Why did europe fail to produce a warrior as b
Noble as a Samurai, a poem as lovely as a Haiku, a land as beautiful as Japan, a sword as pure as a Katana or a nation as tranquil as Nippon?
Why did europe fail to produce a warrior as b
>a sword as pure as a Katana
Samurais were mainly archers, they only used their katana when they fucked up and the enemy was getting too close.
Real life isn't as fancy as in the animes unfortunately.
The Katana w a s an amazing sword. Nigh unbreakable due to a folding process that we cant even replicate today. 7 folded steel is the toughest steel ever.
The katana is a fucking meme you idiot. Europeans were folding steel like 600 years before the nips, and the european broadsword proved to be far more superior in combat. Delete your account, you fucking weeb.
Because we didn't bullshit about things like this. Japan on the other hand is all about hype and fantasy stories.
Did they fold it 7 times? In areas where it counted Japan was much more advanced than Europe. The quality of life and peaceful lifestyle was miles better than the consta t european warfare and brutality.
Samurai were in every way shape and form inferior to Knights of the middle ages. Weebs can leave whenever they want
Shartinmart posting /
faggot weaboo bullshit /
thinking he's funny. /
mouthbreather are unwelcome /
reddit, you have to go back.
Japanese basically went into battle in cardboard armor and with plastic swords compared to the european chain, then plate armor dualed with the wide variety of swords, polearms and maces.
You weeaboos need to step out of your caves and japanese propaganda and loook at a fucking history book.
> Complaining about weeaboos on Sup Forums.
You must be new here.
cucked weeb faggot with a katana handle firmly grasped by his loose asshole.
>muh animes tho
we were too busy not being faggots.
opening this thread
what a big mistake it was
made by a faggot
Pick any point in history and compare Japan to Europe. The Japanese are simply better than Euros. I would kill to be japanese. Not being from Japan is the greatest regret I have. I dream about it
> i would kill to be japanese
> Japan has high suicide rate
So, KYS, i guess.
Without Japan we wouldn't be shitposting on this god-foresaken shoe-factory e-box. Nor would the world be saved.
So there's that. Thank Japan for inadvertently saving the world.
I converted to Buddhism because I bleieve when I die I will be reincarnated as a Japanese woman.
Kys, weabootard
Do you realise why they had to fold the steel? Its because their steel was so trash it was the only way to make it last more that 1 swing.
Japs are shit cunts
>Nigh unbreakable
You're a fucking retard if you believe that. i'm pretty sure this is a bait thread but katana are one of the most fragile sword there is.
>mfw Europe produced America so OP just played himself.
based japs saving the world with anime
Because guns happened. Old technology gets abandoned all the time.
If you're that retarded, you'll propapbly goint to get it. Karma is a bitch, as they say.
Not true. Read Musui.
Samurai were hardly noble, that's just a meme.
Haiku is overrated and gay.
I thought the whole point of the many foldings was that their iron and steel was of terrible quality and needed to be folded to make even a shit tier sword out of
Japan was actually not too far behind the curve at first. When Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Korea in 1592, I think like a quarter of his men were arqebusiers. It was the later isolation that caused them to drop off.
When the Europeans met the Japanese they were in all out civil war with more than 20 different factions killing each other.
The japs accepted the Europeans and their shitty gods and then the civil war was over they literally murdered every Christian European faggot that ever came and told them to fuck off and never come back.
>nation as autistic as Nippon?
You're still at war with Japan. Go suck Putin off, before he comes for your family.
Busy conquering the world and swimming in Jap pussy
Japs aren't Redpilled
nor Bluepilled
Japs aren't Aryans
nor are they subhumans
I think its safe to assume they're simply Yellowpilled honorary
>Japs aren't Aryans
Aryan means "noble", Hitler referred to Europeans as Aryans. Not to blue eyes white people.
lol is that why Portuguese sailors have defeated 11 out 12 of them in all recorded euro samurai duels ever?
I still love nips but enough of this meme
That's why I love Sup Forums!!!
In a normie thread this would've flown by their heads
now don't ruin my post any further