What is it about Wal-Mart that draws so much genetic trash? Is it just confirmation bias?

What is it about Wal-Mart that draws so much genetic trash? Is it just confirmation bias?

You're genetic trash

Post sharters.

>store founded by a southerner
>corporate HQ in the south
>appeals to poor people

I wonder why...

Cheap, therefore for poor people, therefore more trash. Anything else?

the illusion of variety and cheap prices

Oh god I know what you mean.

Just the other day In had to pick up some toilet paper and there was a family of Hasidic Jews they were so obviously inbred

rural and suburban retards who voted for Trump

>rural and suburban retards
theres that forced shill phrase again

They have an excellent selection of sugar free gum.

>low prices
>marketed to people on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum
>poor people tend to have shittier genetics

I don't see how it can be that hard to comprehend

It's so weird. US Walmarts have so much trash. Yet here, it's usually all middle class who shop there. Lowlife trash usually have to settle for 2nd hand stores

>Lowlife trash usually have to settle for 2nd hand stores

That's because Canada is ridden with poverty. America's poor can afford to shop at Walmart, Canada's can't.

And for the record, my walmart is great and I shop there often.

Cheap products in one convenient place. How is this so hard to grasp?

That said, I fucking hate going to WalJew and honestly only go there if I want to work over lunch break and can make a quick trip to the one up the road from the office to grab a salad or some shit. I also sometimes buy cup noodles in bulk and skip the trip and just cook those instant ramen fuckers without ever leaving the building. Lets me leave work early to get my nightly shitposting started before usual hehehe

>opens store in small town
>can drive down prices to unmatchable levels
>people shop there to save money
>privately owned stores that sell specialized goods can't compete and shut down forcing entire community to rely on walmart
>workers now forced to get jobs at company that put them out of business for much lower wages and shit hours

It's tragic really.

I think he was being sarcastic, but can't back that up with anything. The shills and the ironic shitposters tend to bleed together these days.

>liberals constantly preach how diversity is great and we need to be more inclusive
>in the same breath liberals mock walmart and go shop at their white haven "WholeFoods"

I honestly think you only need one hand to count how many black people have ever entered a whole foods yet libcucks absolutely love it. I wonder why...

This. WalMart has everything. And it's open 24/7 so I can go grocery shopping at 2am because I am terrified of people.

>What is it about Wal-Mart that draws so much genetic trash?
Cheap goods

>2am grocery shopping
Oh god are you one of /those/ people? Whenever I'm unfortunate enough to be forced to go there at like 2am I always see weirdo schizos and shit. Like, I'm legitimately afraid of most people I encounter there at that hour.

It's a good thing I carry a gun on me.

The average Canadian is wealthier than the average American even after you factor in expenses.

I don't know what you mean. I'm a normal enough looking guy, I just have pretty bad social anxiety, so I get really panicky when I'm there in normal hours. I'm not a schizo and I don't have weird tics or talk to myself/other people.

I AVOID Wal-Marx unless there is absolutely no other choice. Not out of a political desire to protest cheap China-made shit that's a few cents cheaper but because with Wal-Marxes tend to ALWAYS be crowded AF at ALL hours of the morning. I hate when they'd stand in the aisles with their thumbs up their asses unaware they are causing a traffic jam. Plus I'm no fan of niggers and they practically live in the plain-clothes security guys office (after he catches them shop lifting) The last time I sat foot in a Wal-Marx I was with my best friend and we was drunk as hell, and I bought the PSX game "Blasto" and screwed with the hippy cashier about buying weed from him REALLY loud for all to hear. It was funny.

But again some folks Would actually RATHER have low quality items even if Wal-Marx was the most expensive place in town. For all the babbling people PRETEND to do about "supporting small businesses" they MOST DO NOTHING OF THAT SORT. It's just another "virture-signal" like the left and the (cuckservative) right usuess

Price you retard. Is this even a real thread?