Political compass thread
Political compass thread
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Fuck off cheeki breeki
but honestly some free healthcare would be nice
>In green
>on Sup Forums
This shit again.
doctors are already under qualified as it is, particularly in fields such as neurology. unless you plan on eliminating most medical professions, more valid fields of research will suffer as a result of retarded ass practitioners who are avoided by people who pay for medical service as they are not a good investment for them.
healthcare is shit as it stands, socialization will only make it shiftier.
it is NOT a RIGHT. no right can conflict with the rights of others. to keep you alive, doctors must be forced to assist you if you cannot pay them.
there are 3 ways to morally come into possession of a service or item: you create it, you receive it as a gift, you trade for it.
any other means are theft and are unethical. taxation falls into this area.
good goyim let hospitals chage $200 for a roll of bandages
a handy guide (1/2) for you fuckers
(false flag jew, jewing his way into distracting you from the fact that communism and all forms of socialization are jewish tricks)
abolish healthcare, let it run through free market capitalism, and the jews cant control prices
you and i are pretty close OP
Everyone I disagree with is a retard the post.
Then Jews get the monopoly on healthcare, and charge 200$ per band aid
Every one thinks they are 100% correct when it comes to politics when no one is 100% correct when it comes to politics
elitism in politics is fucking dumb and people who are elitists in politics are fucking dumb
you see they don't get a monopoly because of free market capitalism, socialization is an instant monopoly held by (((those in power)))
you wont pay for it at the register, you pay in taxes (theft)
Purple master race
Until you realize if there is no regulation on healthcare, they'll all get MDs and slowly run everyone else out of business, then jack up their prices
Repugnant. I wish I were surprised.
post yours
youre right where my dad was
you can't believe in (((them))) and trust that the government will be able justly run an entire institution. they obviously have the most control in government.
they cannot run an operation on the scale that you are describing, with no regulation some hard working honest doctor could open shop and get more customers. "ohh no user tho they would stop him" how? with government? they can't though, they only can in the system you think is superior.
How did i do Sup Forums? Am i a good boy?
No, with low prices at first, to steal his customers, then when everyone else is gone, they jack up the prices
Completely irrelevant to you being a disgrace to humanity.
Pedo apologist
on a side note before the lefties went full on retard, i was so fucking deep in the purple it hurt.
They did this to me.
If the government runs it, its not ideal, but its better than nothing
post it.
????? thats so fucking retarded you see you've created a loop in your logic, you've accepted the fact that competition will make consumers active enough to flock to superior services, and they use that logic to explain how (((they))) would earn their business. YES and its BETTER. Once it is no longer better, what in the name of god makes you think they will not go back to that other doctor "ohh well no he is out of business" no, not if he is better.
That doctor will be so poor the banks won't support him, he already had a failed business, they won't give him another, especially since the banks are run by the Jews aswell
you are just retarded if you think that model reflects reality. do you think (((they))) will run every honest hard working doctor out of business, and then raise up the prices and then nobody will ever be able to compete.
oh shit, this has actually happened THROUGH HEALTHCARE and it will become WORSE if it is socialized. if it were a free market, the second step wouldn't be (((they win))) no, another wave of doctors would come in. People could go to their fucking neighbors for better healthcare.
This was not the result I expected
I never fucking said I wanted it socialized, I just said the free market idea is more retarded than having it paid for. I like the fact that I get maybe 1000$ off my yearly salary if that means I can go into a hospital and not have to fork over 30000 for a nose bleed, sorry I'm smarter with my money than you, but you're playing into they're hands goy
I think I'm pretty based.
>2015: anarcho-socialist
>2017: left-libertarian
according to the website at least
a true free market is regulated by consumers. (((they))) are not consumers. (((they))) run insurance companies you bimbo. the model you've been using, where they are forced to lower prices, would not allow them to take over, you can't arbitrarily raise prices and not expect some retaliation, that is unless you are the business of insurance
wtf are those letters
I forgot Jews were immortal beings that could live forever without having to get anything.
Im closer the to middle than anyone ever, I am a perfectly balanced flower blooming from a garden of retardation.
im talking about reptilians you gumba
the /pol effect.
literally turning into a nazi
I'm not, cause I'm not retarded, and I base my opinions in reality
so you are serious? oh christ you really are retarded
why does my model require they are immortal? it is systemic zionist culture that persists through generations.
literally hitler erh mah gawd
I was more middle than that a few years back also
are they arbitrarily assigned letters? what are they short for is what i mean
Essentially Blue is best, Green is good, yellow is OK, Orange is bad, Red is Worst.
He's played too many Japanese video games is what he's trying to say
Well you're not wrong. Definitely could have communicated that better. Sorry.
Every time I see a fucking commie.
Just take my fucking information instead of hacking my computer, fucking government shills.
t. Tinfoil Hat On Head
This area is the master race of political compass charts
what's that super in depth one? Its not spekr, but its got a weird name too.
socialism is the best political system for an ethnically clean secular country
>inb4 pinochet helicopter memes
this shit is why croacia declared independence
Rate me lads
Hitler did nothing wrong!
Whats so bad about the green square?
T. Green fag
The benifits it promises can't exist without a big government.
Did I do good Sup Forums?
I have superior views to you all.
am I cool Sup Forums
rate me guise
Turns out that my result is as boring as shit.
Bernie fags go SOMEWHERE ELSE
>please Mr. Goldstein, fuck me HARDER!
i believe in a mixture of italian fascism (state-syndicalism) with right-libertarian/conservative economics.
I'm the same desu
I'm in the purple you cunt.
And I'm fucking British.
I said go suck on Bernies cheese-weasel ELSEWHERE
From a few nights back.
I'm collecting these - wish the graph were finer as overlaps are not apparent
who's the guy on the very left