those pictures outside of Sup Forums.
They were created by deniers themselves, just like a lot of their so called evidence.
That's fucking unbelievable. I'm almost afraid to research this more, because any doubts over Holocaust(tm) will bring you into jail here.
post more nazi memes
hello :DDD hologaust is fake and gay :DDD
hologaust dond habben is brobaganda and fage :DD
jooz lie begauze brainwash and gill whide man :DDD
>tens of thousands of (((stories))) from (((survivors)))
>millions of hours of research hours to create a (((global agreement))) it did happened
so some kikes said so? so what?
Don't underestimate the power of our basement memes
>human testimony isn't valid
ok moron, never go to law school
>my grandmother got gassed 6000000 times by Mengele himself. Then they turned her into soap. It was real in my head. Gib shekels plox
>Grandad's shadow
ah yes,
the flawless argument of calling someone ugly, stupid, fat, ect. and this meaning that their argument is wrong.
Damn, I wonder who to believe.
All accredited historians, thousands of eye witness testimonies by civilians living at the time, the testimonies of soldiers who actually went through the camps and members of the Nazi leadership themselves or some guys on Sup Forums who call everyone who disagrees with them kikes and post the same debunked infographics over and over again.
>embarrassing larping
>big mouth
>dicky spender getting a weak slap from behind
All I can see is your love for communism, retard. But I really hope you try. I really, really hope you try. For far too long noone has shot at commies.
You're just some troll larping as antifa
Have you seen The Greatest Story Never Told?
It's a Hitler documentary that tries to expose some lies and misinformation from years of Soviet and "denazification" propaganda.
you mudslides have even more crazy fucking stories about the Jews
>this is a bad thing
You're a fucking Sup Forumstard, who cares about your shitty schizo opinion.
eyewitness testimony is the least credible form of evidence mr law school
They usually dont allow stories in a court room, so why should we allow it when talking about this subject.
Also there is proof that nothing even happened, like how no poisoning agent was found in the 'showers'
In meme form specifically for you user
>what is lying
you at least need to know that people lie to understand law, and i'm sure a kike like you knows a lot about law.
>debunked infographics
people always say this but never actually debunk anything
And lampshades out of their skin, also used carbon dioxide from diesel engines to gas them.
Denial threads are more entertaining with JIDF and stormfags than with antifa desu. Low energy!
Do you anyone who rode this? Seems like a fun ride? Did the charge their fellow inmates
>a few articles claimed there lived ca. 6 million Jews in Russia in the '20s
>somehow this proves the holocaust never happened
Yeah and it took the world to put them down. Fucking kike get out reeeeeeeeee
Hitler did nothing wrong.
They change it like a Christmas tree
>(((accredited historians)))
kike :^)
>Prove a negative
Nice Jewish tricks
Pretty much. The best JIDFer is Goldstein from Austria. But even he doesn't usually win against the stormfags.
are you telling me they had ovens that you entered from the top by railroad cars slinging you in there
how fucking big was this oven?
a basketball court?
>PS. If it did happen, why can't we study the evidence?
It's not forbidden to study the evidence, you just need to ask to research it.
And where in the hell IS the evidence?
Strewn around Eastern Europe, mostly in Eastern Poland.
D-day has official records giving the order. Mass genocide of Jews has none.
Also what is the advantage of killing off all your forced labor when you are fighting a war on two fronts?
Are you in every denial thread?
Wrong one dam
Churchill, Eisenhower, DeGaulle, all wrote memoirs of the War Years.
Not one of them mentioned mass gasings or assembly line cremations.
True love always finds a way.
Of course, butthurt stormfags are my main source of (You)s
Seems very valid, moron